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Ubiquitous Computing 211130

Ubiquitous Computing 211130. Paul Havinga & Hans Scholten {havinga, scholten}@cs.utwente.nl www.cs.utwente.nl/~havinga/ubc.html Wk 13/18: SP3 Wk 22/25: LA2520. Introductions. Instructors Paul Havinga havinga@cs.utwente.nl INF 4090 Hans Scholten scholten@cs.utwente.nl INF 4078

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Ubiquitous Computing 211130

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ubiquitous Computing211130 Paul Havinga & Hans Scholten {havinga, scholten}@cs.utwente.nl www.cs.utwente.nl/~havinga/ubc.html Wk 13/18: SP3 Wk 22/25: LA2520

  2. Introductions • Instructors • Paul Havingahavinga@cs.utwente.nlINF 4090 • Hans Scholtenscholten@cs.utwente.nlINF 4078 • Guest speakers for colloquia • Groups!

  3. CPU Device 1 Device 2 Device N Bus interface Shared bus PCI / USB From PC centric to ….. • Centered around a general-purpose processor with memory and a shared bus

  4. LAN LAN PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC … to network centric …. • LAN • Internet

  5. … to consumer post-PC world (ubiquitous computing)

  6. Motivation for the course • Computing is spreading • Move to anytime/anywhere • True ubiquity of service • Information • Support • Where are we? • Where are we heading? • ….

  7. Course Objectives • Understand important historical precedents • Identify critical technologies • Obtain necessary research skills

  8. Format • This is a research course, so you must contribute • In lectures • Going in depth on some topics • By teaching others “how to” • By working together on doing research • By disseminating the results in a paper and a presentation

  9. Course concepts • Introduction in various aspects of Ubiquitous Computing • Group research project • Colloquia by experts on various subjects • Selected Panel studies subject, and prepares questions • Workshop with presentations of research results and tutorials

  10. Weeks 1-3 • Introduction • Self study • Read call for papers • Explore the field • Form a group (3-6 students) • Select potential research topic • Formulate research problem and hypothesis • CAPUT: Formulate subject for survey

  11. Week 2 • Colloquium: • Research methodology (Hans Heerkens)

  12. Week 3 • Prepare 10-15 minute presentation for week 4 • Introduction in research topic • What is the problem • What is the hypothesis • How will the problem be tackled • CAPUT: 6/7 MIZ (Hanneke Becht)

  13. Week 4 • Group presents research topic and plan • 10-15 minutes max! • Discussion with group • Group finalizes plan and submits by e-mail to lecturers • CAPUT: Prepare 10-15 minute presentation for week 5 • CTIT Symposium

  14. Week 5 • CAPUT: 6/7Group presents research topic and plan • 10-15 minutes max! • Discussion with group • Group finalizes plan and submits by e-mail to lecturers

  15. Week 7 • Progress meeting with individual groups

  16. Weeks 3-8 • Do the research/survey • Lecturers are available in second hour after each colloquium • Write short progress report (submit weekly) • Literature study • Ask for help when needed! • Results • Not known on beforehand ! • New protocol or architecture • Simulations or prototype • Show trade-offs and consequences of decisions and environment • Compare with other related research • Colloquia…

  17. Week 8 • Deadline papers and surveys • Prepare final presentation for workshop

  18. Week 9 • Workshop • Keynote presentation • Paper presentations • Tutorials

  19. Colloquia • Selected panel • Prepares topic • Prepares questions for expert • Schedule can be found on:http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~havinga/ubc.html • Obligatory • Notify lecturers on beforehand when unable to attend

  20. Student requirements and grading • Research topic, hypothesis and plan 10% • Panel 10% • Research result and paper 70% • Presentation 10% • When paper has publication potential, and is accepted for publication,the result will become a 10 !

  21. This class is a work in progress • Your input can help guide the course • Lecturers don’t know everything • Lecturers like research on: • Home networking (@HA, TEAHA, SCOTT) http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/scholten/docs/aha-description.pdf • Smart sensor networks (Eyes, Smart Surroundings, Featherlight)http://eyes.eu.org

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