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Translation Practice. Exercises of E-C Translation. 1 . Mr. Kennedy apparently was hit by the first of what witness believed were three shots.
Exercises of E-C Translation • 1. Mr. Kennedy apparently was hit by the first of what witness believed were three shots. • 2. I had spent a long day on a hired mule before the mail carrier who had been my guide pointed to a cabin on the far side of a stream, mutely refused the money I offered, and rode on. • 3. The era of blatant discrimination ended in the 1960s through the courageous actions of thousands of blacks participating in peaceful marches and sit-ins to force Southern states to implement the Federal desegregation laws in schools and public accommodation. • 4. And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.
5. Quakewatchers in California are uneasy. The series of moderate earthquakes that has shaken the state since last summer should have thrown up a wealth of clues about the precursors of quakes. It did not, although the place now bristles with seismic equipment and monitoring teams. • 6. Over the last couple of decades there’s been a tremendous explosion in museum attendance, and I see that continuing. As the population grows older, with more people studying in their retirement, and as schools and universities develop more imaginative ways of presenting knowledge, museums and galleries will be the centre of the educational process. To make the most of that position, they must not just open their doors but ensure their material is engagingly presented, with flesh-and-blood teachers as well as displays that draw on information technology.
7. The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and, consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in negotiation in an international arena as have their foreign counterparts. Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise, but in order to participate in either one, the negotiators must understand the ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within the culture of the negotiation. • 8. Whenever we visit a terminally ill patient, we cannot help being struck by his eagerness to know the truth about his condition. He does not only suffer from his illness, but also from the anxiety about its potential outcome. Although telling him the truth may risk destroying his hope, so that he may deteriorate faster, perhaps even commit suicide, a dying person has the right to know his condition and to make informed choice concerning his own health.
9. There are 39 universities and colleges offering degree courses in Geography, but I have never seen any good jobs for Geography graduates advertised. Or am I alone in suspecting that they will return to teach Geography to another set of students, who in turn will teach more Geography undergraduates? Only ten universities currently offer degree courses in Aeronautical Engineering, which perhaps is just as well, in view of the speed with which the aircraft industry has been dispensing with excess personnel. On the other hand, hospital casualty departments throughout the country are having to close down because of the lack of doctors. The reason? University medical schools can only find places for half of those who apply. It seems to me that time is ripe for the Department of Employment and the Department of Education to get together with the universities and produce a revised educational system that will make a more economic use of the wealth of talent, application and industry currently being wasted on diploma and degrees that no one wants to know about.
10. A cat having fallen in love with a young man, besought Venus to change her into a girl, in the hope of gaining his affections. The Goddess, taking compassion on her weakness, changed her into a fair damsel; and the young man, enamoured of her beauty, led her home as his bride. As they were sitting in their chamber, Venus, wishing to know whether in changing her form she had also changed her nature, set down a mouse before her. The girl, forgetful of her new condition, started from her seat, and pounced upon the mouse as if she would have eaten it on the spot; whereupon the Goddess, provoked at her frivolity, straightaway turned her into a cat again. What is bred in the bone, will never out of the flesh.
