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The New GEO 2012-2015 Work Plan Overview of Version 0. Cape Town Summit. Beijing Summit. GEO Work Plan History & Future. Summit. 2012-2015 Work Plan Version 0. Followed guidelines from GEO-VII Plenary & Beijing Ministerial Summit
Cape Town Summit Beijing Summit GEO Work Plan History & Future Summit
2012-2015 Work Plan Version 0 • Followed guidelines from GEO-VII Plenary & Beijing Ministerial Summit • Included proposals & comments made by GEO community over December 2010- February 2011
Fully Address Strategic TargetsArea by Area2015 - End of GEOSS Implementation Plan
* Foster development of GEOSS products & services* Ensure delivery of societal benefits through GCI* Enhance data sharing (full and open access) & data distribution* Build upon synergies across SBAs & cross areas* Improve coordination of activities* Ensure continuity of relevant activities* … Main Guidelines (GEO-VII, Beijing 2010)
Three Main Objectives:* Implementation of operational & sustainableGEOSS (full and open access; interoperable systems) * Development of information products and end-to-endservicesacross 9 SBAs* Reinforcement of coordination, user engagement andresource mobilization Main Guidelines (GEO-VII, Beijing 2010)
2012-2015 Work Plan – What’s new? (i) Top-Down Approach – Targets to Tasks (ii) Three-Part Structure (iii) Reduced (and adequate) Number of Tasks (iv) Improved Task Management
(i) From Targets to Tasks (Top-Down) • 2009-2011 Work Plan based on bottom-up approach → existing activities re-organized into Overarching Tasks • 2012-2015 Work Plan based on top-down approach → Version 0 designed to meet objectives described in the “demonstrated by” bullets points of Strategic Targets document → 24 Tasks that correspond to high-level outcomes identified as necessary to meet the Strategic Targets
Infrastructure Spatial + in situ instrumentation Architecture + Data management + Data portals Software + tools Instutional system Networking governance Political commitment to sustained data sharing Human capital Experience + qualification Informal + formal Develop talents GEOSS Deliverables Information for supporting decision-making
24 Tasks, each with • Title [high-level outcome of one (or more) Strategic Target] • Definition [directly derived from Strategic Target document] • Deliverables [building blocks or components required to meet Task objectives (also derived from Target document)] • Ideal Set No considerations, at this stage, of real-world limitations e.g. lack of resources or voluntary contributions
(ii) Three-Part Structure • INFRASTRUCTURE (Architecture and Data Management) • INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT (Capacity Building, Science and Technology, User Engagement) 3 INFORMATION SERVICES (9 Societal Benefit Areas)
(iii) Reduced Number of Tasks • INFRASTRUCTURE IN-01 GEOSS Common Infrastructure IN-02Earth Observing Systems IN-03 Earth Data Sets IN-04 GEOSS Communication Networks IN-05Gap Analysis
(iii) Reduced Number of Tasks • INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT ID-01 Data Sharing ID-02 Catalyzing Resources for GEOSS ID-03 Institutions & Individual Capacity ID-04Building Communities & Awareness ID-05Ensuring GEOSS Sustainability
(iii) Reduced Number of Tasks • INFORMATION SERVICES DS-01 Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning DS-02 High-Impact Weather Forecasting DS-03 Climate Information DS-04 Ocean Monitoring, Forecasting & Resources DS-05 Integrated Water-Cycle Information DS-06 Disease Early Warning DS-07 Energy and Geo-Resources Management
(iii) Reduced Number of Tasks • INFORMATION SERVICES DS-08 Human Impact Monitoring and Forecasting DS-09 Global Agricultural Monitoring & Early Warning DS-10 Global Land Cover DS-11 Global Forest Observation DS-12Global Carbon Observation and Analysis DS-13 Global Ecosystem Monitoring DS-14 Global Biodiversity Observation (GEO BON)
Adequate number of Tasks?Are Strategic Targets fully addressed by proposed Tasks?> All Target « bullet points » addressed by (at least) one Task; see Mapping of Tasks against Targets
(iv) Improved Task Management • Need to ensure more effective coordination of Work Plan activities • Suggestions from GEO community to create Management Boards • Option 1: Three Management Boards One board for each Work Plan part: “Infrastructure”, “Institutions and Development”, and “Information Services” • Option 2: Eleven Strategic Target Management Boards One Strategic Target board for each SBA. One Strategic Target board for Architecture and Data Management, and one for Capacity Building, Science and Technology, and User Engagement • Would imply disbanding Committees (transferred to new management boards, thus tied more directly to Work Plan implementation)
Version 0 now under Technical Review until 26 May • Version 1 developed by whole GEO community • 2012-2015 Tasks and Deliverables reviewed/ improved by 2009-2011 Task Leads –ongoing • 2009-2011 sub-tasks re-organized –ongoing • New proposals integrated –ongoing Major role of Work Plan Symposium (4-6 May, Geneva)
Dec-Feb GEO community invited to make proposals Following guidelines accepted by GEO-VIIMarchWork Plan V0 submitted to GEO community for technicalreview. Deadline for comments –26 May4-6 MayWork Plan Symposium (Geneva) to discuss V0 among Task contributors, Committees and Communities of PracticeJune Work Plan V1 submitted to GEO Principals for official review Deadline for comments –1 SeptemberNovember Work Plan V2 submitted to GEO-VIII Schedule – 2012-2015 Work Plan Development
GEO community invited to make proposals for structuring and streamlining the new Work Planfollowing guidelines accepted by GEO-VIIDeadline for proposals –17 February Broad Consultation Initial Call (launched 9 Dec 2010)
(2) Reduced Number of Tasks • Definition • [Task objectives; directly derived from the Strategic Target document, mainly “demonstrated by” bullet points, as well as GEOSS Mid-Term Evaluation and GEOSS 10-year Implementation Plan, as appropriate.] • Deliverables • [This section describes the building blocks or components required to comprehensively meet the Task objectives (and hence the Strategic Targets); Deliverables may be further broken into actions to facilitate implementation (see examples between brackets).] • Related 2009-2011 Work Plan Tasks • New Proposals from the GEO Community This leads to 42 overarching Tasks that help: • Promote synergies & cross-fertilization • Move Work Plan to more strategic level • Provide platform for monitoring progress –Targets • Highlight key lines of GEOSS implementation
Management of Overarching Tasks (& sub-tasks) Implementation Task Teams created at sub-task level(activities within single overarching Task often too advanced or too different to be implemented by single Task team) Coordination between sub-tasks Committees • Communities of Practice • Supported by GEO Secretariat To foster interactions & ensure that overarching Tasksmove forward in coherent manner
(3) User-Driven Approach 2009-11 Work Plan builds onIGOS transition into GEO: IGOS Themes (Atm Chemistry, Carbon, Geohazards, Coastal, Cryosphere, Land, Water) evolving into Communities of Practice(see Appendix A) Transition boosts efforts to: Strongly engageusers with GEOSS implementation Building on work of User Interface Committee
Recommendations from GEO-IV ? Contents Build on x-cuttingdimension of GEOSS across: • Societal benefit areas(Disasters, Health, …,) • Transverse areas(Architecture, Data, User, CB) • System-type(observing, prediction, information) Enhance data sharing & distribution Foster development of GEOSS information (products, services) and delivery of benefits
Recommendations from GEO-IV ? Structure Consolidate2007-09 Work Plan Tasks intosmaller number of strategic Tasksto: • Improve coordination • Fosterlinkages • Ensure continuity