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Structure of Presentation. Presentation of meeting agendaIntroduction to TEAMwork project and partnersOverview of progress since 1 July, 2001Future work. AGENDA. 1.Presentation on the overall project progress(TecNet) (20')2.Presentation on Deliverable: D.2 - Methodo
1. TEAMwork Project (IST-2000-28162)
Welcome to Review Meeting
25 June 2002,
Valladolid, Spain
Brian Foley
TEAMwork Project (IST-2000-28162)
2. Structure of Presentation
Presentation of meeting agenda
Introduction to TEAMwork project and partners
Overview of progress since 1 July, 2001
Future work
3. AGENDA 1. Presentation on the overall project progress
(TecNet) (20’)
2. Presentation on Deliverable: D.2 - Methodology
(ISCN) (15’)
3. Presentation on Deliverable: D.3 - Technology
(ISCN) (15’)
4. Demonstration of configured NQA
(ISCN) (15’)
5. Private meeting for Reviewers (30’)
4. AGENDA (Continued) 6. Presentation on the Validation and Evaluation (WP4) plan (FGUVA) (15’)
7. Presentation on the planned social analysis
(MTA SZTAKI) (15’)
8. Presentation on the organisation of the trials (WP4):
8.1 Software Engineering QinetiQ and GMV (20’)
8.2 Public Service Organisation FGUVA and APS (20’)
8.3 Research Network Domain TecNet (15')
9. Private meeting for Reviewers (30’)
5. Introduction to TEAMworkThe Objectives Integration of three innovative approaches into a ‘complete’
6. Introduction to TEAMworkThe Methodology
7. Introduction to TEAMworkThe Technology
8. Introduction to TEAMworkThe Social Dimension
9. Introduction to TEAMworkThe Project Structure
10. Introduction to TEAMworkThe Project Partnership
11. Introduction to TEAMworkProject Management Structure Management Structure based on system of Contractors and Members
12. Progress Highlights (July 2001 – June 2002)Workpackage Description WP1 Project Management
WP2 Teamwork Analysis
WP3 NQA Installation and Adaptation
WP4 Validation and Evaluation
WP5 Verification and Refinements
WP6 Dissemination
WP7 Exploitation
WP8 Peer Review and Assessment
13. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP1 (Project Management)
Successful kick-off meeting
Agreement on project planning
Templates for managing the project developed
NQA configured for project management (overall project planning, work package planning, effort reporting)
Partners reporting effort using NQA since October, 2001
Quarterly reports and Periodic Progress Report submitted to PO on NQA
14. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP2 (Teamwork Analysis using Bestregit )
WP Plan produced
Bestregit Training completed for all partners
Analysis of scenarios in domains:
Software Engineering
Public Service Organisation
Research Networks
Synergies between scenarios identified and exploited
Sub-deliverables integrated into Deliverable 2
Submitted to PO on 14 December, 2001 using NQA
15. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP3 (NQA installation and configuration)
Four servers successfully installed
Configured with all scenarios
Training programme for Users, Quality Manager and Administrator undertaken in January 2002
D.3 produced with training materials
Scenario-specific training offered to users
16. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP4 (Validation and Evaluation
WP Plan produced
Trials organised in three domains
Questionnaires finalised
Evaluation of Methodology, Technology, Social and Cultural factors
End-users trained and ‘ready to go’
Trials in RND started in June
17. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP5 Verification and Refinements
Work has started already
Early feedback from users in Graz
Specification document provided to Hyperwave
Additional refinement after WP4 is complete
Methodology refinement taking account of differences between D.2 and D.3
18. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP6 (Dissemination)
WP Plan produced
Project Website developed (www.euteamwork.net)
Details of project disseminated widely
Concertation meetings Brussels (June 2001 and 2002)
Presentation at EuroSPI 2001
Presentation to IRC network
Presentation at e2001 Venice
Presentation at IST WISTCIS meeting
Presentation at Baltic IT&T conference, TELEBALT Forum
TII annual conference, Turin.
Papers submitted to conferences and publications
Support of EU acknowledged
19. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP7 (Exploitation)
Discussion document prepared and discussed by partners
Work package plan produced
Draft Exploitation Plan being
- Contact with other projects – clusters and Expressions of Interest in FP6
20. Progress Highlights(July 2001 – June 2002) WP8 (Peer Review and Assessment)
Nominations received from all Partners for Peer Assessment Team
Chairman of Peer Assessment Team briefed on Project Progress in January, 2002
Report and non conformance reports completed
Partners are currently demonstrating NQA and briefing Peer Assessors
Next Peer Assessment report to be completed in July / August
21. Future WorkJuly – December, 2002 Undertake Trials in July, August and September
Capture end-user evaluations through questionnaires and interview (methodology, technology and social analysis)
Write domain-specific reports
Analyse social and cultural differences
Produce D.4
Verify and Refine (WP5)
Continue Dissemination activities (WP6)
Develop Exploitation Plan (WP7)
Continue Peer Review and Assessment (WP8)
22. TEAMwork IST-2000-28162
Thank you for your attention!