1. Differentiating to Make a Difference Judy K. Sargent, Ph.D.
School Improvement Services 1 CESA 7
3. Our Imperative CESA 7 3
4. Legal Acts to Guarantee Equity CESA 7 4
5. 5 CESA 7
6. 6 CESA 7
7. Know Your Students 7 CESA 7
8. 8 CESA 7
Readability Level--Fluency
Comprehension Skills (variety of texts)
Literal Comprehension
Evaluating and Extending
Word Meaning 9 CESA 7
10. KNOW YOUR STUDENTS—Background Challenges 10 CESA 7
11. Students withDisability Know each special education student
Nature of the disability
IEP Goals
Special education services to be provided
Special education teacher(s) 11 CESA 7
12. Strategies for Inclusion Quality differentiated inclusion in core and noncore subjects with supportive supplemental intervention
Positive Behavior Supports
Quality Co-Teaching
Teach to general education curriculum
Supports in the general ed classroom – people, equipment, aids
Frequent Collaboration – General Ed and Special Ed Teachers
Success breeds success – build learner confidence CESA 7 12
13. Students with Poverty School-wide Issue
Classroom-wide Issue 13 CESA 7
14. Classroom Strategiesfor Students of Poverty Build Cognitive Structures – build intentional thinking structures (like graphic organizers; modeling)
Create Relationships—build opportunity for students to build positive relationships with other students and with adults
Build Background Knowledge—preload vocabulary and concepts through engaging “into” the lesson starters
Teach Academic Vocabulary – through preloading, graphic organizers and concept maps 14 CESA 7
15. English Language Learners Understand Levels of Acquiring Academic English CESA 7 15
16. Can Do Descriptors forELL Differentiation CESA 7 16
17. Student Profile 17 CESA 7
18. CESA 7 18
19. Knowing Your Students How much do you know about your students? 19 CESA 7
20. Plan Ahead 20 CESA 7
21. Clear Learning Targets Learning Target – standards aligned
Guaranteed viable curriculum adopted by the school board– grade level expectations for all 21 CESA 7
22. Learning Environment Differentiated Tools
Technology for kinesthetic, mathematical and visual learners and ELLs
Music and sound for music/rhythmic learners and ELLs
Manipulative objects for kinesthetic learners and ELLs
Text for verbal-linguistic learners 22 CESA 7
23. Into-Thru-Beyond Strategies INTO the lesson
Reach MOST learners by planning “into” the lesson strategies—differentiate approaches
Build background knowledge for new content
Stimulators – using videos, technology, manipulatives and engaging relevant questions
Preload vocabulary through different methods – CONTENT VOCABULARY and ACADEMIC VOCABULARY
Cues, questions and advanced organizers 23 CESA 7
24. Into-Thru-Beyond, continued Differentiate “Thru” Strategies
Instruction with Learner Profiles in Mind
Direct Instruction – use a variety of modes of presentation based on learner profiles – visual/graphic, media, text
Guided Practice – provide small group or one-on-one guidance; match text levels to readability levels
Independent work—check for independence; provide positive support
Group work—group students with styles that support students in need
CESA 7 24
25. “Thru” Strategies with High Success Rates Successful for Students with…
Disability, Poverty or ELLs
Differentiate …
Graphic organizers (nonlinguistic representations)
Cooperative learning
Summarizing and note taking methods that include graphic methods
Technology presentation tools – interactive boards, computers and handhelds
CESA 7 25
26. Into-Thru-Beyond, continued Differentiated Beyond Strategies
Reflections – use a variety of modes – verbal, demonstration, written, pictures\
Journals – in a variety of forms – use technology, pictures, written forms
Connections—to real life (caution for poverty learners)
Extensions – predictions and connections CESA 7 26
28. Plan Ahead CESA 7 28
29. Teach with Passion 29 CESA 7
30. Maximum Engagement High On-Task Time
What makes learning activities engaging? What keeps students on task?
How can you differentiate engaging methods?
Tools and structures that meet their learning styles
Brain-based strategies
Grouping strategies
Think alouds & guided discourse
Positive feedback andencouragement 30 CESA 7
31. Transparency-Clue Students In Universal Strategy – Differentiate for Student Understanding
Make learning targets clear to students
Post the “purpose” of the lesson on the board for each lesson
Explain the goal of the lesson to students
Ask students to set their own learning goalbased on your learning target—and then self-assess their progress
Build student ownership of thelearning process 31 CESA 7
32. Positive Climate Support and encouragement for EACH learner
Positive feedback
Turn “LEARNED HELPLESSNESS” into “LEARNER OPTIMISM” – see the handout on “Building Learner Confidence”
Give incompletes with descriptive feedback instead of failing grades
Promise each student SUCCESS and then deliver it
32 CESA 7
33. Discuss How does “Teaching with Passion” support differentiation for all learners?
What happens to struggling learners without passionate teaching? CESA 7 33
34. Assess to Learn 34 CESA 7
35. Check for Understanding Differentiate Student Assignments
Based on learner style and background challenge (ELL, poverty or disability)
Constructions, written, illustrated, verbal, media, etc.
Think alouds – listen for and view for misconceptions
Probe frequently
Provide feedback toturn around performance 35 CESA 7
36. Descriptive Feedback Differentiate HOW you give feedback
In ways students will understand
Give details for students about their work
Learn to be diagnostic – to provide specific feedback
Be specific about reworking, rethinking, resubmitting work while you reteach differently 36 CESA 7
37. Making Differentiation Work-Focus Groups 37 CESA 7
38. Protocol Count off by 4’s
Assign Roles
One Recorder
One Lead Reporter
Work on filling in posters
Strategies, Ideas and Resources
Questions we still have
Report Out ? CESA 7 38