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Net-Centric Tactical Data Exchange Standards Committee (NCTDESC ). Lynda Dallas DISA GE332 31 July 2007. Overview. Management Objectives Current Status Major Accomplishments On-going Efforts
Net-Centric Tactical Data Exchange Standards Committee (NCTDESC) Lynda Dallas DISA GE332 31 July 2007
Overview • Management Objectives • Current Status • Major Accomplishments • On-going Efforts • Future Efforts • NCTDESC COI Participation
Management Objectives • Synchronize activities of member COIs with C2 Portfolio objectives • Identify and address most pressing C2 data interoperability needs as they relate to the warfighting standards • Facilitate implementation and reuse of COI products • Extensible implementation of data strategy initiatives within C2 Portfolio as they relate to the warfighting standards • Improve efficiency by leveraging capabilities and resources between member COIs • Minimize duplication of effort, resolve conflicts among member COIs and warfighting standards • Promote cross-COI interaction at the data level to minimize requirement for translation between C2 COIs where appropriate
Current Status • Re-Establishment of Authority to Operate • NCTDESC website: https://gesportal.dod.mil/sites/NCTDESC/web/index.html • Mapping DDMS and IC ISM common core elements in USMTFs, IBS, VMS, TDLs, and Symbology and the 10 member COIs. • -Identify core elements to support implementation of efficient objective gateways among tactical edge users while influencing the COIs by providing current data requirements
Accomplishments • Established as Technical arm of JC2 Capability Portfolio Managers • To perform as technical arm of the Warfighting Mission Area COI • Performing as Principal Coordinating Authority across current joint and allied warfighting standards (e.g., promoting XML transformation of tactical edge standards) • Completed mapping of DDMS and IC ISM common core elements in USMTFs, IBS, VMS, TDLs, and Symbology
On-going Efforts • Coordination and concurrence of content of memo • Being developed for staffing through Joint Staff and OSD NII. • Representation in Warfighting Mission Area COI chaired by Joint Staff • Representation in Joint Command and Control Capabilities Portfolio Management • Completion of mapping DDMS and IC ISM common core elements in member COIs.
Future Efforts • Designated as the Joint Symbology Adjudicator from JC2 Capabilities Portfolio Manager tasking • Review issues and actions to align MIL-STD-2525 with STANAG 2019, ED 4 (APP-6) • To reduce the numbers of syntaxes for location in U.S. warfighting standards -COIs definitions and requirements ( e.g., STRIKE COI) will be used in the evaluation process for identification of the syntax • Cooperative development of a tactical data standards convergence strategy for COI common taxonomies • Development of UML models of the overall relationships of the information objects to be used for portraying a given information exchange vocabulary requirement • Mediation and Subscription services as required to support seamless tactical edge interoperability
NCTDESC COI Participation • Integrated Air and Missile Defense COI • METOC COI • Installation Management COI • Joint Electronic Warfare Data Standardization COI • CBRN COI • Blue Force Tracking COI • Missile Defense Agency COI • Air Force COI Coordination Panel • Time Sensitive Targeting COI • USMTF COI • TDL COI • Symbology COI
VMF Migration Status • XML-ISWG is working TDL-XML issues to align TDL efforts with NATO XML tagging and naming specifications • Validation of existing VMF-XML tagging was unable to be completed because funding was cut • DISA will chair a VMF-XML workshop 2 Aug 2007 to address future direction
