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Module 13: Implementing School-wide PBS

Module 13: Implementing School-wide PBS. Objectives. Identify tools to help implementation in your school Identify the focus of your initial team meetings Identify who to train and areas they should receive training Review other considerations. Using Your Action Plan.

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Module 13: Implementing School-wide PBS

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  1. Module 13: ImplementingSchool-wide PBS

  2. Objectives • Identify tools to help implementation in your school • Identify the focus of your initial team meetings • Identify who to train and areas they should receive training • Review other considerations

  3. Using Your Action Plan • Organizes/records your SW PBS process • Keep a record of what has been completed • Keep a record of what needs to be addressed • Critical Elements guides the process

  4. Include the development, implementation, and management activities of your plan. All critical elements should be addressed within your action plan. # ___ Critical Element Action/Activity Who is responsible? When will it be started? When willit be completed? When will we evaluate it? # ___ # ___ # ___ 9. Consequences hierarchy developed (for classroom & office) 10. Expectations developed (3-5 positively stated) 11. Rules developed for specific settings 12. Lesson plans developed for teaching expectations/rules 13. Reward/recognition program established (what, when, how) 14. Plans developed for training staff and students and involving families and community 15. Implementation plan established (what’s going to happen, when, how) 16. Evaluation of PBS activities (How are we doing? What needs to be modified, maintained or terminated?) 1. PBS Team established (membership, meeting times, leader, roles, mission) 2. Basic behavioral principles taught/reviewed with staff 3. Faculty commitment is obtained and maintained throughout the school year 4. Existing discipline data system is meaningful, data entered weekly and analysis plan established 5. Discipline referral form compatible with SWIS 6. Behaviors defined & categorized (minor/major) 7. Discipline referral process established and flow chart developed 8. Develop a Crisis Plan integrated into overall safety and PBS plans School-Wide PBS: Specific Action Plan Critical Elements

  5. Critical Elements • Establish a team/collaboration • Faculty buy-in • Establish a data-based decision-making system • Modify discipline referral process/forms/definitions • Establish expectations & rules • Develop lesson plans & teach • Create a reward system • Refine consequences • Monitor, evaluate, and modify

  6. Activities • PBS team should revisit these after training • Assist your team in the implementation of each critical element • Has guidelines and checklists to guide team discussion and decision making • Keeps the team on the right track

  7. Initial PBS Meetings • Implementation of PBS (Getting the Critical Elements in place) • Discuss each element and put product book together (10-12 hours on average) • Faculty trainings (9 hours on average) • Student trainings (7 hours on average) • Faculty and student trainings may occur over several days throughout the year

  8. Book of Products • Description of SW PBS • Mission Statement, PBS Team Members • Referral Process (flow chart) • Referral forms (Major & Minor) • Definitions of Problem Behaviors • Expectations & Rules • Lesson Plans • Suggestions for Effective Consequences • Description of Reward System

  9. Training the Staff • When should training occur? • Who should attend? • How long should it last? • Who should conduct the training?

  10. Faculty/Staff Orientation & Training • Overview of SW PBS & obtain buy-in (1 hour) • Basic Principles of Behavior (1 hour) • Referral process, definitions of behavior, referral forms, using data to make decisions (2-3 hours) • Expectations, Rules, Lesson Plans (1-2 hours) • Reward System, Effective Consequences (1-2 hours)

  11. Introducing SWPBS to Students • Intro to Expectations (1 hour) • Intro to Rules (1-5 hours) • Reward System (1 hour)

  12. Introducing PBS to Families • What to communicate to families? • The “big picture” – purpose of school-wide plan • Expectations – how they can be demonstrated in non-school settings • Reinforcements & consequences • Plan for on-going updates of behavior data • How they can get involved in the school-wide plan

  13. Introducing PBS to Families • Methods of communication: • Written - letters, newsletters, marques • Face-to-Face -school and/or community training event • Other - hold message, video demonstrations

  14. Regular PBS Meetings (1 hr per month) • After PBS implementation • Typical content of meeting: • Pull data and determine areas needing intervention • Decide on ways to decrease problem areas • Decide next steps

  15. Other Considerations • Teaching New Staff Members • Booster Trainings • Preventing Potential Problems

  16. Teaching New Staff Members • Who is responsible for training new staff throughout the year? • Means of instruction • Person-to-person • Written guide • Observations • Video

  17. Keeping it Fresh: Booster Trainings • Plan for refresher training throughout the year • Person(s) responsible • Timeline • Instructional activities • Training for modifications to the plan

  18. Booster Training for Staff and Students • New staff & students • Beginning of the school year and near holidays/breaks • Based on data

  19. Preventing Potential Problems • Establish a plan to address problems and concerns during implementation • Mechanism for communication (dialogue at staff meetings, note box, emails, PBS meetings, etc…) • Maintaining staff/student involvement • Family involvement

  20. Sample Master Implementation Plan • The sample plan includes: • Teacher trainings • Teaching students • Administering rewards • Booster training sessions • You may choose to use the Master Implementation Plan for your school on the blank forms provided

  21. Reflection Questions • Answer these questions about your SW-PBS team: • Has your PBS team reviewed the original Action Plan and used it to set goals for implementation? • 2. Place an X next to the following elements that your team has fully implemented? • a. Establish a team/collaboration • b. Faculty buy-in • c. Establish a data-based decision-making system • d. Modify discipline referral process/forms/definitions • e. Establish expectations & rules • f. Develop lesson plans & teach • g. Create a reward system • h. Refine consequences • i. Monitor, evaluate and modify

  22. Reflection Questions • Answer these questions about your SW-PBS team: • 3. Has your team developed a book of products? • 4. How did your team train your staff on School-wide PBS? • 5. What has been the biggest obstacle to implementing SWPBS in your school? • 6. What ideas do you have to address question #5?

  23. Congratulations! • You have completed Florida's PBS Project School-wide Positive Behavior Support Module 13: Implementing School-wide PBS. • If you would like a certificate of completion please print this page. • We hope that you enjoyed the training module!

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