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CORE Oklahoma

CORE Oklahoma. __________________________________________________. Office of Management and Enterprise Services CORE HCM Forum June 17, 2013. CORE Oklahoma. __________________________________________________. Agenda

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CORE Oklahoma

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  1. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Office of Management and Enterprise Services CORE HCM Forum June 17, 2013

  2. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Agenda • FY 2014 State Minimum Wage, Supervisor Levels, Employee Address in ESS, PMP in MSS Alan Binegar • Payroll Update Carol Barton • Time & Labor Update Ed Bejarano • DCAR Update Jean Hayes

  3. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Alan Binegar HRMS Administrator O.M.E.S. – ISD CORE

  4. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ FY2014 State Minimum Wage • As of July 1, 2013, Minimum Wage will be set to: • $19,530.00 Annually • $9.39 per hour • The State Minimum Wage applies to all State Employees except: • Temporary Employees employed to work less than 1000 hours in any 12 month period • Board Members • Season and Project Employees who are employed with Tourism or Historical Society • Tipped Employees

  5. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ FY2014 State Minimum Wage • CORE will send out a list on June 24th and update the employees affected by this change on July 4th. • Verify the employees on your list and clean up any data problems, such as Temporary employees marked as Regular, by July 2nd. • CORE will not update part time employees who are paid an annual salary. You will need to verify their scheduled hours and ensure they are being paid at or above the new minimum wage.

  6. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Supervisor Levels • On Job Information and Position Data, current values for Supervisor Level are just SUPVR or blank. • This field will be expanded to also include: • Executive • Division Head • Department Head • Manager • Supervisor/Project Manager • You can track the Supervisor Date on the Employee Additional Data tab of the Employment Data page. This date is used for the ELM Supervisory Report.

  7. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Address Changes in ESS • If your agency currently allows employees to update data through Employee Self Service , such as Emergency Contacts, etc., they are now able to update their Home and Mailing Address. • You will be able to view any Address Changes with the query GO_HR_ADDR_CHG_AUDIT • CORE recommends that the Home Address be a physical addresses, not a PO Box.

  8. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ PMP Tracking in MSS • The PMP Tracking page is available in Manager Self Service so that Managers can update the results of their reviews.

  9. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Organizational Charts • If your agency: • Maintains Reports To data in Position Management • Sets Status to Inactive for unbudgeted positions • And has Visio software • HR Users will be able to run the query GO_HR_VISIO_IMPORT to an Excel file, then use Visio’s Organizational Chart Wizard to have Visio create the Org Chart for you.

  10. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Carol Barton HCM Lead O.M.E.S. – ISD CORE

  11. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Main Menu>OK Custom Report/Processes>Payroll>Longevity Pay Eligibility (0060) This report can now be run Bi-Weekly as well as Monthly. • Put in the Start date, the end date and Agency number and select frequency “B” for Bi-Weekly and “M” for Monthly. • You can sort the report by “Employee ID”; “Name” or “Department ID”. Main Menu>Payroll for North America>Payroll Processing USA>Produce Payroll>CA Confirm Payroll (0432) • Effective July 1, 2013 you will no longer have to put in On Cycle or Off Cycle when confirming your payroll. When you put in the Pay Run ID it will look at the calendar and default in the correct type.

  12. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ 2014 FY Combo Code Conversion Schedule • Evening of July 1, 2013 – Department of Human Services & Higher Ed that pays July 15, 2013. • Evening of July 3, 2013 – Higher Ed Agencies with Bi-Weekly “A01”. This payroll pays on 7-19-2013 • Evening of July 10, 2013 – All Agencies having Bi-Weekly Payrolls, This process must be run prior to running “B01” or “C01” payrolls which pay on July 26, 2013 (NOTE: This date includes agencies running both Monthly and Bi-Weekly payrolls. All supplemental and off-cycle payrolls must be completed and processed to GL by 5 p.m. on July 10.) • Evening of July 15 & 16 2013 – All Monthly Anticipatory Agencies. Do not begin processing M01 until July 17.

