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West Wing Physical Education. Procedures, Rules and Expectations. Meet the Teachers. Mrs. Knuth Mr. Benson Mrs. Heath. Be Prepared for PE. Drink water before, during and after school Apply SPF 30 sunblock before school Wear athletic, closed toed shoes
West Wing Physical Education Procedures, Rules and Expectations
Meet the Teachers • Mrs. Knuth • Mr. Benson • Mrs. Heath
Be Prepared for PE • Drink water before, during and after school • Apply SPF 30 sunblock before school • Wear athletic, closed toed shoes • Wear clothes you can easily move in like shorts, sweatpants and clothes that stretch. • Bring and wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun. • Bring a water bottle or take water breaks.
Classroom Procedures • Sit down in your assigned squad seat. • Silently wait for attendance to be taken. • Bring any health pass or parent notes to the teacher. • Raise your hand from your squad seat if you have a question. • TTW explain what PE objectives will be covered for the day. • STW complete the assigned fitness component: cardio, stretch & strength. • Lesson Focus
PE Rules 1) COME PREPARED FOR CLASS AND ALWAYS TRY YOUR BEST- If you need to change into your athletic shoes, do it before class. Remove jewelry, money and cell phones and leave in the classroom. Get into correct squad or huddle in oranges immediately. A large part of your achievement grade is based on effort. Give your best effort at all times! 2) BE A GOOD LISTENER- Listen to the directions for understanding and safety. All activities start on “GO” or the beginning of music. All activities STOP when you hear the “Whistle” or music stops playing. 3) TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT- Always encourage others, never use put downs. 4) USE EQUIPMENT CORRECTLY- Treat equipment with respect, using equipment for what it is intended for. Safety! Safety! Safety! 5) ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS- Prevent wasted time. Do not interfere with learning. Following safety directions is a must!
7th & 8th Grade Rules • Be prepared to start class immediately by sitting in your assigned squad seat. • After 3 class tardies you will receive a detention. • After 3 non dresses students will receive a Character infractions for each non dress after. • Wear the appropriate athletic shoes and remove all jewelry before class starts or receive a negative for Responsibility. • Disrespectful behavior towards a teacher or student will result in office removal of student , detention and/or Character Counts infractions. • Parent notes are required for not participating due to illness or injury. A doctor’s note is required for injuries or illnesses lasting more than a week. • Students with serious injuries such as broken bones and surgery need a doctor’s note to return to normal Physical Education participation. • All doctor’s notes need to be given to the nurse prior to the PE teacher.
CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING RULES • Step 1- Student will receive a verbal warning. • Step 2- Student will receive Time-Out • Step 3- Student will stay in Time-Out for the rest of the period.
Earn 4 Points Daily Achievement /Responsibility • Students who earn 4 points ALWAYS: • Follow directions • Actively participate • Use equipment appropriately • Come prepared with appropriate shoes and clothing • Help others during skill work and organized play • Stay on task and work on their own
Earn 3 Points Daily Achievement /Responsibility • Students who earn 3 points USUALLY: • Follow directions • Actively participate • Use equipment appropriately • Come prepared with appropriate shoes and clothing • Help others during skill work and organized play • Stay on task and work on their own
Earn 2 Points Daily Achievement /Responsibility • Students who earn 2 points SOMETIMES: • Follow directions • Actively participate • Use equipment appropriately • Come prepared with appropriate shoes and clothing • Help others during skill work and organized play • Stay on task and work on their own
Earn 4 Points Daily Citizenship • Students who earn 4 points ALWAYS: • Respect others • Display good sportsmanship • Listen carefully during instruction • Use "put ups" and not put downs • Are positive role models to classmates
Earn 3 Points DailyCitizenship • Students who earn 3 points USUALLY: • Respect others • Display good sportsmanship • Listen carefully during instruction • Use "put ups" and not put downs • Are positive role models to classmates
Earn 2 Points DailyCitizenship • Students who earn 2 points SOMETIMES: • Respect others • Display good sportsmanship • Listen carefully during instruction • Use "put ups" and not put downs • Are positive role models to classmates
Earn 1 Point DailyCitizenship • Students who earn 1 point HAVE DIFFICULTY: • Respecting others • Displaying good sportsmanship • Listening carefully during instruction • Using "put ups" and not put downs • Being positive role models to classmates
Playground Rules • Playground Rules • Students must follow playground directions given by staff to ensure safety at all times. • Students who use the playground equipment safely will be allowed to continue to use it. • For safety, play in designated, supervised areas only. • Play games that are safe and respectful. • Be fair to PE classes and allow them their PE time by not interrupting them. • Remember to keep all personal items (toys, electronics, etc. at home, so that they don’t become lost or stolen). • Food and drink is allowed in the cafeteria, only. • Store all lunchboxes in the buckets, which are in the cafeteria. • Permission must be given to leave the playground. • Sidewalks are for WALKING only.
Playground Rules • SWINGS: • Please sit on swings, and do not jump out of swings, twist, or swing sideways. • Taking turns, after counting to 100, will ensure that everyone gets to swing. • SLIDES: • Please go down the slide, feet first and one at a time. • Keep slide free from wood chips, sand, dirt, etc. • CLIMBING EQUIPMENT: • 7th/8th Grade students will not be allowed to be on the equipment. • Remember to swing across the monkey bars, one at a time. • Please do not crawl on top of the bars. • Please do not hang upside down or flip from the bars. • Bleachers: Do not jump on ,run on or walk on BLEACHERS
Playground Rules • BALLS: • Students will be allowed to play touch football, as long as there is no tackling. • Please play soccer or kickball in the grass area. • Be respectful of our neighbors, by not playing by the fences. • For safety, please stay out of ditches, planter areas, and away from classrooms • Wall ball will not be allowed to ensure the safety of all students for grades 1-6. • K-6 students: If you do not have a ball, and you would like one, please ask the playground monitor for one. • 7-8 students: You may bring soccer balls, footballs, and basketballs from home to use while at recess. Please make sure that your name/grade are written on the ball. • Balls will be collected off of the roof once a week. • Students may not be on playground until to 8:30 a.m.
Character Counts • Trustworthiness: Don’t engage in or tolerate dishonesty, cheating or dishonorable conduct. • Respect: Don’t engage in or tolerate disrespectful conduct, including verbal abuse of opponents and teammates. Win with grace and lose with dignity. • Responsibility: Use equipment safely and appropriately. Follow directions and rules of games and sports.
Character Counts • Fairness: Treat players fairly according to their abilities. Never take unfair advantage. Be open-minded. Follow rules consistently. • Caring : Be thoughtful of other’s feelings and safety. People are more important than games. Remember the 3 second rules. • Citizenship: Follow rules, take care of equipment and treat other’s with respect. Be a good example or role model.