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PRESENTATION BY THULAMELA MUNICIPALITY MULTI YEAR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT February 2013. Presenter: LG Davhana . BACKGROUND. Thulamela is one of the four local municipalities of the Vhembe District Population = 618 000 20% Urban and 80% Rural
BACKGROUND • Thulamela is one of the four local municipalities of the Vhembe District • Population = 618 000 • 20% Urban and 80% Rural • Received its direct mig funding from 2005/6 financial year. • Received the Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant (NDPG) in 2008 and started with implementation in 2010.
INFRASTRUCTURE BACKLOGS • Roads & Stormwater: → Urban Streets (About 259.7 km gravel; 123.36 km tarred) → Rural areas: upgraded the access collectors to uplift the living standards • Sports Facilities: → Have 9 centres: to develop various sporting codes. We have done 6. → Scope: Grassed soccer field, roofed pavilion with change rooms and ablutions, swimming pool, one volley + basket ball court, one netball + tennis court, borehole with storage and irrigation, fencing and parking. • Other public infrastructure: Solid waste disposal and transfer stations, taxi and bus ranks, and cemeteries.
INSTITUTIONAL SET-UP • A committee based PMU was established in 2005/6, with technical specialization in consideration • Additional personnel for special municipal focuses were included, e.g. EIA and IDP • In-house PMU Manager is almost full time with no additional remuneration. Other members support on part time basis. • Currently PMU unit has two full-time staff members, and one seconded staff member.
CHALLENGES • To meet some of the programme requirements of the Capital Grant (CG) of NDPG was a challenge, like Business Plan (BP) approval (with economic focus), Project Plan (PP) and Milestone Payment Schedule (MPS). Appoint the specialist service providers like Economists. • Poor performance by emerging service providers. Mix experienced with emerging. • Under estimation. Appoint project consultants to do detailed cost estimates; Budget adjustment. • Project identification and community involvement. Co-ordinate all stakeholders, like civics and traditional leaders, through Ward Councillors. • Lots ofhiccups in the initial years, because of no planning / not clear on what’s required. Plan ahead
OUR STRENGTH/ FORWARD PLANNING • Conduct EIA a year before – have a budget. • Feasibility study and Designs approval prior implementation financial year – have a budget. • Monthly meetings of the PMU as preparation for monthly meetings with consultants. • On-going capacity building. • Use of different consultants. • Planned appointments of students for in-service training in the projects. • Full support by management.
EXAMPLE OF NEW PROJECT FROM PLANNING TO IMPLEMENTATION • Thohoyandou Unit G Streets: Appointed Consultant = 08 March 2011 Geotech & Survey appointments = 23 March 2012 EIA consultant appointed = 17/04/2012 EIA ROD = 01/06/2012 Payment of special services = 15/06/2012 Project status: Recently appointed contractor to spend at least 25% of budget in 2012/13 and the balance in 2013/14 financial year.
IMPACT MADE BY MIG • 72 km of tarred streets, 15 km gravel roads, 5.5 km concrete strips road, one solid waste disposal site, and six sport facilities were constructed from 2005/6. • Projects under implementation: Makhuvha sports facility, Thulamela Information Centre, and 5 x Solid waste transfer stations, Streets rehabilitations. • NDPG projects under implementation: Acacia link Road, Streets Lighting, Sibasa Bus & Taxi Rank, Malamulele Internal Streets.
OVERALL MUNICIPAL PROGRESS ON INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND LESSON LEARNED • Spent mig allocations within given period since inception in 2005/6. • Partnership with CESA (Consulting Engineers South Africa) • Engagement/Involvement with IMESA (Institute of Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa) • Partnership with communities on infrastructure development. • Capacity to manage other programmes like Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant (NDPG) from National Treasury; and Electrification for DOE. • THANK YOU
TSHIKOMBANI BASIC SPORTS FIELD Pavilion under construction
MAKHUVHA SPORTS FACILITY Pavilion under construction
TSHIFUDI SPORTS FACILITY Completed Sports Facility