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Water Purification Techniques. Tori Tucker Lexie Beccaccio Corin Burke Makayla Fite. 3 rd period Chemistry. “Pure Water”. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 90% of the World’s water is contaminated in some way.
Water Purification Techniques Tori Tucker LexieBeccaccio Corin Burke MakaylaFite 3rd period Chemistry
“Pure Water” • According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 90% of the World’s water is contaminated in some way. • Some contaminations in water can potentially cause serious or fatal illnesses. • There are many water purification techniques….
Flocculation/Coagulation Process Coagulation: forms a liquid into a thickened massFlocculation: creates clumps of masses as a cloud or a chemical precipitate Coagulation and Flocculation kind of fall hand in hand. Coagulation prepares for liquid to become a mass, and Flocculation is when it forms into Clumps. Example: Blood clot. When someone gets a minor cut, the blood changes from a liquid and thickens into a clump of mass to prevent excessive bleeding
Filtration Process Filtration: an impure liquid passed through another substance to separate suspended particles. Such as cloth, charcoal, sand, and paper. Example: Sand Filtration: This filtration process is used to remove suspended solids from the liquid. The sand being used has many layers stacked on top of each other. When the impure liquid is poured into the sand, the suspended solids are filtered out. Another example of Filtration is Charcoal Filtration. This Removes odor and Color from a liquid.
Disinfection: To cleanse of infection; destroy disease germs • Fluorination: To treat or combine with fluorine; fluorine is most reactive nonmetallic element & is corrosive
Activated Charcoal • Used chiefly for absorbing gasses or solutes, as in various filter systems for purification • Activated charcoal exerts its effects by absorbing a wide variety of drugs and chemicals. Adsorption is a process in which atoms and molecules move from a bulk phase (such as a solid, liquid, or gas) onto a solid or liquid surface. In other words, the toxic substance attaches to the surface of the charcoal. Because charcoal is not "digested," it stays inside the GI tract and eliminates the toxin when the person has a bowel movement.
SODIS Method • The SODIS method is performed when the bottle is cleaned with soap and is filled with water and placed in sunlight for at least six hours. This means the water has been disinfected and can now be drunk.
SODIS Steps: Step 1: Wash bottle out with soap. -bottles must be transparent and colorless. -bottle can not hold more than 3 liters -can not be heavily scratched Step 2: -Turbidity; To see if the water is clear, place newspaper headline behind bottle and then look from bottom to top of bottle to see if headline is readable. This test corresponds to a turbidity of 30 NTV Step 3: -Cloudiness Rule: If less than half the sky is cloudy, 6 hours hrs. is enough. If sky is more than half cloudy, bottle must be in sun for 2 consecutive days. Rain: If It rains for periods of time, collecting rain water is the way to go. Step 4: -preventing recontamination The treated water must be drunk directly from bottle or poured into glass IMMEDIATELY before drunk. -This prevents water from being recontaminated
SOURCES http://www.cityofsalem.net/Departments/PublicWorks/Operations/Water%20Services/PublishingImages/ssf_revisedwhite.gif http://www.reuk.co.uk/OtherImages/bio-sand-filter.jpg www.princeton.edu/~oa/manuel/water.shtml www.harvesth20.com/green_water_purifications.shtml www.thewatertreatmeants.com www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/flocculation www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/coagulation www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/filtration www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/disinfection www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/fluorination www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/activatedcharcoal http://www.emedicinehealth.com/activated_charcoal/page2_em.htm