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Charged particle v2 and azimuthal pair correlation with respect to the reaction plane at PHENIX ShinIchi Esumi for the PHENIX collaboration Univ. of Tsukuba v2 from r.p. and pair correlation pair correlation with r.p.
Charged particle v2 and azimuthal pair correlation with respect to the reaction plane at PHENIX ShinIchi Esumi for the PHENIX collaboration Univ. of Tsukuba v2 from r.p. and pair correlation pair correlation with r.p. my toy simulation identified particle v2 summary ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
parton Reaction plane hadrons parton r.p. A+A collision p+p collision r.p. for a geometrical origin suffer r.p. resolution (smeared shape) dN/d(-) = N(1 + 2vn’cos(n(-))) no smearing (detailed shape analysis) event anisotropy shape (no relation to r.p.) Nreal ()/Nmixed() = N(1 + 2vn2cos(n())) ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
simulation close to pure 1+cos func. fine structure in df distri. reduced correlation because of v2*v2, but smaller error bar because of a large pair combination f track- F true -> v2 f track- F measured -> v2*resolution f track1 - f track2 -> v2*v2 ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
Parameters nf : flow particles nj : # of jet axis with v2ja np : # of particle per jet v2f : v2 of nf v2j : v2 of njnp Harmonic part : 1+2p*cos(df) (a) p=v2fv2f : nf(nf-1) (b) p=v2fv2j : nfnjnp (c) p=v2jv2j : nj(nj-1)np2 Jet shape : near+far side gauss (d) F(df) : njnp(np-1) Jet part (c)+(d) : njnp(njnp-1) flow+jets flow + flow&jets + crossjets (a) (b) (c) inside a jet (d) v2j=0 v2j>0 v2ja=1 (d) track1 - track2 (d) (d) (c) (c) (c) 0 dfp ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
(1) v2 of soft hadrons (2) amount of Jets (3) v2 of jets (energy loss+ almond shape) Models (hydro/recombination + jets/fragmentation) hydro+jets recomb.+fragm. my toy model dn/dpT (arb. unit) hydro:v2hydro sum jets:v2jets pT (GeV/c) ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
data simulation v2hydro back-to-back jets like effect v2pair v2sum v2sum v2jets r like (90deg) decay effect r.p. based ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
simulation v2hydro reduced jets yield v2jets V2jets=0 V2jets=0 ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
simulation v2hydro+v2jets No (90deg) like decay effect No (90deg) like decay effect + reduced v2 reaction plane based analysis pair wise correlation analysis ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
Q: Are jets source of v2? Q: Does reaction zone make flowing jets? leading parton hadrons in-plane pair in between hydro:v2hydro dn/dpT (arb. unit) out-of-plane pair sum trigger particle in the selected angular window jets:v2jets r.p. track1 - track2| pT (GeV/c) ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
hadron-hadron correlation (pT(trig)>3GeV/c) PHENIX preliminary data PHENIX preliminary PHENIX preliminary hydro flow, flowing jets, like decay are included in the simulation as same as in the previous slide simulation 0<pT<1GeV/c 1<pT<2GeV/c 2<pT<5GeV/c f track1 - f track2 ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
No flowing jets No flowing jets, reduced jets yield original simulation, hydro flow, flowing jets 200GeV Au+Au data pT(trig)>3GeV/c 0<pT1<1GeV/c 1<pT1<2GeV/c 2<pT1<5GeV/c ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
PHENIX preliminary ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
PHENIX preliminary ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
High pT initial v2=0 energy loss fragmentation v2(high pT) (2) (3) (2) (3) (1) (1) phase transition time Low pT recombination/ hadronize/freeze-out (1)-(2) hydro press. v2(low pT) (6) (5) thermal f.o. chemical f.o. (4) (5) (6) phase transition time (4) time ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
initial state just after p.t. v2(pT) final state after f.o. pT 2~3GeV/c Yield,slope,v2 measurements on (1) p,k,p,d,L,X (2) f,W (3)open charm, J/j (4) direct g ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
quark flow plus hadron flow PHENIX preliminary PHENIX preliminary minimum bias Au+Au at sNN = 200 GeV ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
gconversion p0 gee h gee, 3p0 w ee, p0ee f ee, hee r ee h’ gee electron v2 to measure charm quark v2 v2 v2pion & v2proton : nucl-ex/0305013 (PHENIX) v2(proton) v2(pion) v2(e) (M.B) pt[GeV/c] ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
phenix preliminary ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
phenix preliminary phenix preliminary direct g / inclusive g extraction of direct photon v2?! ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba
Summary non-flow is not always additive jets seem to have v2 (not new) jet shape/yield w.r.t. reaction plane different identified particles v2 ShinIchi Esumi, Tsukuba