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First Hospitals, the quality medical care provider in tier 1 and 2 cities of Tamil Nadu, has seen another progressive quarter that brought enhanced medical care to the rural populace. Read our Q1 eNewsletter that discusses our medical ethics motto and common health issues in rural India.
Prioritizing thePrimary & SecondaryCare eNewsletter-Q1(Apr-Jun)2018
CONTENTS Leader’sNote 03 HealthcareEthics 05 CommonHealthIssues08 OrganizationAnnouncement 10
Leaders’Note Aspired to be the agents of quality and enhanced clinical care at the primary and secondary healthcare units, First Hospitals is bound to providemedicalcarepracticedwithethicsandintegrity. With the flexibility that allows to design and deliver the care thatsuits thediversehealthneedsoftheruralpopulace,wecontinueourendeav- orsinprovidingthecarethatcures! Learnmoreaboutoureuortsinprovidingqualitycarewithethicalprac- tices. Mr. SrinivasanG ManagingDirector Our every step is destined to provide quality medical care in therural, tier1and2cities.Practivingwithintegrity,auordabilityandaccessibili- tyinmind,we at FirstHospitals,arecommittedtoreinforcethequality andenhancetheoutcomesofthetreatmentattheprimaryandsecond- ary carelevels. Continue reading to know how our facilities are making a change in ruralIndiawithEthicalMedicalPractice. HappyReading... Ms. Krishna KavyaJ Director
Healthcareethics,also known as'medicalethics' or 'bioethics',insimplest form, are thebeliefsand values that guideusin making choicesabout medicalcare
05 Healthcare Ethics in RuralIndia - And, The First Hospitals'Difference Humanitywithoutethicsperishes.Weneedtolivebyacodeandalltheprofessionsandpractices mustadheretocertainmoralethicsthatbenefitseveryone.MedicalprofessioninIndiaandallover theworld,isconsideredasanobleprofession. Healthcareethics,alsoknownas'medicalethics'or'bioethics',insimplestform,arethebeliefsand valuesthatguideusinmakingchoicesaboutmedicalcare Doctorsandtheothermedicalprofessionalsarethebrandambassadorsofhealth.Especially, doctorsareconsideredandregardedasnexttoGodinIndiaandwecouldseemanyexamples that strengthen thisnotion. Due to limited access to quality clinicians, healthcare facilities for specialized services, rural healthcareethicsarebeinginfluencedatvariouslevels.Inaddition,duetothegeographicaland climaticbarriersaswellasheightenedsocial,cultural,andeconomicchallenges,availingthecare thatisboundbyethicalpracticesisnotacommonscene. Dr. M V Annalarasi MBBS,PGDM(HCM) MedicalAdmin Medical profession was, is and will be a noble profession. The suflx 'Dr' is givenonlytodoctors.Thisistorespectthepeoplewhoareinthisnoblefield and diuerentiate themselves from the rest. Honouring this, First Hospital is boundtofollowmedicalethicsatallstagesinvolvedinpatientcare.
Rural Characteristics Influencing EthicsIssues: We, as a team, educate the patient and his or relatives about the course of action and the probable outcome in a detailed manner and followonly the actions that benefit the patient'shealthatagreaterlevel. • Limited economicresources • Reduced healthstatus • Limitedavailabilityandaccessibilityof healthcareservices • Cultural and personalvalues The following 4 principles are the universally perceivedethicalpracticesandweatFirstHos- pitalsfollowthemwithintegrity. Medicalorhealthcareethicsareasetofmoral principles that apply value to the medical practice. Believing this fact, we at First Hospi- tals, are bound to ethical practices,accessing thequalitymedicalcaretotheruralpublic. • Autonomy: to honor the patients right to make their owndecision • Beneficence: to help the patient advance his/her owngood • Nonmaleficence:todonoharm • Justice:tobefairandtreatlikecasesalike The Core Principles of Healthcare Ethicsat FirstHospitals Ourethicalresponsibilitiesinagivensituation depend in part on the nature of thedecision andinpartontherolesweplay. All these 4 principles are considered to be in euect at all times. In theory, each is of equal weight orimportance. PushpalathaM Head - Clinical &Quality Training At the core of healthcare, ethics are the basic sense of right and wrong and ourbeliefsaboutrightswepossessanddutiesweowetothepatients.AtFirst Hospitals,thinkingcarefullyabouttheethicalaspectsofhealthcaredecisions helpsusmakethechoicesthatareright,good,fairandjust.
Lack of facilitiesandquali- ty medicalcareproviders, it is wise tofocus onpre- ventivemeasuresthat help thepopulationin completely avoidingthe disease.
08 4 Common Health Diseases Found in Rural India duringMonsoon India is the second most populous country in the world andmostofthispopulationlivesinruralareas. Asthecountryisstillcategorizedas'still-developingcoun- try' the quality and standard of living in rural Indiaseek a lotofimprovementsinnumerousways,education,health, transportationandhousing,tobeaccurate. Especially,healthcaredemandsasignificantimprovement inruralIndia.Thelackoffacilitiesandqualitymedicalcare providers, it is wise to focus on preventive measures that helpthepopulationincompletelyavoidingthedisease.
Aspertherecentsurveycon- ductedbytheMinistryofRural Health inIndia, thefollowing diseasesareprevailinginthe ruralparts. Malaria The rural populace in India is prone to get Malaria dueto lack of proper sanitation, poor hygiene and living stand- ards.Malaria,oftenregardedasthemostcommondisease foundinthedevelopingcountries,auectmostofthecoun- try during the monsoon season as the weather during monsoonisidealformosquitolarvaharvesting. Typhoid Typhoidfeverisanacute,systemicinfectionpresentingas fever with abdominal symptoms, caused by Salmonella typhiandparatyphi.Theorganismsareacquiredviainges- tion of food or water, contaminated with human excreta from infectedpersons. Jaundice Jaundice, also known as icterus, is a condition, which is characterized by yellowish discolouration of the skin and whites of eyes. It is a symptom or clinical sign, not a disease by itself. The yellow colouration is caused by an excess amount of bile pigment known as bilirubin in the body. Normally, bilirubin is formed by the breakdown of haemoglobin during the destruction of worn-out red bloodcells. Diarrhoea Diarrhoea is a major public health problem indeveloping countries. Diarrhoeal diseases cause a heavy economic burdenonhealthservices.About15percentofallpediat- ricbedsinIndiaareoccupiedbyadmissionsduetogastro- enteritis. In India, diarrhoeal diseases are a major public healthproblemamongchildrenundertheageof5years.
OrganizationAnnouncement: FirstHospitalsNowatGobichettipalayamin collaborationwithSriChakraHospital.
FIRSTHOSPITALS Erode|Trichy|Dindigul|Gobi Corporate OGice : FrontEnders Health Management Pvt.Ltd No:5,54thLane,11thAvenue,AshokNagarChennai-600083,TamilNadu,India T:+914440143333||E:enquiry@firsthospitals.in||W:www.firsthospitals.in