1. Mr. Kennedy apparently was hit by the first of what witness believed were three shots. • 1. 据目击者说,凶手共开了三枪,肯尼迪显然是被第一枪击中的。
2. I had spent a long day on a hired mule before the mail carrier who had been my guide pointed to a cabin on the far side of a stream, mutely refused the money I offered, and rode on. • 2. 我雇了一头骡子,邮差权充向导,骑了一整天,然后他指着河边的一幢木屋,我给他钱,他默然拒绝,迳自骑骡走了。
3. The era of blatant discrimination ended in the 1960s through the courageous actions of thousands of blacks participating in peaceful marches and sit-ins to force Southern states to implement the Federal desegregation laws in schools and public accommodation. • 3. 20世纪60年代,成千上万的黑人参加和平示威游行和静坐,经过英勇卓绝的斗争迫使南方各州实施联邦政府关于在学校和公共场所废除种族隔离的法律,从而结束了公然歧视黑人的年代。
4. And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born. • 4. 他有这样的母亲,他生在这样的地方,他出生在这样的人中间,要是这些都让她知道,他明白该有多丢人。
5. Quakewatchers in California are uneasy. The series of moderate earthquakes that has shaken the state since last summer should have thrown up a wealth of clues about the precursors of quakes. It did not, although the place now bristles with seismic equipment and monitoring teams. • 加利福尼亚的地震观测者焦虑不安。自去年夏季以来,加利福尼亚发生了一连串轻微的地震,这本来应该提供很多线索,从中可以看出发生地震的前兆。可是,虽然加利福尼亚到处布满了监测地震的设备和观测小组,却没有发现这样的线索。
6. Over the last couple of decades there’s been a tremendous explosion in museum attendance, and I see that continuing. As the population grows older, with more people studying in their retirement, and as schools and universities develop more imaginative ways of presenting knowledge, museums and galleries will be the centre of the educational process. To make the most of that position, they must not just open their doors but ensure their material is engagingly presented, with flesh-and-blood teachers as well as displays that draw on information technology. • 在过去几十年间,博物馆的参观人数剧增,而且我看(*)还会继续增加。随着人口的老龄化,更多人退休后还在学习,大中小学也推出更富想象力的知识传授方式,这样一来,博物馆和美术馆将在教育过程中起关键作用。为了充分发挥这一作用,博物馆和美术馆不仅要敞开大门,而且还要确保其展品以吸引人的方式展示出来,既有信息技术的展示,又有教师的生动讲解。
7. The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and, consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in negotiation in an international arena as have their foreign counterparts. Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise, but in order to participate in either one, the negotiators must understand the ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within the culture of the negotiation • 随着国际贸易和海外投资的增加,需要培训出一批既懂外语又有跨文化交流技巧的管理人才。然而,美国人在这两方面都未得到良好的训练,因此没有在国际谈判中象他们的外国对手那么成功。谈判是为了达成协议而反复交流的过程。它包括说服和妥协。但是为了说服别人和做出妥协,谈判者必须懂得在谈判的文化中怎样说服别人和怎样达成妥协。
8. Whenever we visit a terminally ill patient, we cannot help being struck by his eagerness to know the truth about his condition. He does not only suffer from his illness, but also from the anxiety about its potential outcome. Although telling him the truth may risk destroying his hope, so that he may deteriorate faster, perhaps even commit suicide, a dying person has the right to know his condition and to make informed choice concerning his own health. • 8.每当我们去探视一名患有不治之症的病人时,我们不禁为他那种急切想知道自己的真实病情的表情所震动。他不仅被疾病所折磨,也被为自己的病情可能发展的结果而焦虑所折磨。虽然若将真实病情告知他可能会使之失去希望,从而加速病情的恶化,甚至他可能自寻短见,但一个濒临死亡的病人有权知道自己的病情,有权对自己的健康状况作一个明智的判断。
9. There are 39 universities and colleges offering degree courses in Geography, but I have never seen any good jobs for Geography graduates advertised. Or am I alone in suspecting that they will return to teach Geography to another set of students, who in turn will teach more Geography undergraduates? Only ten universities currently offer degree courses in Aeronautical Engineering, which perhaps is just as well, in view of the speed with which the aircraft industry has been dispensing with excess personnel. On the other hand, hospital casualty departments throughout the country are having to close down because of the lack of doctors. The reason? University medical schools can only find places for half of those who apply. It seems to me that time is ripe for the Department of Employment and the Department of Education to get together with the universities and produce a revised educational system that will make a more economic use of the wealth of talent, application and industry currently being wasted on diploma and degrees that no one wants to know about.