TDES Migration Initiatives • Tactical Data Enterprise Services (TDES) Migration Guidance Document TMGD): Dec 05 • Joint Community requests for guidance on tactical transition and interface to GIG • Sets policy conditions for Joint TDES Migration Plan (JTMP) • Interoperability Enhancement Process (IEP): Target Jan06 - TBD • OASD(NII) policy to facilitate JFCOM interoperability process • Leadership to ensure interoperable acquisition policy • Memorandum & Supporting White Paper • TDES registered within Community of Interest (COI) Directory under the Message/TDES category: Mar 06 • Joint TDES Migration Plan (JTMP) – Network Centric Follow-on to JTDLMP: Jan 07 • Implement OASD(NII) strategy for tactical communications transition from data links to Net-Centric wireless services within the GIG • Service and Agency Migration strategies, policies, and plans • Expanded to include GIG Enterprise, NCOW, JTRS, SADL, MADL, CDL(s), Allied & Coalition Considerations, etc • TDES Migration oversight for senior DoD leadership • Implementation policy for key tactical data exchange technologies • 20 Jan 05 ISRP letter to ASD(NII) request JTDLMP update – ISRP Priority
WARRIOR COMPONENT Connects warfighters and their combat platforms to the network TACTICALNETWORKS “TDES migration is an ongoing process, evolving to support future tactical data exchange requirements in operational environments.” TDES represents the… That is focused here… JCS JPub 6-0, “Joint Communications System”, 20 Mar 06
Tactical Data Enterprise Services (TDES) Migration Desired Future State: Net Centric, JTRS, IPv6, MANET, XML,Open Sys Arch, Metadata Registration, Networking Waveforms, Scalable,Extremely Low Latency… JointWarfighterDL Capabilities DLs AFAPD ATDL-1 CDL(s)CEC EPLRS GBDL IFDL IJMS IVIS Link 1 Link 4 Link 11 Link 16 SADLMADL Gateways Joint Familyof TDLMessage Standards TDES for theGIG Enterprise TDES for theGIG Enterprise Net-Centric Ops & Warfare Net-Centric Ops & Warfare ISR DataGateways Technology Insertion Allied & Coalition Interoperability MigrationTransformation Migration Transformation Joint Vision Joint Vision Spectral Coverage Segmented Coverage, Separated By System Segmented Coverage, Separated By System Networking Waveforms MessageProcessing Multiple Standards, Exchange Protocols, & Processors Multiple Standards, Exchange Protocols, & Processors Common EnterpriseServices Common EnterpriseServices Networking Networking Stovepiped Protocols, Platform, System Based Stovepiped Protocols, Platform, System Based IP-BasedNetworking IP-BasedNetworking
Joint & Coalition TDN Interoperability(Today) Coalition and Joint Doctrine Business Processes Orchestration TTPs (Operation Plans and Procedures) ESmart TDL focus Messaging Standards
Desired end state Revised Coalition and Joint Doctrine TTPs (Operation Plans and Procedures) Business Processes Orchestration Net Centric Services Data/Metadata
USMTF Migration Status • XML-MTF schemas are currently registered in the DOD Metadata Registry and Clearinghouse • Recent Foreign National Access issues warrant the removal of the schemas until issue is resolved. Schemas are still available via the USMTF GESPORTAL at https://gesportal.dod.mil/sites/usmtf • The 2008 baseline will be implemented 31 July, 2007 • Configuration management of this baseline will be solely XML based and provided as a web service by the end of the year. • User format visual presentations are a direct pull from XML schemas via style sheets • CM will be conducted via a web-based automated online configuration management tool located on the DISA DECC.
