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The Petition • The full text of the PETITION is available on line – for downloading and printing – at this link:http://www.kapatiranparty.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/PIC_AntiPoliticalDynastyPetition_FINAL.pdf • The PETITION conforms to the prescribed form of the Comelec per minute Resolution No. 12-1059, which among others include: • the embodied proposed measure/Prohibition of Political Dynasty Act; and • the authorized representatives, who will represent some 5 million required petitioners/voters in future hearings with the Commission or any other court. • The SIGNATURE SHEET is available online – for downloading and printing – at this link:http://www.kapatiranparty.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/PIC-SignatureSheet-AntiPoliticalDynastyPetition_FINAL.pdf • Or, for other details, visit the main page at this link:http://www.kapatiranparty.org/our-stand/prohibition-of-political-dynasties/
The Proposed Law: The Reference CONSANGUINITY & AFFINITY Chart X X Prohibition: Relatives within the 2nd degree of consanguinity and affinity. Public Official/ Candidate X X X CALCULATING DEGREE OF CONSANGUINITY (relationship by blood): The labeled boxes list the relationship by title to and degree of distance from the public official/candidate. For instance, anyone in a box numbered 1, 2 is within the 2nd degree of consanguinity. CALCULATING DEGREE OF AFFINITY (relationship by marriage): Put “spouse” (in place of public official/candidate) in the box. A husband and wife are related in the first degree by marriage. For other relationships by marriage, the degree of relationship is the same as the degree of relationship by blood.
THE SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN Primary Requirement To exercise the power of initiative or referendum, at least 10% of the total number of the registered voters, of which every legislative districtis represented by at least three per centum (3%) of the registered voters thereof, shall sign a petition for the purpose and register the same with the Commission.
THE SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN Legislative Districts ≈ 234Legislative Districts (LD) LD1 + LD2 + LD3 +….+ LD234≥10%of registered voters nationwide where each LD ≥3% of voters therein
THE SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN Legislative Districts vis-à-vis Lay Organizations ≈ 234Legislative Districts (LD) ≈ 86 Archdioceses/Dioceses Various lay organizations X number of Legislative Districts = an Archdiocese or a Diocese
THE DIOCESE The territorial jurisdiction of the Diocese vis-avis The LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS therein
The Legislative Districts showing • Number of registered voters • Equivalent at • 3% • 10% • Target 12% Signature Campaign is best organized/monitored at LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT level to ensure every legislative district is represented by at least three per centum (3%) of the registered voters thereof.
Cities/Municipalities under each Legislative District and the number of registered voters per city/municipality Within a LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT, the signature Campaign can be SELECTIVELY done in CITIES/MUNICIPALITIES with high number of registered voters, enough to obtain the 12% TARGET or at least three per centum (3%) of the registered voters in that Legislative District.
SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN at least 10% of registered voters Upstream Downstream 234 Legislative Districts (LD) at least 3% in each + LD 1 LD 2 LD 3 LD 4 …LD 234 Start + + + Signature campaign best organized at LD level. At least 3%? Yes No Desired Target/LD: 12% Selectively, where # of voters are highest Yes Done? + + City/Mun. 2 …City/Mun. n City/Mun. 1 No VERIFICATION by Election Officer Signature Station 1 Signature Station n Signature Station 2 + + 3 ORIGINAL Signature Sheets 3 ORIGINAL Signature Sheets 3 ORIGINAL Signature Sheets
Archdiocesan or Diocesan JURISDICTION Legislative District #1 Legislative District #2 Legislative District …n City or Mun #1 City or Mun #1 City or Mun #1 City or Mun #2 City or Mun #2 City or Mun #2 City or Mun n City or Mun n City or Mun n
Legislative District # 1 City or Mun # 1 City or Mun #2 City or Mun n SIGNATURE Stations 1, 2,…,n SIGNATURE Stations 1, 2,…,n SIGNATURE Stations 1, 2,…,n COMELEC Resolution 2300, SEC. 29. Signature stations. – Signature stations may be established by the proponents with the assistance of the Election Registrar in as many places in the municipality as may be warranted. WHY MUNICIPALITY OR CITY? Because Comelec is so structured that the custodian of voters’ records is at the level of city or municipality election officer.
Organizational Structure People’s Initiative by the Lay Faithful Archdiocesan or Diocesan LAY COORDINATOR Legislative District #1 COORDINATOR Legislative District #2 COORDINATOR Legislative District #n COORDINATOR City or Mun #1 COORDINATOR City or Mun #1 COORDINATOR City or Mun #1 COORDINATOR City or Mun #2 COORDINATOR City or Mun #2 COORDINATOR City or Mun #2 COORDINATOR City or Mun #n COORDINATOR City or Mun #n COORDINATOR City or Mun #n COORDINATORR PLUS the SIGNATURE STATION COORDINATORS in each City/Municipality
What are the2 primary materials each signature station should have?
