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Monitoring of the blood sugar is very important. It allows the doctor to make necessary changes in your medication in order to maintain proper control of your blood sugar. Blood glucose monitoring is encouraged especially in diabetics
Diet during diabetes must comprise of ample amount of fresh and raw foods naturally available in different colours and hues. The key to manage fluctuations in blood sugar is to have a controlled carbohydrate intake throughout the day coupled with 3 major and mini meals each. Restrict intake of oil, fat and simple sugar, limit daily milk and milk product intake to 3 servings, low-fat or lean cuts of meat to 1 serving, 3 servings of fresh vegetables and 2 servings of fresh fruits, complex carbohydrates to 6-8 servings. Healthy carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables are an important part of the healthy eating plan because they can provide both energy and nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Insulin is a naturally occurring protein produced by the pancreas and released into the bloodstream to make sure that the excess glucose is taken up by the skeletal muscles and body fat. Moreover, insulin prevents the liver from producing glucose from fats. Any deficiency of Insulin which may occur due to various reasons may result in upsetting the body’s delicate metabolism. This disturbance in metabolic activity results in diabetes and these patients need supplemental doses of insulin.
Olivia Bitter started planning her pregnancy just after her wedding. It took her longer than the pregnancy itself. “I spent a year planning to understand what I needed to do,” says Bitter, who has type 1 diabetes. The process involved talking with her endocrinologist, searching for an obstetrician who specialized in high-risk pregnancies, and optimizing the way she checked and controlled her blood glucose levels.
In the continual search for new treatments for diabetes, a recent study may have discovered that lipid levels can offer some protection against the disease. The curiously counterintuitive findings have provoked debate, and are only a starting point in this type of research rather than a firm conclusion, but if true this could lead to novel treatment options which will help lower the risk for people developing diabetes at some point in their lives. Such preventative medicine could revolutionize how we treat diabetes, eliminating the risks before the disease progresses or even occurs. What’s shocking about this new study, is that it suggests a new area of research in the most unlikely of places: lipids. What is a Lipid? Cutting through the jargon, a lipid is another word for any compound in the blood which is not soluble in water. This includes fatty acids, oils, and even steroids when supplemented. There are also a number of naturally occurring lipids called Glycerides which also come into play. These lipids are of interest to medical researchers because fatty acids have long been implicated in diseases such as stroke and heart disease. They can essentially clog up arteries and so cause potentially life-threatening situations. The rational, therefore, has always been to limit lipids through either reducing fat levels in food or medicating with blood thinners, such as warfarin or statins which reduce lipids levels.