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Health Division Everett Penney, Director of Public Health . Informational Overview. Health Division Mission. To promote and protect the public health including the physical, mental, emotional and social wellness of all of the people. Health Division Organization.
Health DivisionEverett Penney, Director of Public Health Informational Overview
Health DivisionMission To promote and protect the public health including the physical, mental, emotional and social wellness of all of the people.
Health DivisionPrimary Functions & Services • Carryout all phases of health administration, including planning, evaluation, budgeting, enforcement, inspection and pseudo ad judicatory proceedings. • Supervise the inspection and public health education programs in matters dealing with the State Sanitary Code and the State Environmental Code. • Public Health Nurse is primarily responsible for all medical clinical administrative matters. • Director assumes primary responsibility for coordination among the various boards in permit granting and proper land use, specifically in the area of environmental protection issues (i.e. septic system design, wetlands pollution, water quality protection). • Director designs programs and implements policies as proposed by the Andover Board of Health to meet the health needs of the community.
Health DivisionFY06 Goals & Objectives • Establish a public health emergency response protocol integrating first responders, regional public health support teams, and local emergency dispensing site capability. • Expand public health clinics to provide diabetes screening for elderly and hepatitis A prevention programs for local food service establishment licensees. • Produce report of recommendations and status of Fish Brook water quality improvement issues. • Continue to facilitate the sewer connection permitting in Contract #3 and Contract #4 areas.
Health Division Issues & Challenges • Maintain appropriate levels of service and facilitate current and new projects with reduced staffing and operating resources. • Provide coordinated responsive service while operating under applicable state laws, and statutory notice and hearing requirements. • Deal effectively with the development and use of remaining environmentally and topographically challenged land. • Deal appropriately with emerging issues related to a maturing community in the context of the health and well-being of the residents; including livable neighborhoods, a vibrant downtown, safe water, a clean environment, and efficient transportation systems.
Health DivisionContacting Us • Telephone: 978-623-8295 • E-mail: health@andoverma.gov • Web Address: andoverma.gov/health • Street Address: Town Offices, 36 Bartlet St. • Hours: 8:00AM-4:30PM, Monday-Friday