10. A cat having fallen in love with a young man, besought Venus to change her into a girl, in the hope of gaining his affections. The Goddess, taking compassion on her weakness, changed her into a fair damsel; and the young man, enamoured of her beauty, led her home as his bride. As they were sitting in their chamber, Venus, wishing to know whether in changing her form she had also changed her nature, set down a mouse before her. The girl, forgetful of her new condition, started from her seat, and pounced upon the mouse as if she would have eaten it on the spot; whereupon the Goddess, provoked at her frivolity, straightaway turned her into a cat again. What is bred in the bone, will never out of the flesh. • 10. 有只猫爱上了一个青年,恳求爱神维纳斯把她变成个姑娘,好得到他的爱慕。女神对她深表同情,把她变成一个美女。青年倾心于她的美貌,便娶她为妻。维纳斯想知道,这只猫变了外形后是否也改变了本性,便趁他俩在卧房里坐着的时候,在她的面前放出一只老鼠。这位姑娘忘了自己现在的身分,禁不住从座位上一跃而起,向老鼠猛扑过去,好像要把它当场吃掉。女神为她的轻举莽动所激怒,立刻又把她变回一只猫。所谓江山易改,本性难移。
汉英段落翻译基本步骤 • 辨析原文的结构(从英语语法分析的角度分析汉语句子结构及段落层次) • 根据原文的意义层次, 考察结构调整的可能 • 结构调整后, 各个单句之间的连贯方式(即逻辑关系) • 注意英汉连贯的差异: 有标记连贯与无标记连贯 • 翻译各单句 • 注意英汉语言之间的各种差异(如句子结构, 词类使用, 衔接等) • 注意词汇搭配关系 • 注意标点符号的使用
Exercises of C-E Translation • 脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》演的是一个流传于明朝的故事。主题是妇女反抗封建统治。故事讲的是一个女子如何为了医治她穷书生的丈夫的病,四处寻找药草。在这充满传奇的寻找药草过程中,她是如何克服种种障碍,打败敌人的。
脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》演的是一个流传于明朝的故事。主题是妇女反抗封建统治。故事讲的是一个女子如何为了医治她穷书生的丈夫的病,四处寻找药草。在这充满传奇的寻找药草过程中,她是如何克服种种障碍,打败敌人的。脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》演的是一个流传于明朝的故事。主题是妇女反抗封建统治。故事讲的是一个女子如何为了医治她穷书生的丈夫的病,四处寻找药草。在这充满传奇的寻找药草过程中,她是如何克服种种障碍,打败敌人的。 • White Snake, one of the most popular traditional Peking operas, is based on a story handed down from Ming Dynasty, with its theme of women against feudal domination. It tells of a women’s search for the medicinal herb which can cure sick husband, a poor scholar. Her epic journey involves overcoming obstacles and defeating enemies.
尽管嘴上说友谊,对运动员来说重要的仍是比赛成绩。得第一名的获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。任何想获奥运冠军的人都得中断学业,牺牲自己的业余时间。这一点常常是观众没看到的。因此,运动员要求得到物质奖励是可以理解的。尽管嘴上说友谊,对运动员来说重要的仍是比赛成绩。得第一名的获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。任何想获奥运冠军的人都得中断学业,牺牲自己的业余时间。这一点常常是观众没看到的。因此,运动员要求得到物质奖励是可以理解的。 • Despite lip service paid to friendship, what matters to athletes is success. Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing. What the spectators sometimes fail to notice is that anyone who wants to become an Olympic champion has to break off his studies and has little spare time. It is therefore understandable that athletes want some tangible reward.
人们可能不会忘记那些日子,当时政府把许多国营企业私有化,砍掉了曾负责一个人生老病死的庞大的社会福利体制。工厂生产出大量劣质高价的产品,许多房子纷纷出售给私人。政府的开支和工资的大幅度增长使得通货膨胀失去了控制,最高时达到了近27%这个处于崩溃的比率。人们可能不会忘记那些日子,当时政府把许多国营企业私有化,砍掉了曾负责一个人生老病死的庞大的社会福利体制。工厂生产出大量劣质高价的产品,许多房子纷纷出售给私人。政府的开支和工资的大幅度增长使得通货膨胀失去了控制,最高时达到了近27%这个处于崩溃的比率。 • One may probably not forget the days when the government privatized many state-owned industries and destroyed the big welfare apparatus which once cushioned everyone “from the cradle to the grave.” Factories turned out shoddy and overpriced items. Many houses went private. Government spending and huge wage increases fueled runaway inflation which peaked at a crushing rate of nearly 27 percent.
