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Strategic Plan Update. Report to the Board of Directors November 13, 2013 Accountability Division Dr. Linda Del Giudice Chief Accountability Officer.
Strategic Plan Update Report to the Board of Directors November 13, 2013 Accountability Division Dr. Linda Del Giudice Chief Accountability Officer
In 2009-10 under the direction of the Board of Directors and Superintendent Vargas, a systemic strategic planning process was initiated. A representative steering committee, consisting of students, parents, teachers, administrators, staff members as well as business and community leaders, was formally established and came together to develop a strategic plan for the Kent School District in 2010-11. They met to review over 7,000 comments generated by staff and members of the community as a result of data collection activities conducted across the district. This effort resulted in the school board approving these seven strategic goals: High Student Achievement Effective & Valuable Communication Maximized Resources (Money, Time, People & Facilities) Safe, Sustainable, Healthy, and Respectful School Community Culture of Shared Responsibility Highly Effective Staff Effective Partnerships With Families, Community, And Businesses History of Strategic Plan Development
Chief Officers Report Tonight we will address highlights of specific initiatives for the current 2013-2014 school year. Chief Officers will report from their areas of responsibility, corresponding to each of the seven Board Goals. Board Members will receive a written report of the full strategic plan for review.
District-wide initiatives Implement the Center for Educational Leadership 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning (CEL 5D) and the 5D+ teacher evaluation Implement of professional learning communities (PLCs) District-wide Strengthen implementation of core instructional program by supporting implementation of the Common Core Standards and redefining the interventions and supplemental resources available beyond implementation of the core instructional program Create a Pre-K Literacy Plan Revise and Rebrand Pathways Document Revise HiCap Program and Delivery Model Create a plan to address Inclusive Education audit findings 1.4.2 Create an instructional protocol for the appropriate utilization of the College Board Assessments (ReadiStep, PSAT and SAT) Goal 1 High Student Achievement
Goal 1 High Student Achievement • 1.5 Further develop specialized academic programs leading to acquisition of career certificates of proficiency, A.A. degrees, and progress toward B.A. degrees to be embedded into programs at the comprehensive high schools • 1.6 Make student achievement data more accessible to staff for decision making to inform instruction Create Cultural Navigator videos to capture the voice and concerns of larger affinity groups 2.2.2 Hold regular meetings with senior staff and community groups from various ethnic and faith-based communities 2.3.3 Send Board in Brief electronically to all parents and community partners 2.3.4 Promote volunteer and fundraising efforts and needs centrally thorough the internet Goal 2 Effective and Valuable Communication Refine and develop performance evaluation tools Develop consistent process, procedures, forms, and pay protocols for all employee health related leave purposes Create and pursue opportunities to reach out and learn from our customers and clients 3.2.2 Develop and implement a web-based supervisors' electronic link/notebook to provide related information and support a wide variety of personnel issues, which adds value to the work of the supervisors and enhances levels of support Goal 3Highly Effective Staff Board of Directors decision on (1) dollar amount for the bond referendum; and (2) bond election date Develop district enrollment projections for five and ten years Develop plans for the adjustment of school boundaries Develop a facilities plan to handle the increasing enrollment at Mill Creek Middle School Develop a facilities plan to respond to the increasing enrollment at Kent Elementary School Develop a facilities plan to respond to the increasing enrollment at Neely-O'Brien Elementary School Goal 4maximized resources
Goal 4maximized resources 4.3.2 Maintain the District technology refresh cycles 4.3.3 Implement other key technology projects associated with the district’s strategic technology framework
Goal 5 Culture of Shared Responsibility • 5.1.1 Develop school leaders skills and competencies in effectively enhancing employee performance • 5.1.2 Family engagement leading to increased student achievement will be supported by expansion of the Parent Academy for Student Achievement (PASA) and the Parent Involvement Task Force • 5.1.3 District staff will review and update Kent School District Board Policies and Procedures to align with current recommendations of the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA)
Goal 6 Safe, Sustainable, Healthy and RespectfulSchool Community • 6.2.2 Expand Safety Services model and mentoring component • 6.2.3 Ensure a safe technology environment for students and staff • 6.2.4 Implement technology solutions to ensure safe and secure district facilities • 6.6.4 Implement an in-school suspension system at the comprehensive high schools and a l long-term suspension support program for high school students to ensure that students have maximum days in school
Goal 7 Effective Partnerships with Families, Community, and Businesses • 7.1 Strengthen and increase both community and business partnerships that promote student achievement • Expand our web-based interface for volunteers so both school needs and community resources can be more easily recognized and matched • 7.1.2 Evaluate our efforts in the area of communication and community partnerships
Next Steps • The Superintendent, Chief Officers and Executive Cabinet will continue to oversee and monitor the effective execution of the District Strategic Plan. • Divisions and Departments will continue work together toward accomplishment of initiatives • An update will be made to the original planning committee and sent by mail, as well as posted on the KSD website. • A progress report will be made to the Board in February 2014.