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Teen Dating Violence Prevention. The Tina Project is an organizational collaborative that helps Ohio schools meet and exceed state laws in order to prevent teen dating violence and promote healthy relationships, so that what happened to Tina Croucher never happens to another young person.
The Tina Project is an organizational collaborative that helps Ohio schools meet and exceed state laws in order to prevent teen dating violence and promote healthy relationships, so that what happened to Tina Croucher never happens to another young person. Mission
Founding Members Butler County: Citizens Against Domestic Violence Medina and Summit Counties: Battered Women Shelter & Rape Crisis Center Cuyahoga County: Domestic Violence Center Jewish Family Service Association Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Geauga County: WomenSafe Ashtabula County: Homesafe Stark County: Domestic Violence Project Alliance Area DV Shelter Mahoning County: Sojourner House Trumbull County: Someplace Safe
Ohio’s Grade F Key Focus Areas for Grading 1) Access to Civil Protection Orders (CPOs) 2) Access to Sensitive Services 3) School Response to Dating Violence. “In Ohio, the law does not specify whether minors can obtain Protection Orders (POs), nor does it specify whether POs can be issued against minor abusers. Ohio’s law excludes people in dating relationships from accessing POs. This results in an automatic failing grade for Ohio.” (Cycle, B.t.,2010)
House Bill 10 Shynerra’s Law Access to protection orders for minors House Bill 19 Tina’s Law Teen dating violence education
The Tina Croucher Act House Bill 19 – Mandate for Ohio Schools Currently 10 states have laws on teen dating violence and 14 states have pending legislation.
What does HB 19 mandate for schools? 1. That teen dating violence be addressed in school policies at the State and District levels. 2. That all schools in the state of Ohio provide education and awareness on teen dating violence for grades 7-12. 3. That all schools in the state of Ohio provide education, awareness and training to staff in their schools.
Teen Dating Violence “Dating violence is when one person purposely causes physical or psychological harm to another person they are dating, including sexual assault, physical abuse, and psychological/emotional abuse.” (Violence Against Women, 2009)
Types of Abuse • Physical abuse: any intentional use of physical force with the intent to cause fear or injury, like hitting, shoving, biting, strangling, kicking or using a weapon • Emotional abuse: non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking • Sexual abuse: any action that impacts a person’s ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity occurs, including rape, coercion or restricting access to birth control (Dating Violence 101, 2009)
Who Experiences Dating Violence? Dating violence is an equal opportunity crime.
Who Experiences Dating Violence? Most Vulnerable are those: • Without knowledge (jealousy = love) • Lacking positive role models • Wanting to fit in • With low self esteem • Whose needs are not being met
Why do we need to talk about it? • 1 in 3 teenagers in a serious relationship reported that they’ve been concerned about being hurt physically by a boyfriend or girlfriend. • Almost one-third of girls who have been in a relationship said they’ve been pressured to engage in sexual acts when they didn’t want to do so. • 1 in 4 teens who have been in a serious relationship say their boyfriend or girlfriend has tried to prevent them from spending time with friends or family. • (Liz Claiborne, 2006)
Why do we need to talk about it? • Nearly 80% of females reported experiencing at least one incident of physical or sexual aggression by the end of college. • 49% of males (high school to 4th year in college) report using at least one incident of physical or sexual violence against an intimate partner. • (Liz Claiborne, 2006)
The Intersection between Teen Dating Violence and Rape • 1 out of every 6 American adult women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. • 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before her/his 18th birthday. • Women/girls are at highest risk of sexual assault between the ages of 16-24. • 93% of juvenile victims know their perpetrator. (Resources, 2011)
The Intersection between Teen Dating Violence and Rape • 58% of all rape victims report being raped between the ages of 12-24. (Teen Dating Violence Facts, 2006) • 62% of completed rapes occur by classmates or friends.(Statistics, 2009) • 57% of rapes occur while out on a date. • (Perspectives on Acquaintance Rape, 2006)
The Intersection between Teen Dating Violence and Rape • More than half of rapes are never reported. • With teenagers, it is even more likely that they will not report to persons of authority.