3 sets*, PETITION in which embodied are the proposed law and signature sheets …… *- petitioners/voters should sign 3x because two (2) originals will be submitted to Comelec Law Department, one(1) original for own file.
POSTER LEAFLET SIGNATURE STATION • Primary materials: • Petition • Signature Sheet in sets of 3 • Optional Materials: • Poster • Leaflet SIGNATURE SHEETS Each petitioner signing 3x PETITION 1 2 3 FOLDER (Improvised = 1-1/2 Regular long folder) FASTEN 100 SHEETS (100 sheets x 10 petitioners/sheet = 1,000 petitioners MUNICIPAL COORDINATOR Submit each accomplished set
DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES SIGNATURE STATION COORDINATOR Obtain at least three (3) sets of the Petition, several copies of the Signature Sheet, and optionally tarpaulin poster & leafletfrom the MUNICIPALITY/CITY COORDINATOR. Ensure availability of other basic materials such as table(s) and pens. Ensure availability of manpower needed to supervise each signature line including the number of signature lines needed to accommodate people, and to guide each petitioner in ascertaining that the petitioner is a registered voter of that city/municipality and that the Signature Sheet is properly accomplished thrice (3x). Keep custody of the Petition and accomplished Original Signature Sheets in sets of three (3) for future turnover to the MUNICIPALITY/CITY COORDINATOR. Regularly coordinate with the MUNICIPALITY/CITY OCOORDINATOR.
At each Signature Station Who heads a signature station and to whom does he/she report? A Signature Station Coordinator heads the signature station. He/She reports to a designated Municipal/City Coordinator. A A
At each Signature Station How many originals of the signature sheets are needed? Three (3) originals are needed. This means that each petitioner must sign three (3) times on separate signature sheets. A A Set #3 Original Set #1 Original Set #2 Original Three (3) sets are needed for Comelec Manila (2 sets) and for file of Diocesan Coordinator(1 set).
At each Signature Station Who are eligible to sign as petitioners? Only registered voters in the municipality or city, where the signature station is located, are eligible to sign as petitioners. This is because the Comelec Election Officer of the same municipality or city can verify only the signature of petitioners, who are registered voters within his/her area of jurisdiction. Comelec Election Officers, who are custodians of records of registered voters, are assigned per municipality or city. In major cities with several legislative districts, they are assigned per legislative district. Hence, signature stations and eligible petitioners, in major cities with several legislative districts, are to be delineated by legislative district. A A
At each Signature Station The Petition Should copies of the full text of the Petition be made available at each signature station? Yes, to provide petitioners the opportunity to read in full the text of the Petition, which, as likewise indicated in the signature sheet, was “read and understood” by the petitioner. Copies of the Petition however are not meant for distribution but only for reading and/or examination at the signature station. Those with interest in having their own copy may be directed to download the material at http://www.kapatiranparty.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/PIC_AntiPoliticalDynastyPetition_FINAL.pdf. A A
At each Signature Station What is the meaning of this? Besides the full text of the Petition, what other information media can be made available to would-be petitioners at each signature station? A standard poster, 4’ x 8’ or 5’ x 10’, which provides the salient points of the Petition, and Leaflets, are as option may be made available at the signature station. A A
At each Signature Station How many petitioners am I suppose to obtain? When do I terminate the signature gathering process? Your designated Municipal/City Coordinator will provide you with your target number of signatures/petitioners. You may terminate the signature gathering process at your station after conferring with and obtaining the concurrence of your Municipal/City Coordinator. A A
At each Signature Station To whom do I submit the three (3) sets of original of the signature sheets when completed? You will submit the three (3) original sets of accomplished signature sheets to your Municipal/City Coordinator. Rational: The Municipal/City Coordinator will collate all signature sheets coming from various signature stations within the same municipality/city before these are submitted to the Comelec Election Officer for verification. A A Set #3 Original Set #2 Original Set #1 Original
Duties and Responsibilities MUNICIPAL/CITY COORDINATOR
DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES MUNICIPALITY/CITY LAY COORDINATOR 1. Oversee the briefing process for the signature campaign , establish/organize the needed number of signature stations, appoint SIGNATURE STATION COORDINATORS and inform/coordinate with the Municipality/City Election Officer. 2. Download/print the Petition and Signature Sheet (fill in the boxes on Mun./City, Legislative District, Province), then reproduce/photocopy according to the number and continuing requirements of Signature Stations. 3. OPTION: Provide tarpaulin poster and leaflets at Signature Stations. 4. Obtain from the LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT COORDINATOR the certified number of registered voters in his/her city/municipality of jurisdiction; track and confer with the LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT COORDINATOR the signatures gathered against target based on the certified number of registered voters. 5. In consultation with LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT LAY COORDINATOR , terminate the signature gathering process at any signature station thru the SIGNATURE STATION COORDINATOR. • Receive and keep custody of Signature Sheets and Verification Reports [in three (3) ORIGINAL sets] including the scannedcopy to be turned over by the SIGNATURE STATION COORDINATOR. (CONTINUED…NEXT PAGE)
DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES MUNICIPALITY/CITY COORDINATOR 7. Photocopy one (1) set of the Signature Sheets. 8. Submit a TRANSMITTAL LETTER, a copy of the PETITION, and one (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the SIGNATURE SHEETS to the Municipal/City Election Officer; get acknowledgment receipt by the Election Officer stamped on receiving copy of TRANSMITTAL LETTER. 9. Coordinate with the Municipal/City Election Officer on the verification process. 10. Obtain three (3) originals of the VERIFICATION/CERTIFICATION REPORT of the Election Officer and get back the original Signature Sheets from the Election Officer; make two (2) scanned/soft copy of the Signature Sheets and Verification Reports for the LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT COORDINATOR and for own file. 11. Turn over the three (3) original Signature Sheets and three (3) originals of the Verification Reports to the LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT COORDINATOR; plus one scanned/soft copy of each. .
Municipal/City Coordinator What are the key roles of a Municipal/City Coordinator? In sequence, the key roles are: To obtain from the Legislative District Coordinator the target number of signatures for the municipality/city. To identify where to set up signature stations within the municipality/city, and optionally to inform and coordinate with the Comelec Election Officer about the Signature Campaign and location of Signature Stations. To appoint and brief Signature Station Coordinators (utilizing this Implementation Manual). To provide the materials needed at signature stations, and monitor the progress of signature gathering through the Signature Station Coordinators. A A
Municipal/City Coordinator What is the target number of signatures for the municipality/city? The target number of signatures per municipality/city varies and depends on the number of registered voters, as certified by the COMELEC’s Election Records and Statistics Department. The target percentage however is 12%. The exact number of target signatures should be obtained from the Legislative District Coordinator. A A
Municipal/City Coordinator How many sets of original of the signature sheets and sets of Verification Reports are needed? Three (3) original sets of accomplished signature sheets coming from signature stations, and three (3) sets of Verification/CERTIFICATION Reports by the Election Officer are needed. A A RATIONAL: Three (3) sets of original Signature Sheets are needed for Comelec Manila (2 sets) and for file of the Coalition (1 set). Three (3) sets of original Verification/Certification Reports are needed for Comelec Manila (2 sets) and for file of the Coalition (1 set).
Municipal/City Coordinator How many signature stations are allowed or may be established? COMELEC Resolution 2300, SEC. 29. Signature stations. – Signature stations may be established by the proponents with the assistance of the Election Registrar in as many places in the municipality as may be warranted. Upon identification of the locations of the signature stations, the Municipal/City Coordinator, may at his/her option, inform the Election Officer about (1) the subject people’s initiative; (2) the locations of the signature stations, and (3) the date when the signature gathering process will begin. (see sample letter) A A
(Date of Letter) (Name of Election Officer) Election Officer Commission on Elections (Name of Municipality/City) Legislative District _(#)_ (Name of Province) Dear __________, This refers to a Petition entitled, IN RE: PROPOSAL TO ENACT A NATIONAL LEGISLATION ENTITLED “ANTI- POLITICAL DYNASTY ACT” THROUGH PEOPLE’S INITIATIVE. In this regard, please be informed that Signature Stations, for the purpose of obtaining the required number of signatures of registered voters for a people’s initiative on the subject petition, will be established in the following locations: (Enumerate locations) The signature gathering process will commence on (date) and continue until such time that our target number of signatures of registered voters, needed to meet the requirement of at least 3% for the legislative district, shall have been obtained, after which the petition along with the signature sheets will be submitted to you for your verification. Yours sincerely, (Name) Municipal/City Coordinator
