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CAMP LEBANON. Prepared by Sawsan MEHDI CAMP National Coordinator. National level Southern Coast level Municipal level. Three municipalities: Damour, Sarafand, and Naqoura. CAMP LEBANON. DECISION AT MEETING OF CONTRACTING PARTIES (1995) FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CAMP-LEBANON PROJECT (1999)
CAMP LEBANON Prepared by Sawsan MEHDI CAMP National Coordinator
National level Southern Coast level Municipal level Three municipalities: Damour, Sarafand, and Naqoura CAMP LEBANON • DECISION AT MEETING OF CONTRACTING PARTIES (1995) • FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CAMP-LEBANON PROJECT (1999) • PROJECT AGREEMENT SIGNED (APRIL 2001) • PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION (SEPTEMBER 2001)
MAIN PARAMETERS OF MUNICIPAL SELECTION FOR CAMP • Major socio-economic sectors; • Status of the municipality; • Involvement of local communities and presence of an NGO; • Environmental situation at micro-level; • Favorable conditions for CAMP implementation.
CAMP-LEBANON COORDINATION • First level: MoE as the National Lead Agency, steered by the National Steering Committee • Second level: National Project Coordinator • Third level: Team leaders of national teams implementing project activities. • PAP/RAC ACTS AS MAP CAMP COORDINATOR • MEDU ACTS AS OVERALL PROJECT COORDINATOR • NATIONAL PROJECT COORDINATOR
CAMP-LEBANON BUDGET • MAP: USD 381.000 • MoE: USD 104.000 (USD 64.000 cash) • LEDO: USD 18.000 TOTAL USD 503.000 (USD 451.000 cash)
CAMP-Lebanon: General Objective The project aims at contributing to sustainable development and integrated coastal area management in Lebanon by strengthening environmental management institutions and protecting the coastal resources of Southern Lebanon.
CAMP-Lebanon: Specific Objectives The project will address the conservation of coastal resources in Southern Lebanon by developing and applying concepts of sustainable development and methods and tools of Integrated Coastal and Marine Areas Management to the economic and social development activities of the area.
Thematic Activity One:Project Coordination & Integration at Project Level Objective one: To secure harmonized, timely and cost-effective implementation of the project in accordance with project agreement. Activity 1: Establishing the institutional structure of the CAMP Project as well as the National Project Steering Committee. Activity 2: Implementation of the Inception workshop, training of National Team Leaders and other national representatives involved in the project.
Thematic Activity One:Project Coordination & Integration at Project Level Activity 3: Preparation of the Inception Report, including providing assistance and supervision of Technical Specifications, preparation of consultants TORs and their contracts. Activity 4: Provide of logistical assistance for financial procedures & supervision and verification of incurred expenditures. Activity 5: Secure flows of information and feedback related to data collected and other results of individual activities.
Thematic Activity One:Project Coordination & Integration at Project Level Activity 1.6: To prepare final project documents and present project results. Activity 1.7: To report on progress and prepare the project terminal report and self-evaluation facts sheet (SEFS).
Thematic Activity One:Project Coordination & Integration at Project Level Outputs: • Better coordination about CZM through the National Steering Committee; • National Team Leaders and experts trained on CZM; • Flow of information secured among diverse institutions involved with CAMP; • Better management at local level;
Thematic Activity Two:Integrated Coastal Area Management Objective: To identify and elaborate strategies and actions contributing to the rational utilization of coastal and marine resources of Lebanon, focusing on South Lebanon. Activity 1: To undertake comprehensive research and analysis of the various aspects related to the Southern Coast of Lebanon, including the natural, socio-economic, regulatory, natural and social dimensions. Activity 1.2: To identify major problems and issues at the level of the municipalities of Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura, presenting proposals for related strategies and measures.
Thematic Activity Two:Integrated Coastal Area Management Activity 3: Review of legal and regulatory texts relative to the implementation of an integrated coastal zone management in Lebanon. Provide assistance to the Lebanese government by proposing an integrated coastal area management law (ICAM) in Lebanon. Activity 4: Assistance to the Directorate General for Urban Planning in reviewing urban master plans developed for the Southern Coastal area in general, and for the three concerned municipalities in specific by proposing alternatives that integrate environmental principles and applications.
Thematic Activity Two:Integrated Coastal Area Management Activity 5: Establishment of an ICAM plan for the South Lebanon coastal area. Activity 6: Development of a sustainable integrated coastal zone Strategy. Activity 7: Survey of economic instruments and their application. Activity 8: Organization of a national consultation workshop to discuss the National ICAM Strategy.