  13. CORE Oklahoma NOTE: As soon as all On and Off – Cycle payrolls processes are completed for the June pay periods, please notify CORE by creating a Help Desk case asking for the case to be assigned to the HCM Payroll group. This will enable the CORE team to try and schedule the agency’s FY Combo Code conversion process earlier. Questions may be directed to Carol Barton at (405) 522-4371 carol.barton@omes.ok.gov or Ed Bejarano at (405) 522-1729 ed.bajarano@omes.ok.gov

  14. CORE Oklahoma Teachers Retirement • Main Menu>OK Custom Reports/Processes>Payroll>Teachers Retirement Rpt (0102) • This process creates the Monthly Teachers Retirement Report State Agency’s are required to send Teachers Retirement. • Main Menu>OK Custom Reports/Processes>Payroll>Teachers Rtrmt FY RPT (0102) • This reports creates the Fiscal Year Report required by Teachers Retirement for State Agency’s • Main Menu>OK Custom Reports/Processes>Payroll>Teacher’s Rtrmt CY YE (0102) • This report creates the Calendar Year End report required by Teachers Retirment for State Agency’s

  15. CORE Oklahoma National Disaster Leave • Title 74-840-2.23A National Disaster Leave is capped at 120 days which is 15 days at 8 hours per day. • Reference the All Appointing Authorities Memo dated June 12, 2013 • The following Codes have been set up to track this leave, if you do not see these codes in your TRC program, send us a Helpdesk case to get them added • NADHR – National Disaster Leave Hourly • NADLV – National Disaster Leave Salary • NADPP – National Disaster Leave Hours Paid

  16. CORE Oklahoma Terminal Leave Payouts Effective July 1, 2013 the cap of 480 hours will be put back into the System • The system will validate the number of hours to be paid in the Time Sheet, it will not allow payment of more than the number of hours showing on the time sheet • When payments have been processed, the time sheet will be updated reducing the amount by the payout • Instructions on payouts will be forth coming

  17. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Ed Bejarano Payroll Analyst O.M.E.S. – ISD CORE

  18. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ 2nd Level Manager in T&L MSS

  19. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Jean Hayes Payroll Compliance Officer O.M.E.S. Division of Central Accounting and Reporting (DCAR)

  20. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Employee Address Updates and W-2s • The W-2 process loads the employee’s Mailing Address for the Form W-2. If no value is found in the Mailing Address field for an employee, then the employee’s Home Address will be used. • If the Mailing Address is not to be used on the Form W-2, it will need to be updated or made to be inactive, otherwise it will be used.

  21. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Updating Employee Bank Routing Numbers • OST’s current ACH application automatically updates bank routing numbers based on the latest table of Federal Reserve Bank routing numbers. This update allows the items to continue processing for payment. When an update is made, a report is generated listing the employee, the incorrect bank routing number, and the correct bank routing number. This report is being distributed to agencies to update employee banking information. This report will be sent out by OMES to the contact listed for the Updated Banking Information report that is currently distributed. These updates must be made now so these transactions will continue to process without interruption after migration to the new application. • If banking information is not updated before OST goes live with the new application, items with invalid routing numbers will be rejected and not processed to pay. The new application will validate the submitted information against the latest Federal Reserve Bank routing numbers table and will reject the transaction if the bank routing number is determined to be invalid. If an item is rejected, it will not leave OST to be paid and additional processing by the agency will be required to pay the employee(s). Again, it is imperative that these updates be made now so transactions will continue to process without interruption after migration to the new application.

