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Third Annual Private Sector Cooperation Meeting in the Arab Region Amman, Jordan, 1-2 October 2003. Mohamed Abdalla, Senior Adviser, ITU Regional Office for the Arab Region, Cairo.
Third Annual Private Sector Cooperation Meeting in the Arab RegionAmman, Jordan, 1-2 October 2003 Mohamed Abdalla, Senior Adviser, ITU Regional Office for the Arab Region, Cairo STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION Summary of actions implemented since the last Private Sector Meeting in Cairo, in 2002 Jean-Yves Besnier, Head of PPM UnitPartnership, Promotion & MembershipITU/BDT, Geneva
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION • Enhance contacts and cooperation between private sector representatives in the Region and ITU => Development of an extensive reference list of private sector’s companies/organizations in the Arab Region. => In parallel, and in cooperation with Ministries/Regulators, completion of a database “OPERITU” on all licensed operators and service providers, in each ITU Region. * 159 countries targeted so far * > 2500 company records => Hiring a private sector officer at the ITU Regional Office: Ms. Reem MANSOUR. => Nomination of a single focal point for private sector matters in each ITU Regional Office: Mr. Mohamed ABDALLA, for the Arab Region Office. => Publishing of the “Platform for Partnerships” brochure.=> Creation of a web page on ARO site, targeted at Private Sector/Sector Members of the Region (in Arabic and partly in English).
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION B. Reinforce the identification of ITU-D Sector Members development projects and post them on the operators’ database => The new 2003 questionnaire has been redesigned to take into account accurate information on: * products and services provided by each operator/service provider; * main areas of development projects; * search for partnerships (financial, business/operational, technical…) => See the 2003 Questionnaire versus the one of 2002
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION B. Reinforce the identification of ITU-D Sector Members development projects and post them on the operators’ database - (cont’d) Company records in OPERITUof which Company Profiles Algeria: 2 0 Bahrain: 1 1 Djibouti: 1 0 Egypt: 6 4 Iraq: 1 0 Jordan: 15 5 Kuwait: 13 3 Lebanon: 3 2 Libya: 2 1 Morocco: 7 2 Oman: 1 0 Qatar: 1 1 Saudi Arabia: 3 1 Somali Dem. Rep.: 4 0 Sudan: 4 1 Syrian Arab Rep.: 5 0 Tunisia: 1 0 UAE: 2 1 Yemen 5 1 Palestinian Authority: 2 0
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION • Develop the new 2002 Operators Questionnaire in cooperation with representatives of the Arab Region => Implemented in 2002. => Implementation of the 2003 Questionnaire in June. => Full on-line availability of OPERITU database planned for the end of October 2003 (OPERITU, Version 2).
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION D. Develop the BDT Partnership Database as a tool to identify existing concrete BDT partnerships in the various programmes/activities => Currently as an internal BDT tool; => Planned to be accessible to all ITU-D Members by the first Quarter of 2004.
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION E. Create a comprehensive “Call for Partners” section in the BDT web site => Currently under development by ISS/IOS Department => It should be operational by the end of the fourth Quarter of 2003.
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION • Suggestions to create a Working Group on Regional Private Sector Issues for the Arab Region: => Meeting of the Global Working Group on the private sector (WGPS), (March 2003). => Approval by the WGPS and TDAG to create 5 Regional Working Parties (RWP) on private sector issues (March 2003).=> Nomination of 5 Chairmen of the RWPs to launch the Regional Groups.=> First communication at ITU annual meeting for the Arab Region (Beirut, May 2003). => First meeting of the RWP for the Arab Region, in Amman, 1-2 October 2003.
STRENGTHENING COOPERATION WITHTHE PRIVATE SECTOR IN THE ARAB REGION G. Identification of the “Issue managers”/moderators in charge of coordinating the work on each selected issue:=> See paragraph F. H. Preparation and participation of the Arab Region at WSIS: => Very intensive participation of many stakeholders of the Arab Region in several preparatory meetings and workshops before WSIS. => Creation of a special Programme Group on WSIS within the Regional Working Party (RWP) – (See presentation on RWP).
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! The ITU/HQ, in Geneva: Partnership, Promotion & Membership (PPM) Unit Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) Mr. Jean-Yves Besnier, Head, PPM Unit Tel: +41 22 730 5591 Fax: +41 22 730 5484 E-mail: jean-yves.besnier@itu.int http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ The ITU Arab Regional Office (ARO), in Cairo: Mr. Mohamed Abdalla, Senior Adviser Tel: +202 262 6620 Fax: +202 262 2274 E-Mail: mohamed.abdalla@itu.int http://www.ituarabic.org