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Impact of Violent Music: Aggressive Lyrics & Behavioral Reactions

Analyzing the influence of violent music on aggression levels, exploring associations between lyrics and aggressive thoughts through various music genres. Are violent lyrics directly linked to real-life violent actions?

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Impact of Violent Music: Aggressive Lyrics & Behavioral Reactions

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  1. Does Music Promote Violence? Violence Urge or Choice (Watson, 2003)

  2. Breakdown of Violence in Music • Males are generally the aggressors in music videos. • White women make up the largest group of victims in music videos. • African Americans are disproportionately more likely to commit violence in music videos. (Cronie,1998) Video (Shakur, 2006)

  3. Example of a Violent Song“Smooth Criminal” by Alien Ant Farm • “Smooth Criminal” describes violence in graphic detail. • “She was struck down” • “Blood stains on the carpet” • “It was her doom” • Makes a very serious crime into a form of entertainment. (Mitchell, 2001, track 12)

  4. Example of a Violent Song“Delia’s Gone” by Johnny Cash • “Delia’s Gone” is about a man who kills a woman who was unfaithful to him. • “I shot her in her side” • “Delia died” • “If I hadn’t shot poor Delia” • “I tied her to her chair” • Displays violence as a viable means to solve unfaithfulness in a relationship. (Cash, 1962, track 7)

  5. Can music make a person act violently for no reason other than the rhetoric of the music? Are people with an aggressive personality more likely to listen to violent music? Violent People VS Violent Music Like Violent Music Makes People Violent (Lee, 1940)

  6. Violent Lyrics Cause Aggression • In a study of exposure to violent lyrics it can be shown that violent music can increase “feelings of hostility” • Study also showed an increased recognition of aggression in language after exposure. (Anderson & Carnagey & Eubanks, 2003) (Shankbone, 2009)

  7. Short Term Effects of Violent Music • Increases the amount of aggressive thoughts. • Influences the perception of aggression in social settings. • Can cause more aggressive responses. (Anderson & Carnagey & Eubanks, 2003)

  8. Long Term Effects of Violent Music Direct Effects • Contributes to aggressive personalities • Can cause aggressive reactions where none would have been without influence. (Anderson & Carnagey & Eubanks, 2003)

  9. Long Term Effects of Violent Music Indirect Effects • Can create a more aggressive environment due to expected response of aggressive person. • Can endanger personal relationships (Anderson & Carnagey & Eubanks, 2003)

  10. Violent Music Comes from Violent Experiences • Criticism of violent rap music rarely take into account the society that rap was created in. • In many cases the music depicts everyday events including violence. (Richardson & Scott, 2003) (Schyler, 2006)

  11. Violent Music Comes from Violent Experiences • Rappers like Tupac who died a violent death lived a violent life full of hard decisions. • Tupac’s life decisions more than his music lead to his death (Richardson & Scott, 2003) (Makaveli)

  12. Criticism of Violent Music May be Racially Motivated • The most widely criticized genre is Rap which has African roots. • The “white” country songs with violence are rarely blamed for violent outbreaks. • Rap has demands for censorship, when country and rock do not. (Richardson & Scott, 2003) (Bowdich, 1817)

  13. Conclusion While it can be seen that violent music can cause an aggressive attitude, however; there is no proof that violent lyrics directly cause violent actions. In most cases the violence that is blamed on music is really a cause of life's circumstances that cause some one to lash out at society.

  14. References Anderson, C., Carnagey, N., & Eubanks, J. (2003). Exposure to violent media: The effects of songs with violent lyrics on aggressive thoughts and feelings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(5), 960-971. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.84.5.960. Jeanita W Richardson, & Kim A Scott. (2002). Rap music and its violent progeny: America's culture of violence in context. The Journal of Negro Education, 71(3), 175-192.  Retrieved July 4, 2010, from ProQuest Psychology Journals. (Document ID: 278467731). Cronie, W. (1998). Music videos promote adolescent aggression. Harvard University Gazette, Retrieved from http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/1998/04.09/MusicVideosProm Cash, J. (1962). Delia’s Gone. On The sound of Johnny Cash [CD]. Nashville: Columbia. Mitchell, D. (2001). Smooth Criminal. On Anthology [CD]. US: Dreamworks. Shakur, T. (Producer). (2006). Ballad of a dead soulja. [Web]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DamWU0dAWCE&feature=related Watson, A. (Photographer). (2003). Tupac amaru shakur. [Web]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tupac_Amaru_Shakur.jpg Schyler, . (Photographer). (2006). Bloods - gang sign. [Web]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bloods_-_Gang_Sign.jpg

  15. References Shankbone, D. (Photographer). (2009). Ice-t at the 2009 tribeca film festival 2. [Web]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ice- T_at_the_2009_Tribeca_Film_Festival_2.jpg Lee, R. (Photographer). (1940). Manshooting. [Web]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Manshooting.jpg Makaveli, . (Photographer). Tupac shakur. [Web]. Retrieved from http://media.photobucket.com/image/tupac/Makaveli-tupac/tupac-thug-life- 4900917.jpg Bowdich, T. (Photographer). (1817). Ashanti yam ceremony 1817. [Web]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ashanti_Yam_Ceremony_1817

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