Thematic Activity Two:Integrated Coastal Area Management Objective Two: To assist the national and local authorities in integrating considerations on archaeological heritage into environment management planning by improving knowledge on cultural heritage in CAMP area. Activity 1: Assistance in the preparation of legislative texts with regard to the interaction of the cultural heritage and the environment on the coastal area, presenting a model of application on CAMP Selected Municipalities. Activity 2: Inventory of the heritage archive available at the General Directorate of Antiquities concerning CAMP area.
Thematic Activity Two:Integrated Coastal Area Management Activity 3: Improving knowledge on cultural, archaeological, historical and natural heritage sites through updating the Lebanese coastal historical sites list relative to CAMP area. Activity 4: Preparation of a map of historical heritage and natural sites of CAMP area. Activity 5: Participate in the elaboration of documents relative to planning taking into account historical, archaeological and environmental heritage. Activity 6: Organization of training courses for managers of cultural and environment heritage.
Thematic Activity Two:Integrated Coastal Area Management Outputs: • Diagnostic analysis at the national and project level; • Integrated Coastal Area Management Plan; • Regulatory framework; • Training on ICAM; • Coastal planning review for Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura; • Integrated Coastal Management Plan for South Lebanon; • Integrated Coastal Management Strategy and recommendations. • Inventory of heritage sites concerning CAMP area; • Map of historical heritage and natural sites developed; • Training courses organized for managers of cultural and natural sites.
Thematic Activity Three:Data & Information Management Objective 1: To establish close links with the LEDO project in order to develop a coastal area database, GIS and indicators to function as the project's information center for collection, analysis, organization, integration and dissemination of information to the project teams implementing individual activities and specifically to create a database framework for the Municipalities of Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura. Activity 1: Checking and collecting existing available data derived from remote sensing techniques relevant to coastal resources, land use, agriculture, sensitive ecosystems, urban growth, forests, etc.
Thematic Activity Three:Data & Information Management Activity 2: Processing of spatial data acquired by the LEDO project regarding the area of operation of the CAMP project. Activity 3: Production of tailored maps for CAMP area using recently acquired satellite images. Activity 4: Design of a preliminary database application for the data to be collected in CAMP operation area. Provide CAMP with satellite images used for the support work as well as all the produced images and maps on CDs.
Thematic Activity Three:Data & Information Management Activity 5: To create a computerized database at the Ministry of Environment to issues related to integrated coastal zone planning. Activity 6: Establishment of specific databases in each of Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura municipalities. Activity 7: Introduction of proper approaches of satellite data processing and integration through training. Outputs: • Detailed database on CAMP resources. • A database established at each of Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura
Thematic Activity Four: Urban Management & Sustainable Development Overall Objective: To assist national authorities in particular MoE and DGUP to resort to advanced techniques for supporting national and local planning activities and policies. Specific objective: To identify urban sustainable development and management problems as well as land-use planning conflicts in the municipalities of Damour, Naqoura and Sarafand based on satellite remote sensing and GIS.
Thematic Activity Four: Urban Management & Sustainable Development Activity 1: Complete data collection during the project preparatory phase through: oSelection and acquisition of appropriate satellite data to be used taking into account existing information relevant to land-use/ land cover for urban structure analysis and urban change in the municipalities of Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura. oSelection and training of Lebanese planning experts on satellite remote sensing processing. Activity 2: Processing of data during the project implementation phase through processing of satellite data, classification, production of land use maps; Analysis of land-use change and urban sprawl; Urban sprawl modeling; Production of future urban expansion maps relying on past trends.
Thematic Activity Four: Urban Management & Sustainable Development Outputs: • Land use maps; • Change detection maps; • Future urban expansion maps; • GIS tools developed.
Thematic Activity Five: Marine Conservation Areas Objective: To implement a pilot activity related to the inventory of marine biotopes, following the technical tools elaborated within MAP, as a contribution to national efforts towards conservation of natural sites of particular interest, and fragile and vulnerable marine resources. Activity 1: inventory and monitoring of marine biodiversity status of the CAMP area and mapping them using a GIS software.
Thematic Activity Five: Marine Conservation Areas Activity 2: Identifying exact boundaries and scope of Damour River valley and Naqoura Bay. Activity 3: Preparation of documents relevant to the declaration of the 2 sites “National Specially Protected Areas”. Activity 4: Establishment of database on fauna and flora (Annexes of SPA Protocol). Activity 5: Proposals for management measures and follow-up action.