Message Text Formats (MTF) Message Generation MSGID/ATO/A// TMPOS/ABC// MSNDAT/0199// RMKS/OHBOY// Message Parse Source DB Target DB ATO CASREP GREEN IIR • A military message standard for sharing structured information (human/machine readable) • Support full spectrum of military operations • Designed to “push” information to known consumers TACELINT PURPLE OPSUM OPREP-3 INTREP SITREP SORTS TACREP DISUM OPTASK LINK INDIGO BDAREP STO
Symbology Migration Initiatives • NCTDESC tasked by JC2 Capabilities Portfolio Management to progress the revisions to MIL-STD-2525(B) to produce 2525(C) to align with desired netcentric object modeling • Symbology Standards Management Committee awaiting the completion and finalization of JC2 CPM Governance documents • SVG files completed and posted • XML conversions completed
How we do this? • Separate the data being exchanged from the portrayal of that data • Link data object types to the symbols that portray those data object types by means of portrayal (symbol assignment) rules • Multiple context-focused portrayal rule sets will allow multiple portrayals of the same data objects • Provide access to symbology and portrayal rules by means of a portrayal registry rather than a “symbol book” • Common Warfighting Symbology is symbology used to portray a common core of information across multiple COIs
MIL-STD-2525 sea mine symbol – friend, dealt Mine Warfare and Environmental Decision Aids Library (MEDAL) sea mine symbol - dealt Example of rules-based portrayal
MIL-STD-2525 damaged school installation with unknown standard identity Emergency Management Symbology damaged school Example of rules-based portrayal
IBS Migration Status • DTDs are registered in the DOD Metadata Registry and Clearinghouse under the Messaging Namespace • Development of XML schemas under consideration
Why Bother to Make Net Centric Changes to the Warfighting Standards? • Nothing in the field replaces current capabilities today • Primary OSD directed instruments to support allied, coalition, and combined worldwide interoperability • Mandated CJCSIs and CJSCMs • C2 Portfolio documentation incomplete in that they are COI data unique and absent addressing business rules and orchestration to support interoperability • 80,000 worldwide platforms utilize embedded TDL and MTF standards • Hundreds of allied platforms utilize embedded MTFs spanning 67 nations, some of which have adopted MTFs as their national standard
What’s Needed? • Operational concepts/Technologies developed by COIs should be transitioned to enhance the warfighter standards suite • Insert ISO 8601 Time Specification as a Common Data Element in all warfighter standards • Insert NGA developed location and area data elements • Address Business Processes and Orchestration to support interoperability and promote enhanced warfighter capabilities • Doctrine and “TTPs” • Define process for transforming products to operational environment
QUESTIONS? www.disa.mil
NCTDESC COI’s POCs Integrated Air and Missile Defense COI - Joe Velasquez, BAE Systems BMC4I Net-Centric Manager, jose.velasquez@baesystems.com METOC COI - Eric Wise, DAF Data Administrator, Air Force Weather Agency, eric.wise@afwa.af.mil Installation Management COI - Craig Adams, ODUSD (I&E) Business Enterprise Integration Directorate, craig.adams@osd.mil Joint Electronic Warfare Data Standardization COI - Dennis Dixon, AT&T Government Solutions Inc., dennis.dixon.ctr@navy.mil CBRN COI - John Uhler, JPM IS C4I Integration Team, John.Uhler@jpmis.mil Blue Force Tracking COI – Darrell Woelk, Director, Austin Research Center Telcordia Technologies, dwoelk@research.telcordia.com Missile Defense Agency COI - Arsenio Menendez, MDA/BC - NTB/Northrop Grumman, arsenio.menendez.ctr@mda.mil Air Force COI Coordination Panel - Michael Corrigan, Senior Information Management Strategist SAF/XCTS, michael.corrigan@pentagon.af.mil Time Sensitive Targeting COI - Jon Park, Global Cyberspace Integration Center, john.park.ctr@langley.af.mil USMTF COI – Lynda Dallas, DISA GE332 Standards Management Branch Technical Director, lynda.dallas@disa.mil TDL COI – Mike Morgan, Director DISA GE332 mike.morgan@disa.mil Symbology COI - Lynda Dallas, DISA GE332 Standards Management Branch Technical Director, lynda.dallas@disa.mil
NCTDESC COI’s Updates Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) COI – First stage of a four stage process in developing the IAMD Net Centric Pilot Concept. The Pilot Concept will establish common data standards and make that data available on the Common Network for all users, as well as to register Information Services with NCES to enable GIG-wide Search and Discovery of IAMD data. Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) COI – Implementation of 1) the Virtual Joint METOC Data Base (VJMDB), a virtual collection of Service worldwide METOC databases. 2) The Joint METOC Enterprise Services (JMES), which finds the METOC answer for the battlespace planner/operator, packages the response in most common user specified formats, and compliments and uses GIG Core Enterprise Services. 3) the Joint METOC Broker Language (JMBL), which is a Common mechanism to access VJMDB and JMES for M2M and is a XML-based web-service.
