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UNIT 7. DIDACTIC APPROACHES. AIMS OF TODAY. To show different aspects taking part in the didactic approaches to language teaching . To know the European Council approach towards language teaching and learning and the repercussion in the didactic approach .

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  2. AIMS OF TODAY • To show differentaspectstakingpart in thedidacticapproachestolanguageteaching. • ToknowtheEuropean Council approachtowardslanguageteaching and learning and therepercussion in thedidacticapproach. • Tobecomeaware of thedifferentcompetencestakingpart in thecommunicativecompetence. • Toreflectaboutourowndidacticapproach. JSP 2010-2011

  3. METHODOLOGY • Initialquestionnaire: discussion. (15 min.) • Teacher’sspeechonthetopic (30 min.) • Task 1: Questionnaireforgroupwork (30 min.) • Task 2: Questionnaireforgroupwork (40 min.) • Task 3: Writing a composition at home. JSP 2010-2011

  4. INITIAL QUESTIONNAIRE • Whichmethodological and organizationalmeasuresshouldbetaken in a schooltoputintopractice a multilingualprogramme? • One of themainobjectives of linguisticlearningisthatitshouldbeusefulforcommunication. What do youthink of thisstatement? Do youthinkit has alwaysbeen so? • “Whatweknow of a languageisdirectlyrelatedtothecontextwherewehavelearntit”. Do youagreewiththisstatement? Ifnot, accordingtoyou, whatconsequenceswillithave in theteaching of languages? JSP 2010-2011

  5. INITIAL QUESTIONNAIRE • Whatdoesthestatement “Language has tobetheinstrument and theobject of learning” mean? • Do youagreewiththefollowingstatement: “Goodlevels of languagecannotbeachievedwithhours of language and thetextbook”? Ifthestatementis true, how can itbeachieved? Whatdoesthecurriculumsayaboutthis? JSP 2010-2011

  6. DIDACTIC APPROACHES AN ACTION-ORIENTED APPROACH Welearnbydoing. Anyact of languagelearningorteachingisconcernedwiththefollowingdimensions: Individual’s general competences Communicativelanguagecompetence Languageactivities Domains Strategies, Tasks and Texts Languageprocesses Contexts JSP 2010-2011

  7. INDIVIDUAL’S GENERAL COMPETENCES • COMPETENCE: knowledge, skills and characteristicsthatallow a persontoperformactions. • KNOWLEDGE: Empiricalknowledge and Academicknowledge • SKILLS AND KNOW-HOW: abilitytocarryoutprocedures • EXISTENTIAL COMPETENCE: individual characteristics, personalitytraits and attitudes. • ABILITY TO LEARN: a mixture of thepreviousitems. JSP 2010-2011

  8. LANGUAGE ACTIVITIES • RECEPTIVE ACTIVITIES: • Listening • Reading • PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES: • Speaking • Writing • INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES: • Conversation • Mediation JSP 2010-2011

  9. STRATEGIES, TASKS, TEXTS • Strategy: organised, purposeful and regulated line of actiontocarryout a task. • Task: purposefulactiontoachieve a givenresult. • Text: anysequence of discourserelatedto a specificdomain. • Theaction-orientedapproachiscentredontherelationsbetween: • The use of strategieslinkedtoone’scompetences • Theperception of thesituationorcontext (domain) • Thetaskortaskstobeaccomplished • Therelationshipbetweenstrategies, tasks and textdependsonthenature of thetask. JSP 2010-2011

  10. DOMAINS • Broadsectors of social life in which social agentsoperate. • Publicdomain: ordinary social interaction • Personal domain: familyrelations and individual social practices. • Educationaldomain: learningcontext. • Occupationaldomain: activities and relations in theexercise of a job. JSP 2010-2011

  11. LANGUAGE PROCESSES • Acquisitionorlearning? • How do learnerslearn? • Sufficientmeaningful input exposure = acquisition. • Sufficientmeaningful input exposure + active participation in communicativeinteraction = acquisition. • Studyinglanguage rules and vocabulary = comprehesion and use (consciouslearning) • Learners do notnecessarilylearnwhatteachersteach. • Consciouslearning + sufficientpractice JSP 2010-2011


  13. PLURILINGUAL COMPETENCE • Anuneven and changingcompetence. • Allowslanguageswitching. • Notthe simple addition of monolingualcompetences. • Promotesthedevelopment of linguistic and communicativeawareness and metacognitivestrategies. • Speeds up subsequentlearning. JSP 2010-2011

  14. TASK 1. QUESTIONNAIRE 1.- Do youthinkany of thisapproachesis more relevantthantheresttoteach a language? 2.- Itisthesame in L1, L2 or L3? 3.- Whichapproaches do younormallyfollow in youreverydaylessons? 4.- Douyou use thembecause of thelevel of thestudents, because of theaims of thecurriculum, because of thetype of textbooks? JSP 2010-2011

  15. TASK 2. DISCUSSION 1.- The role of teachers, learners and media. 2.-Tasks, activities and texts. 3.- Communicativestrategies. 4.- General competences. 5.- Vocabulary and lexical selection. 6.- Grammaticalcompetence. 7.- Formal exercises. 8.- Pronunciation. 9.- Orthography. 10.- Thelearner’ssociolinguisticcompetence. 11.- Thelearner’spragmaticcompetence. 12.- Errors and mistakes. JSP 2010-2011

  16. TASK 3. HOMEWORK • Conclusions of groupworkforthe blog. • Writing: • Do youthinkthatworkingonthe curricular basicskillsmeans a significantchange in ournowadaysjob? • Fromyourviewpoint, which are themainchallengesoureducationalsystem has forthe 21st century? What do youthinkourpupilswillneedtobecomegoodcitizens, competent, …? JSP 2010-2011

  17. REMEMBER: NEXT SESSION IS ON APRIL, 12TH THANK YOU www.clil-castello.wikispaces.com JSP 2010-2011

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