  22. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________

  23. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Updating/Adding Employee Direct Deposit • Recommend search by EmplID • Searching by name may cause an incorrect employee to show in the results and banking data to be entered on the wrong employee Searching for Individuals - Statewide Employee View • Recommend search by “National ID” (social security number) • Searching with criteria other than National ID may cause an incorrect employee to show in the results

  24. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Employee FICA Status Selection • Most employees are ‘Subject’ to FICA taxes • For rehired employees, the FICA status and all other employee information must be thoroughly reviewed to ensure the setup is correct • An incorrect status will cause the required taxes to not be withheld. When the error is discovered, the employee may be required to pay a significant amount for the taxes that should have been withheld. The agency also will be responsible for the employer’s share of FICA taxes and any resulting penalties and interest • Query: GO_HR_FICA_NOT_SUBJECT. Shows agency employees that are currently not subject to Fica

  25. CORE Oklahoma Oklahoma Child Support Adjustments • Agencies must notify OMES/DCAR of any items that will affect the Oklahoma centralized child support payment • Refunds for amounts withheld in error and reversals of payroll warrants • If not notified, agency is responsible to try and get amounts refunded from DHS • Every Monday the process is run for payments with dates from the second previous Saturday through the previous Friday • for example; check issue dates between 5/25/213 – 5/31/2013 were processed to pay on 6/03/2013. • All payments going to the OCSS must be set up to use Vendor ID 0000190715 in order for central payment to be made • In PeopleSoft Financials, the agency will see a debit in the 994 fund to the 633190 account and a credit to 101000 • Institutions of higher education are not included in this process

  26. CORE Oklahoma OMES Form 94P Request for Overpayment Refund • The OMES Form 94P has been updated • Available on the OMES website at: http://www.ok.gov/OSF/Forms/Division_of_Central_Accounting_and_Reporting_Forms/ • The instructions for the 94P have also been updated and are available on the OMES website • The Form 94 (legacy form) is now obsolete and all agencies and institutions should use the updated Form94P • Do not send copies of employees’ personal checks with the Form, we don’t need to see them

  27. CORE Oklahoma FY 2014 Changes • Changes in Fees for SoonerSave Deferred Savings Plan • $1.81 for monthly payrolls and $0.84 for biweekly payrolls • Beginning with payrolls submitted with a pay period code of _01. • No Change in OPERS • No Change in Justices and Judges Retirement System • No Change in OLERS • TRS - Change in Federal Matching Contribution from 8.0% to 8.25% • Beginning with payrolls submitted with a pay period code of _01 • FY 2014 pay dates are published in June DCAR Newsletter

  28. CORE Oklahoma Additional Upcoming Training 13th Annual Oklahoma Payroll Conference • Friday, Sept. 13, 2013 • Presented by the Northeastern and Oklahoma City Chapters of the American Payroll Association • Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center Tulsa, OK • Early registration May 14 to July 13 is $175.00 • Registration after July 13 is the full rate of $225.00 • For more information, please visit http://neokapa.jobing.com/Event_Details.asp?fair=10015481

  29. CORE Oklahoma Additional Upcoming Training Payroll Law 2013 • Lawton – August 7, 2013 • Oklahoma City – August 22, 2013 • Tulsa – August 23, 2013 • Presented by Fred Pryor Seminars • 1-Day Seminar - US $199.00 • For groups of 5 or more, 189.00 • For more information, please visit http://www.pryor.com/mkt_info/seminars/desc/py.asp

  30. CORE Oklahoma DCAR Newsletters http://www.ok.gov/OSF/Comptroller/DCAR_Newsletters.html Questions?

  31. CORE Oklahoma HCM Training • Offered the week of July 8th – 12th • COR301 HR Position Management/Hiring & Maintaining Employee Information (8115) • COR104 BB Base Benefits (8116) • COR106 TL Time and Labor (8117) • COR105 PY Maintain Employee Payroll (8118) • COR175 PY Payroll Processing (8119)

  32. CORE Oklahoma Next HCM Forum • August 2013 • In the OSF ISD Building at 30th & Lincoln Blvd • Suggestions for Topics? • Please submit a Help Desk Case and the Team will address topic in the next HCM Forum

  33. CORE Oklahoma __________________________________________________ Thank You!

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