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Comparative Management Systems 2011-2012

Comparative Management Systems 2011-2012. Information Session. CMS: Elements. Critical Skills of Present Day Managers as viewed by the Recruiters Leadership Ability to work well in a team Communications and problem-solving skills Ability to work within a Global culture

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Comparative Management Systems 2011-2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comparative Management Systems 2011-2012 Information Session

  2. CMS: Elements • Critical Skills of Present Day Managers as viewed by the Recruiters • Leadership • Ability to work well in a team • Communications and problem-solving skills • Ability to work within a Global culture • CMS DELIVERS ON ALL FOUR FRONTS! • Opportunity to learn and understand Group/Team Development • Develop Leadership skills • Conduct Research Project with Primary data • International networking opportunity and Cultural Awareness

  3. CMS: Structure • A set of faculty members with CMS experience serve as Directors. • Each faculty member serves as a GFA to a group of approximately 5-8 students • GFA guides the research project • Directors decide the course structure, destinations and the travel aspects • Directors and GFA guide the group development • Year long course with specified class meetings (one each month) and a number of group meetings • Culminates with a multi-city international trip • Final Presentation and Report

  4. You and CMS: What is Expected • Passport! • Professional Attitude • Patience • Flexibility • Openness • Willingness to learn and work in a team

  5. Graduation Options • You can graduate in one of the three ways: • Integrative Project • Strategy Option (2 extra courses thus approx $6600 in tuition) • CMS (2 less courses but about $5500 + $1000 for travel) Total Area of number of Emphasis Breadth Integrative courses Core Project 9 3 5 1 18 Strategy 9 3 5 3 20 (691) CMS 9 3 690+4 1 18 MBAI 690 and MBAI 691 are Summer I Courses during the summer of the trip

  6. Cost Comparison of Graduation Options Travel Fees During Trip Expenses Total Units Total Tuition Project 54 0 59400 59400 0 Strategy 60 66000 0 66000 0 5500 1000 CMS 54 59400 65900 • In CMS you SAVE $100.00 than the strategy option, AND you get a 18-21 day trip and International Experience! • MBAI 690 is treated as a breadth elective when you take CMS • Costs are approximate and are subject to change

  7. CMS Costs/Payments • Personal Expenses during the Trip: • A reasonable estimate is about $1000.00 for a 18-21 day trip. • However, it can vary significantly depending on personal spending habits and exchange rate fluctuations. • * Tuition based on LMU’s current tuition rate.

  8. What do you get for the money? • Tuition Fees • Gets you 6 units towards your MBA degree • Travel Fees • Roundtrip airfare from LAX to foreign destinations • Transportation costs between CMS destinations (airplane, bus, boat, train, etc.) • Hotel room based on double occupancy • Travel Insurance • Usually 4 or 5 star hotels • Depends on the deal from travel wholesaler and the city • Breakfast buffet included • Almost all days • One or more class dinners/banquets • Tour costs + Tips for tour guides and bus drivers • Porter charges at the hotels

  9. If you insist on being alone… • If you want a room to yourself… • You have to pay a hefty single supplement Essentially you are sleeping with money!

  10. CMS Timeline • Summer 2011: Topic & Group Preference • Faculty Proposals are posted by August 1, 2011 • Register for MBAI 688 (Fall Course, 0 units) • Travel Deposit of $1500.00 collected as fee for MBAI 688 • Preference forms can be submitted starting August 1-7, 2011 • Need to attach a copy of the passport or a copy of the application for passport with the prefernce form • Fall 2011: CMS Class starts • October 3 is the deadline to drop and get the travel deposit refunded • Register for MBAI 689 (Spring Course, 0 units) • Spring 2012 • Pay the Travel Balance (Total Travel cost minus $1500) • Collected as fee for MBAI 689 • Due around mid-end January, 2012 • Register for MBAI 690 and MBAI 691 • (Summer I courses, 6 units, Financial Clearance by end-April) • Summer 2012 CMS Trip • Travel: Mid-May – Early June • Final Presentation in late August/early September

  11. CMS Timeline Summary

  12. CMS 2012 Destinations

  13. Preliminary Itinerary or bus

  14. Q and A • First Class Session: September 10, 2011 • Plan for the entire day. • Any Questions? • Contacts • Dr. Edmund Gray (egray@lmu.edu) • Dr. Kala Seal (kseal@lmu.edu) • Dr. Jeff Gale (jgale@lmu.edu)

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