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Topic: Conjugating verbs

Topic: Conjugating verbs. Essential question: How do I use – er and – ir verbs to communicate?. Review. Make sure to still write this review information in your notes What is conjugating? When do you conjugate? How do you conjugate?. Review. What do these pronouns mean? Yo Tú Él Ella

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Topic: Conjugating verbs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topic: Conjugating verbs Essential question: How do I use –erand –ir verbs to communicate?

  2. Review • Make sure to still write this review information in your notes • What is conjugating? • When do you conjugate? • How do you conjugate?

  3. Review • What do these pronouns mean? • Yo • Tú • Él • Ella • Ud • Nosotros • Ellos • Ellas • Uds.

  4. Review • What types of verbs are there? • How do you conjugate –ar verbs • Show how with hablar and estudiar

  5. Pausa • Tell you pareja the 5 most important things so far • Write 4 questions on the left

  6. Conjugating –er and-ir verbs • To conjugate these verbs, it is simple • Take the ending off, replace it with a conjugation ending.

  7. Conjugating –er and-ir verbs • -er and –ir verb endings are the same except for nosotros and vosotros • Yo –o (ver will keep the ‘e’…veo) • Tú –es • Él/ella/Ud. –e • Nosotros –emos, -imos • Vosotros –éis, -ís • Ellos/ellas/Uds. –en

  8. Pausa • Tell you pareja the 5 most important things so far • Write 3 questions on the left

  9. Conjugating –er and-ir verbs • One example….percibir(to perceive) • Yopercibo • Túpercibes • Élpercibe • Nosotrospercibimos • Ellosperciben • Another…deber (should) • Yodebo, túdebes, éldebe, nosotrosdebemos, ellosdeben

  10. Conjugating –er and-ir verbs • Now your turn • Make a verb chart here in your notes for all the verbs on pg 167 • Ver (yoveo), leer, comer, beber, vender, comprender, aprender, recibir, vivir, escribir

  11. Pausa • Tell your pareja the 5 most important things so far • Write 3 questions on the left

  12. Don’t forget your summary • What did you learn? • What was important? • How does it relate to what you already know? • What was easiest? • What was most challenging?

  13. Tarea • Write 5 sentences using –ar verbs. • Translate them • Write 10 sentences using verbs from chp 5 vocabulary. • Translate them.

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