NCTDESC COI’s Updates • Installation Management (IM) COI - The Net-Centric data strategy for the IM COI is to implement a strategy of engaging COI data assets via a mapping tool which performs a series of integrated processes that generate a visible, dynamic, and responsive data management environment.To do so IM is implementing the Real Property Unique Identifier Registry (RPUIR) which will enable the development of a series of Business Enterprise Architecture Compliant systems within the Installations Management COI and will facilitate Inter-COI Integration with the Geo-Spatial Community’s Spatial Data Standards for Facilities Infrastructure and Environment (SDSFIE) Working Group. • Joint Electronic Warfare Data Standardization (JEWDS) COI - Working to standardize Graphic User Interface’s (GUI) display names, GUI data element definitions, and XML tag names.Developed a common data dictionary combining the Next Generation EWIR System (NGES) and the National Emitter Database (NED). • Time Sensitive Targeting (TST) COI - Charter member of the C2 Portfolio and is seeking for a relationship with NECC/DISA to resolve and adjudicate tagging and data dissemination requirements. Currently supporting U. S. STRATCOM’s COI Spiral Two and cross-service harmonization of TST vocabulary and schema with partnering COIs.
NCTDESC COI’s Updates • Air Force COI Coordination Panel (AFCCP) – Current AFCCP activities includeusing a Service-Oriented Enterprise (SOE) to give vocabulary training to AFCCP COIs and configuration management to those COIS. SOE benefits include the re-use of existing vocabularies and standard interfaces, which will shorten development cycles and deliver information quickly. • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) - CBRN is working with VMF to update the MIL-STD 6017 messaging standard to incorporate the latest ATP-45(C) data requirements. Working to align Symbology requirements with NATO standards and is working with the U.S. Symbology Standards Management Committee (SSMC) to incorporate the desired CBRN updates to the MIL-STD-2525 specification. • Missile Defense Agency (MDA) - BMDS XML Format (BXF) which is considered a solution to the inconsistent XML developments that have direct impact on the BMDS’ interfaces. The process included the transitioning and re-structuring of TDL data hardware and software to better distribute data across the GIG and to the warfighter. • Blue Force Tracking (BFT) – Currently in the process of a re-organization.
TDL Organizational Structure ’07 Foci MUOS IBS CDL LO Comms UAV Allied / Coalition COI Development • Membership • OASD(NII) JCS J6 & J8 • JFCOM DISA • IBS JTRS JPEO • NSA MDA • Air Force Army • Marine Corps Navy • Coast Guard Core Leads TMGD IEP OASD(NII) JS J6 DISA JTMTSteering Group(SG) JTMP Secretariat Gateway WG Networking WG Joint ForceOperations WG TDES COI WG LowObservable WG TOWG … … … … … … Acronyms JTMP – Joint TDES Migration Plan TMGD – TDES Migration Guidance Document IEP – Interoperability Enhancement Process TOWG – Task-Oriented Working Group(TDES WGs are intended to terminate at task completion) Faded-Purple text indicates Proposed WGs Orange text indicates initial policy products
TDES COI components MCEB Standards Coordination JOINT MULTI- TDL WG (JMSWG) JOINT TACTICALDATA LINK CONFIGURATION CONTROL BOARD (CCB) JTDLT IPT Issues Coordination Standards Development & Policy/Issue Recommendations MCEB=Military Communications Electronics Board JTDLT IPT=Joint Tactical Data Link Transformation IPT TRP=Technical Review Panel OPST=Ops Procedure SubGroup NMSG=Network Management SubGroup IMSG=Implementation SubGroup MDASG=Missile Defense Agency SubGroup VMFSG=Variable Message Format SubGroup JICO=Joint Interface Control Officer JDN=Joint Data Network JRE=Joint Range Extension IMSG MDASG VMFSG OPSG NMSG JRE TRP JMTOP JICO JDN Integration JTIDSNetwork Management Matters Joint Theater Support JRE Integration J-J Fwding VMF Message Development Data Forwarding