Recognizing Dating Violence Dating violence is a patternof abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a dating partner
Warning Signs • Extreme jealousy or insecurity • Checking your cell phone or email without permission • Constant put-downs • Explosive temper • Isolating you from family or friends • Mood swings • Physically hurting you in any way • Possessiveness • Telling you what to do (Dating Violence 101, 2009)
Impact of Abuse • Fear • Embarrassment • Shame • Physical Problems from Anxiety • Change in Personality • Disciplinary Problems (for both victim and abuser) • Social Isolation • Legal Issues
Victim Informed Education & Prevention Through the many stories of victims of Teen Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Assault, teens can be positively impacted, taught the warning signs of abusive relationships, and motivated to take action.
Through victim’s stories, we can reach teachers, counselors, and administrators to support them in drafting quality policies and procedures and to properly respond to student disclosures. Victim Informed Education & Prevention
Stories Like… Johanna Orozco Cleveland, Ohio Shot in face by ex-boyfriend March 2007
Anti-Violence Education in Schools Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Preschool/Early Elementary Manners Fairness Safe touch/Ouch touch/Uh-oh touch Respect Middle School Responsibility Bullying/Relational Aggression Cyber Safety Sexting Sex Education Respect Sexual Harassment High School Accountability Legal consequences Dating Safety Healthy Relationships Sexual Harassment Rape/Stalking Sexting Respect Elementary Trustworthiness Responsibility Inappropriate touch Bullying Respect Anti-violence education is not just an extra-curricular program. It is everyone’s responsibility.
How can The Tina Project help your school? Policy – technical assistance Teacher/Staff training at your school Classroom presentations to students Support for special projects to reinforce classroom learning (clubs, athletic teams, Take Back the Night) Strengthen the local service provider’s relationship with the local school district(s)
We are all responsible • Safe and supportive school model • Know and recognize the signs • Talk about it, educate and keep it out in the open • Encourage peer programs and mentorship • Hold perpetrators accountable and follow through with consequences • Make it a community responsibility (educators, parents, etc) • Compassionate and effective response to the victim
Use multi-media to reach students Classroom size audiences Age and developmentally appropriate information Prevention campaigns must be longer than one class period per year Statistics presented must be victim informed or nationally recognized Promote healthy relationships and sexuality Include all types of dating violence Identify behaviors that are part of a non-healthy continuum of interactions Address social responsibility and appropriate options for bystander intervention Identify legal consequences Identify personal support systems as a resource Guiding Principals
Recommended Resource Teen Relationship Violence: A Resource Guide for Increasing Safety Created by ODVN http://www.odvn.org
Contact Information • Shannon Crumpler Tina Project Coordinator 216.229.2420 ext. 222 scrumpler@dvcac.org
Visit Us • www.thetinaproject.org • Follow us on facebook
Works Cited Cycle, B. t. (2010). 2010 State Law Report Cards: A National Survey of Teen Dating Violence Laws. Los Angeles. Cycle, B. T. (2009). State Law Report Cards. Retrieved May 2011, from Break the Cycle: http://www.breakthecycle.org/content/teen-dating-violence-state-law-report-cards Dating Violence 101. (2009). Retrieved May 2011, from Break the Cycle: http://www.breakthecycle.org/dating-violence-101 Liz Claiborne, I. (2006). Study on Teen Dating Abuse Conducted by Teenage Research Unlimited. Perspectives on Acquaintance Rape. (2006). Retrieved May 2011, from American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress: http://www.aaets.org/arts/art13.htm Resources. (2011). Retrieved May 2011, from Cleveland Rape Crisis Center: http://www.clevelandrapecrisis.org/resources/statistics/national-statistics-about-sexual-assault Statistics. (2009). Retrieved May 2011, from Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network: http://www.rainn.org/statistics Teen Dating Violence Facts. (2006). Retrieved May 2011, from National Teen Dating Violence Prevention Initiative: http://www.clotheslineproject.org/teendatingviolencefacts.pdf Violence Against Women. (2009, January 15). Retrieved May 2011, from The National Women's Health Information Center: http://www.womenshealth.gov/violence/types/dating.cfm