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Proposed Soil Indicators on Erosion. Arturo Fernández-Palacios Manuel Rodríguez Surian José M. Moreira Madueño Jaume Fons Esteve Juan J. Ibañez Martí. SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators - EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator
Proposed Soil Indicators on Erosion Arturo Fernández-Palacios Manuel Rodríguez Surian José M. Moreira Madueño Jaume Fons Esteve Juan J. Ibañez Martí SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionOBJECTIVES SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Development of indicators on soil erosion using regional information but considering their applicability at European scale Particular analysis of the influence of land uses changes in agricultural areas on soil erosion
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionData Sources SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Area of Andalusia: 87. 600Km2
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionData SourcesSoil Map& DB SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
1991 1995 1999 Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionData SourcesLand Cover Monitoring DB SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionData SourcesSoil Loss by Hydric Erosion Assessment SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators LAND EROSIVE STATUS INDICATOR
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND EROSIVE STATUS INDICATOR SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Richness of Leptosols
ERODED SOILSCAPES BY COUNTRIES 45% 40% 40% 35% 30% 26% 25% % 20% 16% 15% 15% 11% 10% 7% 5% 5% 5% 4% 5% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% 0% Italy Spain N-Ireland S-Ireland Germany France Greece Belgium Denmark Portugal Scotland England Luxembourg Netherlands Western Europe Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND EROSIVE STATUS INDICATOR SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators ANDALUSIA
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND EROSIVE STATUS INDICATOR SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators LAND USE CHANGES INDICATORS
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND USE CHANGES 1991-1999 SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Total changes 1.566.452 ha 18 %
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND USE CHANGES SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators DESTINATION OF LOSSES IN FORESTS AND SEMI-NATURAL AREAS Artificial Surfaces Water courses and water bodies Other water bodies Non-irrigated arable land Permanently irrigated land Olives groves
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND USE CHANGES IN AGRICULTURAL AREAS AND NEW AGRICULTURAL AREAS 1991-1999 SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
332338 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 108095 74695 100000 50012 49307 30738 14456 50000 5032 0 Total Changes in agricultural areas induced To olives groves To Non irrigated arable land To Irrigated herbaceus crops To Irrigated To Under plastic crops Mosaics of Mosaics of s Permanent crops non irrigated Irrigated Permanent crops Permanent crops Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND USE CHANGES SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Land Uses Changes in Agricultural Areas 1991-1999 Has.
140000 114769 120000 100000 80000 60000 44658 27466 40000 7020 5622 5609 17201 20000 5003 2187 0 Total zonas Olivar Secano Regadío Regadío Invernaderos Mosaicos Mosaicos Mosaicos naturales hebáceos leñosos con leñosos con leñosos con hacia agrícola en secano en riego vegetación de referencia natural Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionLAND USE CHANGES SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Land Uses Changes from Natural to Agricultural Has. Total Changes in forest and semi-natural areas induced by agricultural areas To olive groves To Non irrigated arable land To Irrigated herbaceus crops To Irrigated permanent crops To under plastic crops Mosaics of non irrigated and permanent crops Mosaics of irrigated and permanent crops Agro-forestry areas
Proposed Soil Indicators on Erosion CHANGES IN AGRICULTURAL AREAS AND SOIL EROSION INDICATORS SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionChanges in agricultural areasand soil erosion indicators SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Low Moderate High Very High AVERAGE SOIL LOSSES FOR 1991
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionChanges in agricultural areasand soil erosion indicators SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Low Moderate High Very High AVERAGE SOIL LOSS FOR 1991 AVERAGE SOIL LOSSES FOR 1999
SOIL LOSS DECREASES 5.2% IN AGRICULTURAL AREAS Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionChanges in agricultural areasand soil erosion indicators SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
SOIL LOSS INCREASES 202% IN NATURAL AREAS Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionChanges in agricultural areasand soil erosion indicators SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionChanges in agricultural areasand soil erosion indicators SOIL LOSS INCREASES 32% IN NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL AREAS SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators
SESSION 3 Presentation of the proposed soil indicators -EROSION: Objectives Data Sources Land erosive status indicator Land Use Changes indicators Changes in agricultural areas and Soil Erosion Indicators Conclussions Proposed Soil Indicators on ErosionConclussions1-The proposed indicator on land erosive status is interesting to assess the present situation of soil degradation (30% in the test region). It is useful for its simplicity and applicability, but new analysis are needed. 2-Soil erosion evaluation is highly depending on territorial information. Integrated approach is required and land use monitoring is essential (18% of the territory experimented land use change between 1991-1999). 3-The proposed indicators change in agricultural areas/soil erosion for the test region illustrated global incidence of these land uses changes on soil erosion, and the unequal incidence of the changes induced on natural areas (+202% of soil loss) and agricultural areas(-5%).