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Dynamic lead nurturing is required to engage for success

Implement a dynamic nurture flow to stimulate and advance latent demand for successful lead engagement. Progressively profile and engage target buyers to improve lead conversion rates and accelerate the buying process. Use various nurture campaigns tailored to different prospect and client needs.

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Dynamic lead nurturing is required to engage for success

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  1. Dynamic lead nurturing is required to engage for success The existing process may be effective for qualifying and routing active demand, but a dynamic nurture flow to stimulate and advance early stage latent demand Drive to 1st Contact Step 1 – Perform calls/emails until 1st contact • Phone & Email • Phone & Email • Phone & Email • Phone & Email Live Contact • Phone & Email • Phone & Email 5th 6th 3rd Lead 4th 1st Contact 2nd SAL Qualify 30+ Points Nurture Path • Interest: High • Time: Now Step 2 – Assess area and level of interest to determine nurture plan • Live Conversation 1:1 Nurture: Weekly (8 weeks) <12 mo’s • Interest: Med Unknown or +12 mo’s 1:1 Nurture: Monthly (12 Months) Recycle Permission to message 1:1 Nurturing • Interest: No • Time: Long or Unknown Opt-in Email List

  2. Example nurture path: High Interest New prospect Lead Lead Dev Rep (LDR) Call Attempt results in live conversation Prospect Confirm Interest is High LDR updates SFDC with Lead Record LDR Sends Email to provide introduction Qualify based on Criteria Fast Track Field/AM Key: Best Practice

  3. Example nurture path: MED Interest New prospect Lead Lead Dev Rep (LDR) Call Attempt results in live conversation Prospect Confirm Interest is Med Qualify based on Criteria LDR updates SFDC with Lead Record LDR Sends Meeting Invitation and Provides Introduction Fast Track 1:1 Nurturing Field/AM 4 wk/mo 5 wk/mo 6 wk/mo 1wk/mo 2 wk/mo 3 wk/mo

  4. LEAD NURTURING: THE METRICS THAT MATTER QUALITATIVE QUANTITATIVE Progressively profile database with enriched data Engage in ongoing conversations with target buyers RAW INQUIRY TO LEAD CONVERSION RATE PERCENT OF DATABASE THAT IS ACTIVATED AND ENGAGED Continuously qualify engaged contacts Turn inactive/dormant contacts into activated contacts OPPORTUNITY TO SALE CONVERSION RATE QTY OF QUALIFIED LEADS PER PERIOD (M/Q/Y) Cross-sell or upsell existing customer contacts Maintain awareness with the target buyers RATE OF SALES-ACCEPTED VS. SALES-REJECTED LEADS SALES CYCLE DURATION OF MARKETING QUALIFIED LEADS Accelerate the buying process Improve the accuracy and quality of the leads that are sent to sales UPSELL/CROSS-SELL SUCCESS RATE PIPELINE CONTRIBUTION

  5. Universal nurture campaign types • PROSPECT: HIGH INTEREST • Product-specific campaign designed to engage a high interest prospect with 5-7 touches every 3-5 business days using specific points of differentiation and CTA’s to drive deeper engagement • PROSPECT: 120+ TIMEFRAME • Ongoing product specific nurture campaign leverages the content of the High Interest prospect, but with a cadence of every 7-10 business days • PROSPECT: NON-RESPONSIVE • Ongoing nurture campaign designed to offer compelling content that helps the prospect self-declare their area of interest and approximate buying stage • PROSPECT: REACTIVATE • Net new nurture headlines and CTA’s targeted to generate interest in prospect who have gone dark • CLIENT: PRODUCT CROSS-SELL (DECLARED INTEREST) • A nurture campaign that is triggered to communicate the top points of value for a specific product with a cadence of every 5-7 business days. Used when a prospect self-declares their interest for the product • CLIENT: PRODUCT CROSS-SELL • (UNDECLARED INTEREST) • A nurture campaign that is triggered to communicate the top points of value for a specific product with a cadence of every 5-7 business days • CLIENT: PRODUCT CROSS-SELL (PORTFOLIO) • Follow up nurture campaign designed to engage a customer with the portfolio of products and solutions that are available to them • CLIENT: PRODUCT RENEWAL • Ongoing nurture campaign designed to remind existing customers of the value and any net new benefits in the latest release

  6. Advanced nurture campaign types • COMPETITIVE • Designed to engage the clients of your competitors by differentiating your products and/or services • AWARENESS • Ongoing nurture campaign that operates as a low cadence to keep your products and/or services “top of mind” with older, less active leads • UPSELL • Ongoing nurture campaign designed to increase purchase value of a current offering to existing customers in order to gain share • CROSS SELL • Ongoing nurture campaign targeting specific customers to promote complimentary products in the portfolio • REACTIVATION • A nurture campaign that is triggered after a predetermined amount of inactive time has elapsed. Usually centered around exclusive offers, premium content, or promotions • MIGRATION • Ongoing nurture campaign designed to incentivize existing customers to move to an updated version of their current product • EVENTS • Follow up nurture campaign designed to engage attendees and leads sourced from trade shows during the month following the event • RENEWAL • Ongoing nurture campaign designed to remind existing customers to repurchase the same offering at the end of the existing period

  7. USE CONTENT TO NURTURE CONTACTS EFFECTIVELY Suspects Audience goal: Education Marketing goal: Awareness Consumption score: Low Prospects Audience goal: Research Marketing goal: Engagement • Consumption score: Medium Opportunities Audience goal: Selection Marketing Goal: Conversion • Consumption score: High H PRICING REFERENCES SOLUTION DEMO TCO CALCULATOR ROI CALCULATOR 3RD PARTY RESEARCH TESTIMONIALS WHITEBOARD VIDEO CASE STUDIES WEBINARS Purchase Intent RICH MEDIA E-BOOKS E-BOOKS WHITE PAPERS COLLATERAL SEO/SEM LUNCH & LEARNS ANALYST REPORTS PRESS RELEASES INFOGRAPHICS TRADESHOWS SOCIAL POSTS ARTICLES NEWSLETTERS ADVERTISING L Not in Market Stimulated Problem Definition Evaluate Options Recommendation Final Approval Implementation Customer Buying Stage

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