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Evolution of Applied Linguistics & Areas of AL Lec . 2. THE BEGININGS …1948. The publication of the first issue of the journal: Language Learning: Journal of Applied Linguistics. In the 1950s… .
THE BEGININGS …1948 The publication of the first issue of the journal: Language Learning: Journal of Applied Linguistics
In the 1950s… Reflected the insights of structural & functional linguists that could be applied to directly to 2nd language teaching, 1st literacy , & language arts issues
In the 1960s… Language teaching & related practical language issues, such as Language assessment, language policies, & 2nd language acquisition (focusing on the learner rather than teaching) AL began to emerge as a genuine problem-solving enterprise
In the 1970s… The broadening of the field of AL (language learning & language teaching) continued to include SLA, literacy, multilingualism, language planning, language policy, & teacher training
In the 1980s… The need to address language issues & problems as they occur in the real world.
In the 1980s… Applied linguistics extended in a systematic way beyond language teaching & language learning issues to encompass further linguistic subfields: • Language assessment, • Language policy & Planning, • Language use in professional settings, such as • Translation • Lexicography • Multilingualism • Language & technology • Corpus linguistics
By the end of 1980s… AL was seen as incorporating many subfields & supporting disciplines: linguistic & nonlinguistic • Psychology • Education • Anthropology • Sociology • Political science • Policy studies • Public administration • English studies (composition, rhetoric, literary studies) AL was seen as problem driven & real-world based rather than theory driven
In the 1990s… AL evolved further to break away form the common framing mechanisms of the 1980s
What does AL do? Problems arise in the area of language learning or acquisition … Let’s see the areas AL can deal with…
Areas of AL • Language & language acquisition • Language & assessment • Language & the brain • Language & cognition • Language & culture • Language & ideology • Language & instruction • Language & interaction • Language & listening, speaking, • Language & reading, writing language & media • Language & policy • language & research methodology • language & translation/ interpretation • language & technology
AL & Language Teaching AL can be seen as providing the intellectual basis for advances in language teaching in numerous contexts in a number of countries. AL + Pedagogy + Psychology + Psycholinguistics + Linguistics & Development in ling. ← problems faced in lang. teaching & AL does not take developments in linguistics and look for ways of applying them to teaching. Instead, the problems faced in language teaching are solved with the help of linguistics
Language Policy & Language Planning AL assists language planners by providing answers to questions like: to whom the policy/plan applies (the entire school-aged or some segment) & at what level (elementary, secondary, &/or higher education). & (Malay → Indonesia → Bahasa Indonesia) & AL also plays a vital role in planning the national or local language(s) of concerned countries.
Speech Therapy/ Pathology Speech therapy/pathology/ clinical linguistics include activities & exercises designed to help relieve or overcome language problems or speech defects (stuttering) or to help someone regain the use of speech after having suffered speech loss (aphasia). • Professionals: Speech pathologists, psycholinguists, & neurologists • Understanding how language is processed in the brain • Clinics & research labs
Speech Therapy/ Pathology AL incorporates into many professional training courses for treating patients with speech disorders by speech therapists.
Lexicography and Dictionary Making A new generation of lexicographers has emerged whose loyalty lie with linguistics. Sinclair’s Cobuild Dictionary (1987) is a principal example of the way applied linguists contribute to lexicography.
Lexicography and Dictionary Making This dictionary is a computerized database designed to link the learning of vocabulary thematically to real-world communicative contexts.
Translation and Interpretation The training of translators and interpreters of texts & speeches now often includes training in AL, specifically in the area of contrastive analysis where the translator is trained to point out the areas of similarities and differences between languages concerned.
Computer Assisted Language Learning Many programs and software have been developed to assist in learning and teaching languages. Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) & computer-assisted language instruction(CALI) have emerged in the field of education.
Computer Assisted Language Learning/ CALL - CALI i. Teaching programme presented by a computer in a sequence. The student responds on the computer, and the computer indicates whether the responses are correct or in correct.
Computer Assisted Language Learning / CALL - CALI ii. The use of computer to monitor students’ progress and direct them to the appropriate lessons, material, etc.
Computer Assisted Language Learning/ CAAL - CALI iii. The use of computer to provide exploratory environments for language learning by presenting problems in need for resolution and providing tools for further learning.
Applications of AL We have so far discussed some of the applications of the findings of AL in relation to other sciences like psychology, education, medicine, computer science, etc.
In relation to our main aim as language teachers, we will see how AL concentrates on the study of second and foreign language learning and acquisition. It concentrates more on the language learner. In fact, it considers the language learners as the centre of the whole learning process.
References • Noor, H, & Al-Qadi, N. (2003). A Course in Applied Linguistics for EFL/ ESL Arab Students. / Chapter 1 (pp. 1-12) For further reading • Kaplan, R. (2002). The Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Introduction (pp. 3-6) • Schmitt, N. (2002). An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. / Chapter 1(pp. 1-4)