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AE@SG Media Grid Initiative

Discover the Media Grid Initiative focusing on diverse components and applications in digital media. Explore architecture, Maya, PovRay, and Mental Ray features, benefitting the industry.

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AE@SG Media Grid Initiative

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  1. AE@SG Media Grid Initiative By A/Prof. Bu-Sung Lee, Francis Nanyang Technological University

  2. Content • Background • Architecture • Applications • Maya(with plug-in) • PovRay • Mental Ray • Resource Matching

  3. Objectives • Illustration of an ICT application encompassing diverse components in applications, portal & middleware • Application has potential to benefit digital media industry • Complements promotion of Grid Computing in digital media industry

  4. Background • Project duration: Nov’2004 till Nov 2006 • Initiative of • Infocomm Development Authority(iDA) Singapore • Hewlett Packard(HP) • Participants • School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University • School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University • Institute of High Performance, A*STAR

  5. Background(2)

  6. Media Grid Architecture Applications:- Pixie- Povray- Modeler- MentalRay Portal Mental Ray/others Toolkits- Data collection - Job monitoring - Results preview - Fault-redundancy (Missing job resubmission) - Input data preprocessing/uncompressing http NGO LSF Grid WWW Browser Submit job Platform LSF Meta-scheduler ssh ESC Maya submit ssh ESC Submit job Resource Matchmaker iHPC Meta-scheduler ESC SOAP animator ESC

  7. Media Portal Data QM Charging model data data data data data Use scenario Info service Job service MAYA/3DS,etc. other svcs Virtualization/ Middleware Layer

  8. Work Packages • WP1 - Point of access for users. Provide real-time collaborative environment & Media Workbench • WP2 - Gridification of animation & image rendering applications • WP3 - Generic middleware for job execution & management • WP3 - Expanding the scope of HP – Quartermaster tool from UDC to Grid for resource virtualization & allocation • WP4 - Globus standards. No development undertaken • WP5 - Aims to model usage patterns using NGO/GOG data & work on market based resource allocations models/biz models

  9. Multiple Interfaces for Job Submission

  10. Step 1 – Create Model in Maya

  11. Step 2 – Job Submission from Maya to the Grid Each frame is associated with one Grid job.

  12. Step 3 – Output Data Collection from Portal The package contains all resultant TIF files.

  13. Speedup Sample • The time to render a RIB file is about 40 seconds. • 351 RIB files need about 4 hours for rendering in a single computer. • Clusters hpc-pdpm has 20 CPUs in 10 machines. Cluster melon has 20 CPUs in 10 machines. • By using LSF to submit the jobs to hpc-pdpm and melon, now rending 351 RIB files only need about 14 minutes including the time for data stage in/out. The speedup is about 17.

  14. Job Submission from Portal to LSF The uploaded package includes all rib files, textures and shaders.

  15. Check Status for the Most Recently Submitted Job Progress

  16. Portlet of Checking Status for the Rendering Jobs Submitted from Maya and from Portal

  17. 2. POV-Ray Interactive Rendering • Goals • Use Grid to render complex photo-realistic objects when a single computer is not sufficient. • Deliver the application through the rich media portal directly to the users, without installing additional software • Perform on-the fly visualization of the rendering process to give the user more control.

  18. Nodes Nodes Cluster A Cluster B Architecture overview GRID Portal Web interface Proxies Rendering is performed in parallel for every web user

  19. POV-Ray Interactive Rendering

  20. POV-Ray Interactive Rendering

  21. POV-Ray Interactive Rendering Rendering in progress

  22. POV-Ray Interactive Rendering

  23. 3. Interactive Shape Modeling App. • Goals • Use Grid to work with 3D shapes when a single computer computational power is not sufficient. • Deliver the application through the rich media portal directly to the users, without installing additional software • Methods • Java3D web-based interface to receive user commands and visualize the model • Real-time communication link between computing nodes and the interface

  24. Nodes Nodes Cluster A Cluster B Architecture overview Web clients GRID Portal Web interface Proxies Rendering is performed in parallel for every web user

  25. Task distribution 1. Object is split into several parts 2. The parts are distributed among the processing nodes 3. The results are sent back and combined 4. Users are able to visualize the model In their browsers interactively

  26. Interactive Modeling App.

  27. Interactive Modeling App

  28. Interactive Modeling App

  29. 4. Mental Ray

  30. Melon020 Mentalray client Melon001 Mentalray server Melon002 Mentalray server Melon003 Mentalray server Melon004 Mentalray server Mental Ray Arch.

  31. Web-Service Enabled Resource Management • Understanding User Requirements • Formal Representation of Grid Resources

  32. Web-Service Enabled Resource Management • Discovery and Matching of Grid Resources • Problems Countered in Integration • Information Service

  33. Conclusion • Maya Application plug-in and portal submission • Achievements • Mental Ray submission through portal. • Integration from Application to Information management. • Integration with LSF

  34. The challenge Thanks!

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