有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。人际关系就是一种善于听取别人意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。人际关系就是一种善于听取别人意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。 • Sometimes, it is interpersonal skills rather than professional competence that really counts in your career. Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listeners, to be sensitive toward others’ needs, to take criticism well. People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes, and take their share of blame, which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error. That’s why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.
自我安定可不是找一个安宁的所在,而恰恰是在紊乱的环境中保持安定的心境。“定”是一种境界,是居于多变之中的不动摇。只有达到这一境界才能掌握自己的方向,才能做到“他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。” • Enjoying the tranquility of mind does not mean hiding oneself in a haven. What is meant is the maintenance of such a mental state in the midst of chaos, i.e. moral immovability amidst kaleidoscopic changes. Only a person who has attained this plane can be a real master of his destiny, contenting himself with the purest and simplest pleasure.
故宫旧称紫禁城,位于北京城的中心,为明、清两代的皇宫,是中国现存最大最完整的古代木构建筑群。始建于明永乐四年(1406年),历时十四年才竣工。迄今已有500余年历史,有24位皇帝相继在此登基执政。 • The Imperial Palace, previously called the Forbidden City and now popularly known as the Palace Museum, is located in the center of Beijing. Once the palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is the largest and most complete ancient wooden complex extant in China today. Building work began in 1406, the fourth year of the Ming emperor Yongle’s reign. The complex was finished 14 years later. During its time as Imperial Palace a succession of 24 emperors sat on the throne and administered state affairs.
吹牛 甲曰:“家下有鼓一面,每击之,声闻百里。” 乙曰:“家下有牛一只,江南吃水,头直靠江北。” 甲摇头曰:“那有此牛?” 乙曰:“不是这一只牛,怎谩得这一面鼓。”
Talking Big 甲曰:“家下有鼓一面,每击之,声闻百里。” 乙曰:“家下有牛一只,江南吃水,头直靠江北。” 甲摇头曰:“那有此牛?” 乙曰:“不是这一只牛,怎谩得这一面鼓。” A man said: “In our village there is a drum so big that when it is beaten, its booming sound can be heard 100 li away.” Another man cut in with: “In our village there’s an ox which has its head in Jiangbei when it is drinking water in Jiangnan. The first man shook his head and said: “There couldn’t be an ox as big as that.” At that the second man retorted: “If there’s no ox as big as that, how on earth can they get a skin big enough to cover that great drum of yours?”
After that I stood all day behind the bar attending to my duties. Although I did nothing wrong at this job, I found it somewhat boring and monotonous. My boss was a fierce-looking man, the customers were not pleasanter, and the tavern failed to be bright. There was not any laughter until Kong Yiji came. That’s why I still remember him.
College students now bear heavy academic pressure. You will find them—except seniors who are beginning to look for a job—always too busy in studies to join campus organizations, too busy to take part in sports and other extracurricular activities, too busy to share the interests of their friends, and too busy to pay attention to anything that is not connected with their studies. In short, they have become nothing but a robot. They are under pressure to do too much work in too little time. If their roommates are studying in the library until it closes at midnight while they go to a movie, they will feel guilty. The very idea of doing nothing during the day will make them uncomfortable and sleepless all night. They study so hard that they have hardly had time to savor life and to pursue other interests to grow as well-rounded people. The pursuit of college education costs them too much personal happiness and health.
《翻译》期末考试安排 • 复习范围 • 周末授课课件 • 课程作业 • 考试题型(英译汉50%+汉译英50%) • 单选题(40%: 英译汉20%+汉译英20%) • 段落翻译(60%: 英译汉30%+汉译英30%)