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T imbre

Discover the characteristics and personality of different instruments through their timbre and tone. Explore the height of notes with pitch and the volume of sounds with dynamics. Learn about tempo, rhythm, texture, structure, melody, and harmony.

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T imbre

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Timbre Tone characteristics of a sound. the `personality` of an instrument?

  2. Pitch Is the height of the note. LOW or HIGH notes

  3. The volume of a sound Dynamics Dynamics can make music sound really dramatic: Sssssh! BANG !

  4. Tempo Tempo is the speed of the music.

  5. Did you Know ? In 1952 famous composer John Cage, used silence as the main part of a piece called 4’33” (the silence lasted 4mins 33 seconds!) Shh! Silence Builds tension between notes or parts of the music.

  6. Rhythm Strong, regular repeatedpatterns or movements in sound

  7. Semibreve = 4 beats Minim = 2 beats Duration Crotchet = 1 beat Quaver = 1/2 beat How long a sound or noteis. EG. Of SHORT or LONG duration.

  8. Texture Texture is basically how many layers of sound? are playing at one time. (Can sometimes as described as THICKER or THINNER) Texture is basically how many layers of sound? are playing at one time. (Can sometimes as described as THICKER or THINNER)

  9. Structure Structure is all the different sections in a piece of music Also how do they relate to each other? EG. Verses & Chorus

  10. Melody The Melody is the tune (often the bit you sing a long to)

  11. Harmony Harmonies are 2 or more pitched notes played together These can create CHORDS They sound harmonious(blended) or dissonant(clashing)

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