Thematic Activity Six:Tourism & Sustainable Development Activity 1: Promoting ecotourism as a source of income to local communities concerned with the CAMP area. The ecotourism programme includes: - Introduction of ecotourism concept to local communities; - Drafting an ecotourism development plan that would eventually link various sites of high scenery, environment, natural, historical and archaeological value to the surrounding natural, cultural and historical features; - Designing a marketing scheme to promote ecotourism products within the CAMP area as a unique entity; - Launching a national campaign to promote ecotourism in CAMP area.
Thematic Activity Six:Tourism & Sustainable Development Activity 2: Identifying conflicts, opportunities, and applying carrying capacity analysis of available resources. Identifying environmental threats of tourism development in South Lebanon. Formulating recommendations for land use and future development of tourism in CAMP area. Activity 3: Follow-up activities, based on the outcomes of the various studies.
Thematic Activity Six:Tourism & Sustainable Development OUTPUTS: • Carrying capacity studies for the municipalities of Sarafand, Naqoura and Damour; • Regional Recommendations for land-use and future development of tourism in CAMP area; • Introduction of eco-tourism concept to CAMP area.
Thematic Activity Seven:Participatory Programme Objective: To encourage active participation of local communities in the protection and conservation of coastal resources through implementation of Local Agenda 21 and other means of information dissemination. Activity 1: Providing assistance to national and local institutions concerned with integrated coastal zone management on how to deal with issues conflicting between environment and development.
Thematic Activity Seven:Participatory Programme Activity 2: Introducing the concept of SD in general, and the CZM in specific through implementation of local Agenda 21 in the municipalities of Damour, Sarafand and Naqoura. Techniques used: • Participatory Rural Appraisals; • Conflict resolution; • Community-based Issue Analysis (by involving all stakeholder groups in the analysis, conducting an in-depth analysis of issues and possible solutions, etc.); • Action planning (identification of existing and potential human, technical and financial resources) • Formulation of action plans.
Thematic Activity Seven:Participatory Programme Activity 3: Increase knowledge and awareness of coastal natural resources on the national and local level. Activity 4: Awareness campaigns on the best means to conserve coastal resources. Outputs: • Implementation of LA 21 processes in the three municipalities; • Implementation of training on selected participatory tools and techniques; • Environment awareness induced at local community level; • Better implication of the municipality in issues related to environment and development.
Thematic Activity Eight:Integrated Water Resource Management Objective: To establish a management framework for the protection, use, monitoring and long-term conservation of water resources at the regional level, to serve the diverse spatial and sectoral development needs arising from population growth, agricultural activity, tourism and industry. Activity 1: Assessment of freshwater resource availability and demand.
Thematic Activity Eight:Integrated Water Resource Management Activity 2: Application of methodology and tools of Integrated Water Resource Management. Activity 3: Monitoring sea and fresh water pollution. OUTPUTS: • Integrated Water Resource Management introduced and applied; • Database on quality and availability of water resources in CAMP area; • Capacity building on Integrated Water Resource Management.
Thematic Activity Nine: Systemic Sustainability Analysis Objective: To introduce and apply the systemic sustainability analysis as a specific tool towards achieving sustainable management of coastal and marine areas. Activity 1: Use the three municipalities as models for implementing Systemic Sustainability Analysis. Activity 2: Preparation of a set of indicators tailored to CAMP area in general and the three selected municipalities in specific, on the basis of the description and assessment of the level of sustainability by main indicators.
Thematic Activity Nine: Systemic Sustainability Analysis Activity 3: Identifying sustainability indicators and link them to national indicators. Activity 4: Design of an indicator database application for CAMP area. OUTPUTS: • Better coordination among various institutions involved in coastal zone management
CAMP-Lebanon: Constraints at project launching • Administrative. • Delays in launching the project Inception workshop project activities. • No benefit from lessons learned of previously implemented projects (constraints faced by other countries of technical, administrative or financial dimensions .
CAMP-Lebanon: Expected Constraints during implementation • Allocating total project fund, identification of all activities & appointment of experts at beginning of the project no possibilities in implementing new activities based on first year project outcomes. • MoE contribution: contracts made according to the public rules and regulations (ex. Bidding for a contract exceeding USD2.000) Delays. • Several public institutions of different orders involved: Ministries, municipalities, others (& local communities). • Lack of CZM National CZM and institutional overlapping. • Newly established municipalities priorities at infrastructure level (short-term). • Lack of interest in some of the project activities as they were not requested by the government (ex. SSA). • Project activities (as mentioned in the agreement) exceed the total project budget allocated .