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Many people look at money with a disdainful eye because they realize that money doesn’t buy happiness. They are right— the things that bring us true happiness in life are completely free. However, money does give us freedom, flexibility, ease, great comfort, and it opens up doors we would have never imagined. Reaching — or even, exceeding — financial goals is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s great!
How to Use the Law of Attraction to Reach Your FinancialGoals mindvalleyacademy.com/blog/impact/financial-goals Many people look at money with a disdainful eye because they realize that money doesn’t buy happiness. They are right— the things that bring us true happiness in lifeare completely free. However, money does give us freedom, flexibility, ease, great comfort, and it opens up doors we would have neverimagined. Reaching — or even, exceeding — financial goals is not a bad thing. In fact, it’sgreat! However, many people don’t look at money as a means to freedom and possibility because they are too focused on simply trying to get by: they unwillingly clock in at their stale office everyday, counting down the hours to go home. They spend most of their time and energy trying to attain just enoughmoney. Did you know that most people spend a huge amount of their lives trying to make up in action (such as slaving away at a job they dislike) for what they are simply lacking vibrationally? This is where the Law of Attraction comes intoplay. If you are unfamiliar with how the Law of Attraction works, perhaps first read this Law of Attraction overview. Simply put, just like any other law, the Law of Attraction is the magnetic power of the Universe that is constantly drawing matching energies together. For instance, thoughts of health attract health, thoughts of love attract love, and thoughts of financial abundance attract financialabundance. It’s as simple — or as difficult — asthat. So, we understand that perhaps you have some personal financial goals are you wanting to reach. This article is here to help you learn how to leverage the Laws of Attraction in order to reach your personal financial goals. Tell a newstory “As you tell the story the way you want it to be, the Universe has to comply. It has to." — AbrahamHicks how to reach your financialgoals In order to fully step into a new reality, we must leave our previous financial story behind. Our old financial story may sound somethinglike: “I always have to work hard formoney.” “When money does come, it quickly leaves and I am in a constant battle to get it.” “How does he have so much money? He must selldrugs.” A new financial story to start telling yourself should sound more along the linesof: “Money is like breath, it flows, it comes just as I need— it is always there for me.” “I'm a magnet for infiniteprosperity.”
“I have an occupation that thrills me. I constantly experience ever-flowing prosperity and financial abundance.” Appreciation The thing is, most people look at money from a perspective of lack. Yes, they are thinking of money, but instead of thinking of the having of money, they are focused on their lack of money. Guess what that brings to them? A lack of money, and even more reasons to feel a lack ofmoney. In order to reach our personal financial goals, it is crucial that we first change our perspective from a lack of money, to the feeling of havingit. The best way to begin the process of raising your vibration is to start appreciatingwhat you already have. Even if you are simply appreciating your eyes for giving the miraculous gift of sight, the trees for their beauty and the life-giving oxygen they expel, or the birds for their lovely morningmelodies. If you'd like some help getting started, hereis a brilliant list of 100 things to be appreciativeof. You can even write these things down — you will soon have a sore hand from writing, and a cornucopia of other things to still want to write. This feeling of appreciation will create feelings of abundance and, thus, will attract financial abundance into yourlife. Then, once you are feeling appreciative and abundant, you can then begin to feel the appreciation for how nice it will be once you reach your goals of finance. Imagine yourself currently attaining the money, and give massive thanks to the Universe and it’s undying principles of attraction for bringing it to you. Allow yourself to continue feeling this appreciation for already having the money; if you do this, the money will come— and you will be amazed at the creative ways the Universe finds to bring it toyou. Forget the“how’s” financialgoals This leads us to another crucial step to achieving your goals of finance— leave the cursed “how’s”behind! The Universe will find amazingly surprising and utterly compelling ways to bring our desires into fruition. The more we stress and try and figure out “how” the money will come to us, the more we resist and block the money from actually manifesting itself into ourlives. If, instead of focusing on the end-goal of having received the money, we focus on specific ways of getting it (like a scoring a better-paying job), we are always blocking out potentially more fruitfuloutcomes. For instance, perhaps you believe that the most logical way for you to make money is to get a raise and work more hours at your job. However, perhaps the Universe had something a bit more relaxed in mind, like winning thousands of dollars in a sweepstakes or finding out about a long-lost inheritance from your great- great-great aunt. If you are focused on any particular ‘means to an end’ you will be blocking out other countlesspotentialities. Move beyondvisualization Visualization is often touted as the number one way to bring your personal financial goals into fruition. However, visualization, alone, is not the trick — the key to manifestation is in the vibrations you give off,not
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