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Identified and charged particle azimuthal anisotropy in PHENIX at RHIC. ShinIchi Esumi for the PHENIX collaboration. contents (1) introduction (2) method (3) centrality and p T dependences (4) identified particle anisotropy. Target. Reaction plane. Projectile.
Identified and charged particle azimuthal anisotropy in PHENIX at RHIC ShinIchi Esumi for the PHENIX collaboration contents (1) introduction (2) method (3) centrality and pT dependences (4) identified particle anisotropy transverse dynamics Mar/2003
Target Reaction plane Projectile Reaction plane initial geometry final momentum anisotropy b:impact parameter Introduction Relation to QGP, hard processes, Jet-quenching and HBT radii, v1,v2 for different particle species and their pT, rapidity, centrality dependences transverse dynamics Mar/2003
Reaction plane definition y y Reaction plane Reaction plane i 1 2 x x i plane with the directed moment plane with the elliptic moment Σ wi*sin(i) Σ wi*sin(2i) tan(1) = tan(22) = Σ wi*cos(i) Σ wi*cos(2i) (wi: 1 or pT) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
reaction plane based analysis dN/d(-) = N(1 + S 2vn’cos(n(-))) : azimuthal angle for measured particles : reaction plane angle vn’ : raw anisotropy parameter vn =vn’/F : corrected anisotropy parameter F : reaction plane resolution pair wise correlation analysis Nreal (Df)/Nmixed(Df) = N(1 + S 2vn2cos(n(D))) Df : fi-fj F(x) = A exp(-0.5(x/s)2) + B (1+2v22cos(2x)) Gauss term is to account for some of the non-flow contribution. transverse dynamics Mar/2003
dNch/dh -6 -3 0 3 6 h Beam-beam counter (BBC) |h|=3~4 64pmts in each BBC charged particles Reaction plane determination is at 3 units of rapidity away from the mid-rapidity, therefore less non-flow contributions. beam line two central arms (CNT) |h|<0.35 Dch,PCs,TOF,EMCAL tracking, momentum, PID Pair correlation analysis uses charged tracks at mid-rapidity. collision point transverse dynamics Mar/2003
h = -3.5 vs h = +3.5 (directed : n=1) h = -3.5 vs h = +3.5 (elliptic : n=2) |h|=3.5 vs |h| < 0.35 (elliptic : n=2) F2(|h| = 3.5) F1(h = -3.5) F2 (h = -3.5) F1 (h = +3.5) F2 (h = +3.5) F2 (|h| < 0.35) DF = F1A- F1B DF = F2A - F2B DF = F2A - F2B <cos(DF)> <cos(2 DF)> <cos(2 DF)> A: (h = -3.5) B: (h = +3.5) A: (h = -3.5) B: (h = +3.5) A: (|h| = 3.5) B: (|h| < 0.35) charged multiplicity transverse dynamics Mar/2003
v2(|h|<0.35) vs centrality v2 v2 measured at (|h|<0.35) with 3 different reaction planes at (|h|=3~4) --- statistical error --- +systematic error r.p. h = -4~-3 r.p. h = 3~4 r.p. |h| = 3~4 Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeV PHENIX Preliminary charged particles 0.2 < pT < 10 GeV/c <sin(2(f-F))> centrality (%) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
simulation Comparison of v2 with rqmd_v2.4 and pythia v2 in p+p is zero by definition. transverse dynamics Mar/2003
v2 vs transverse momentum reaction plane based analysis (r.p. |h|=3~4) v2 pair wise correlation analysis PHENIX Preliminary error bars (1): statistics only (2): (1) + systematic (resolution) (3): (2) + systematic (back ground) Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeV min. bias pT (GeV/c) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
v2 vs transverse momentum reaction plane based analysis (r.p. |h|=3~4) v2 PHENIX Preliminary dNg/dy=1000 dNg/dy=500 dNg/dy=200 Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeV Hydro-dynamical model (*) Hydro+pQCD (dNg/dy=1000,500,200) (**) min. bias (*) P.Huovinen, P.F.Kolb, U.W.Heinz, P.V.Ruuskanen and S.A.Voloshin, Phys. Lett. B503, 58 (2001) (**) M.Gyulassy, I.Vitev and X.N.Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2537, (2001) pT (GeV/c) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
Mass2 (GeV2) charge sign * momentum (GeV/c) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeV v2 of identified hadrons r.p. |h|=3~4 min. bias v2 v2 Negatives h-,pi-,K-,pbar Positives h+,pi+,K+,p PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary pT (GeV/c) pT (GeV/c) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeV v2 of identified hadrons r.p. |h|=3~4 min. bias v2 v2 (*) P.Huovinen, P.F.Kolb, U.W.Heinz, P.V.Ruuskanen and S.A.Voloshin, Phys. Lett. B503, 58 (2001) hydro model including the1st order phase transition with Tf=120MeV (*) pion kaon proton Negatives h-,pi-,K-,pbar Positives h+,pi+,K+,p PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary pT (GeV/c) pT (GeV/c) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
Au+Au at sqrt(sNN)=200GeV v2 of identified hadrons r.p. |h|=3~4 min. bias v2 v2 hydro model including the1st order phase transition with Tf=120MeV (*) pion proton (*) P.Huovinen, P.F.Kolb, U.W.Heinz, P.V.Ruuskanen and S.A.Voloshin, Phys. Lett. B503, 58 (2001) Negatives pi-&K-,pbar Positives pi+&K+,p PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary pT (GeV/c) pT (GeV/c) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
simulation flow + independent back-to-back jets case flow only case transverse dynamics Mar/2003
summary (1) The reaction plane based event anisotropy analysis has started at PHENIX. (2) Different techniques to extract anisotropy are compared and the results are consistent. (3) Identified particles (p+/-,K+/-,p,pbar) v2 parameters are measured and there is clear mass dependence on v2 which is expected by a hydro-dynamical expansion. (4) There is some indication of v2(p,pbar) > v2(p+/-) for pT>2.0GeV/c, where the hydro-type model always predicts v2(p,pbar) < v2 (p+/-) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
RQMD flow + PISA simulation v1 original v1 (cos,sin) reconst. v1 (cos,sin) BBC1 BBC2 v2 original v2 (cos,sin) reconst. v2 (cos,sin) h b2(fm2) transverse dynamics Mar/2003
TEST flow + PISA simulation v1 original v1 (cos,sin) reconst. v1 (cos,sin) BBC1 BBC2 v2 original v2 (cos,sin) reconst. v2 (cos,sin) h b2(fm2) transverse dynamics Mar/2003