Municipal/City Coordinator The Petition What essential materials should I provide at each Signature Station? 1) These are: 1) the full text of the Petition; at least two (2) sets or more depending on need by inquisitive would-be petitioners at the Signature Station; 2) several copies of the Signature Sheet (depending on the target number of petitioners); the names of Municipality/City,Legislative District and Province must already be indicated in the Signature Sheets before sending them to Signature Stations; and 3)optionally, the Poster and Leaflets. A A 2) The Signature Sheet
Municipal/City Coordinator When do I terminate the signature gathering process in my municipality/city? After conferring with and obtaining the concurrence of the Legislative District Coordinator based on the number of signatures gathered versus the target number set at the start of the campaign, the signature gathering process in the municipality/city may be terminated. A A
Municipal/City Coordinator What should each Signature Station Coordinator submit to me? Each Signature Station Coordinator should submit the three (3) original sets of the Signature Sheets, and you have to acknowledge your receipt of the same on his/her accompanying transmittal letter. A A Set #1 Original Set #2 Original Set #3 Original
Municipal/City Coordinator Upon receipt of the Signature Sheets from all Signature Stations in my Municipality/City, what should I do next? • Photocopy one (1) set of the Signature Sheets. • Make two (2) scanned copies of the Signature Sheets. • 3) Prepare a Transmittal Letter to the Election Officer. A A Photocopy for the Election Officer Receiving copy of Municipal/City Officer Transmittal Letter + CD2 + CD1 RECEIVED by the Election Officer
Municipal/City Coordinator What should I submit to the Election Officer to commence the verification process? One (1) copy of the Petition One (1) set of ORIGINAL Signature Sheets One (1) set PHOTOCOPY of Signature Sheets Two (2) copies of Transmittal Letter (for the Election Officer and Receiving Copy) A A Signature Sheets ORIGINAL & PHOTOCOPY Transmittal Letter The Petition Transmittal Letter RECEIVED by the Election Officer
Municipal/City Coordinator What should a sample Transmittal Letter to the Election Officer contain? (Date) (Name) Election Officer Commission on Elections (Name of Municipality/City), Legislative District __(#)__ (Province) Dear _____________, Kindly acknowledge receipt of the PETITION entitled IN RE: PROPOSAL TO ENACT A NATIONAL LEGISLATION ENTITLED “PROHIBITION OF POLITICAL DYNASTY ACT” THROUGH PEOPLE’S INITIATIVE, and one (1) original set and one (1) set of photocopy of the SIGNATURE SHEETS. Each signature sheet contains 10 petitioners. We are submitting herein _______ signature sheets for a total ___________ registered voter-petitioners from the Municipality/City of __________, Province of ____________. Per COMELEC Rules, the original set of SIGNATURE SHEETS, which we will submit to the COMELEC Law Department in Manila, should be returned to the undersigned after verification. The set of photocopy is to be retained by you for your file. Also, we anticipate receiving from you three(3) original copies of your Verification Certification as per Comelec Minute Resolution No. 12-1059. Yours sincerely, Received: (Name of Municipality/City Coordinator)(Name of Election Officer)__ Municipality/City Coordinator Printed Name & Signature Cc: Provincial Election Supervisor Regional Election Director A A
Municipal/City Coordinator What should I obtain/get back from the Municipality/City Election Officer after the verification process? One (1) set ORIGINAL, Signature Sheets Three (3) ORIGINAL sets of the Verification/Certification Reports A A <<<< 3 SETS >>>> Election Officer’s Consolidated Verification Result Election Officer’s Verification Report Election Officer’s Certification Original Signature Sheets
Municipal/City Officer What should I submit to my LEGISLATIVE DISCTRICT COORDINATOR? • Three (3) sets of the Original Signature Sheets • Three (3) sets of the Original Verification/Certification Reports • One (1) scanned copy of the Signature Sheets • One (1) scanned copy of the Verification Reports A A
Municipal/City Officer What should I keep on file? • One (1) scanned copy of the Signature Sheets • One (1) scanned copy of the Verification/Certification Reports A A
DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT COORDINATOR 1. Oversee the briefing process for the signature campaign, organize the signature gathering process at the legislative district and appoint the different CITY/MUNICIPAL COORDINATORS. 2. Provide each CITY/MUNICIPAL COORDINATOR with the ‘TARGET number of registered voters’ and coordinate and confer on the progress of signature gathering against the TARGET with all CITY/MUNICIPAL COORDINATORS on a regular basis. 3. Terminate the signature gathering process thru the CITY/MUNICIPAL COORDINATORS when the required/target signatures are met. 5. Receive from CITY/MUNICIPAL COORDINATORS three (3) originals of the Signature Sheets and three (3) originals of the verification/certification reportsincluding their soft copy. Reproduce a soft copy for own file. 6. Turn over three (3) original Signature Sheets and three (3) originals of the verification/certification reports to PICAD (People’s Initiative Coalition Against Dynasty) and obtain an acknowledgment receipt. (Transmittal specifics will be arranged /finalized at a later date.)