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Hoover School Positive Behavior Support . Hoover Elementary School. Why?. Increase in discipline issues Lack of consistent expectations and consequences Schools need to address social skills and character development
Hoover School Positive Behavior Support Hoover Elementary School
Why? • Increase in discipline issues • Lack of consistent expectations and consequences • Schools need to address social skills and character development • MTSS - a framework that encourages schools to utilize data to help support not only academic needs, but behavioral as well • Tiers represent increasing intensity of academic and non-academic (behavior) support
Outcomes • Increase student self confidence • Decline in discipline problems • Increased and sustained student academic achievement • Improved school culture and climate • Create a school environment that is nurturing and safe so that all students and adults feel respected and valued members of the school community
How? • Students and staff developed common expectations for shared spaces • Schedule changes – fewer students at lunch and recess • Staff Meetings: Book study of “The Leader in Me” • Student kickoff: “Johnny the K” concert experience
How…. • Introduction to “The Seven Habits of Happy Kids” • PBIS Team Goals: • Work to establish common consequences for behavior that include recognition of positive AND disciplinary actions for misbehavior that will include student participation in a school service project which enables a student to be engaged in the desired character trait • Student developed, individualized academic and behavioral quarterly goals • Create a process to monitor and intervene at various behavior levels within a multi-tiered system of support
Other Areas…. • L.U.N.C.H. = Leave no trace; Use good manners; Nice conversation; Calm body; Have a seat • H.A.L.L. = Hands by side; All eyes forward; Lips zipped; Low speed • F.L.U.S.H. = Floors stay dry; Leave it clean; Use it quietly; Soft voices; Hands washed
Character & Social Skill Development • “The Seven Habits of Happy Kids” “The Leader in Me” We only get one chance to prepare our students for a future that none of us can possibly predict. What are we going to do with that one chance? ~Stephen Covey
Parent Involvement • Watch for information from classroom teachers explaining each habit containing practical tips on how to teach them at home • Become familiar with the habits so that you can authentically model them for your child(ren) • Read “The Leader in Me” parent guide • Check out “The Leader in Me” websites: theleaderinme.org; seancovey.com; stephencovey.com • Participate in “Coffee Chats” • And finally, when your child comes home and tells you something that happened school that you think staff should know about, please ask your child “who did you tell?”
We are building & driving the bus at the same time…work in progress!