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Graduate Studies in Counseling New Student Orientation. Welcome! Welcome New Students! We are glad you are here! Let’s get to know each other…. Introductions. What Does it Mean to be a Graduate Counseling Student?.
Graduate Studies in Counseling New Student Orientation Welcome! Welcome New Students! We are glad you are here! Let’s get to know each other…
What Does it Mean to be a Graduate Counseling Student? • Committing yourself to a professional training program that impacts lives in significant ways; • Committing yourself to a career that involves responsibility to yourself and others and to maintaining the highest ethical practice; • Fully engaging in the learning process; • The ability to appropriately give and receive feedback. • Attendance, attention, and participation in class is mandatory. • Maintaining academic integrity; • Advocating for your clients and the profession.
What Does it Mean to be a Graduate Counseling Student? • Embracing a commitment to wellness and self-care; • Having the courage to grow and change-to become the best version of yourself; • Opening yourself to feedback and transformative experiences; • Taking responsibility for your development as a counselor; • Connecting with others in the program and in the community (not just doing your own thing).
Your Student Handbook • It is imperative that you read the Counselor Education Student Handbook, which informs you about: • Your ethical and professional obligations • Your personal growth expectations • Eligibility for licensure and certification • Polices and Procedures • Everything you could possibly want to know about being a graduate student in counseling at Stetson. • Download the student handbook by clicking here: Stetson University Counselor Education Student Handbook
Scheduling Considerations • Meet with your advisor and set-up a Planned Program • Standard and Moderate Tracks • Evening and weekend classes, although some may meet during the week for site visits and other activities • Do not alter your Planned program without talking with your Advisor! • Be mindful of your personal well-being and life balance especially while in Practicum and Internship
Certificate and Dual Degree Options • Certificate Options for Degree-Seeking Students- Students currently enrolled in Stetson’s Counselor Education Program must complete the following requirements in addition to their primary program track. • http://catalog.stetson.edu/graduate/arts-sciences/graduate-education-counselor-education/degree-seeking-certificate-progams/ • Dual Degree Options for Degree-Seeking Students in Counseling. Students are eligible to apply for this option with adviser approval. If a student wishes to graduate from two counseling specialty areas concurrently, he or she must meet the degree requirements for both CACREP accredited specialties. This would include meeting the curricular requirements for each specialty and a minimum of a 600 clock hour internship for each specialty. The awarding of the degrees must occur simultaneously. • http://catalog.stetson.edu/graduate/arts-sciences/graduate-education-counselor-education/dual-degree/
What do I do now? • Talk with your Advisor and get approval • Work with your Advisor to revise your Planned Program • Complete the Dual Degree or Certificate Request Form and turn it in to the Office of Graduate Studies
Assessment System and VIA • Continuous systematic evaluation of our program and Student Learning Outcomes • CACREP standards are assessed in key performance indicators (KPI’s) and activities throughout the program. • It is strongly recommended that you begin uploading your assignments/activities into your VIA Portfolio early in the program.
Advancement to Candidacy Students must meet the following requirements for advancement to candidacy: • Complete at least eighteen hours of graduate work at Stetson with the minimum of a 3.0 GPA average • The Graduate Council of the Department of Counselor Education meets annually and reviews each student’s acquisition of developmentally appropriate counseling knowledge, skills, and dispositions to determine eligibility for advancement. • The student is notified by letter when advanced to candidacy.
Other Requirements • 2 Professional Conferences- what counts? • 8 Personal Counseling Sessions • CPCE (Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam) • Portfolio- online in VIA and oral presentation
Opportunities to Connect • Chi Sigma Iota Honor Society • Complete at least six credit hours with a 3.5 GPA • Attend the annual Holiday Party and other social events • https://www.stetson.edu/artsci/counselor/csi.php • Counselor Education Research Club (CERC) • https://www.stetson.edu/artsci/counselor/research-lab.php • Social Media • https://www.facebook.com/groups/CounselorEDStetson/ • Linkedin, twitter, and instagram
University Resources • Career and Professional Development • http://www.stetson.edu/portal/career/ • Academic Success • https://www.stetson.edu/administration/academic-success/ • Writing Center • http://www.stetson.edu/other/writing-center/ • duPont Ball Library • https://www2.stetson.edu/library/ • https://www2.stetson.edu/library/services/library-services-for-graduate-students/library-resource-webinars/ • Other contact information in your Student Handbook
Tips for Success in the ProgramWhat Students’ Say • Laugh! You have to be able to laugh with fellow students! You will be spending A LOT of time with them Build relationships – they are your future colleagues and your “lifesavers” • Be okay with change. You will change, and you will see the world around you differently. • Participate in class - you are already there and you paid for it so get something out of it. Start networking!
Tips for Success in the ProgramWhat Students’ Say • Do the big stuff early; conferences, sessions, advancement etc. • Save everything, including syllabi – both physically and digitally – use VIA • Do not be afraid to speak up and say when something is not working for you whether its internship site, a project, or group- if you have a problem, change it! • Join Stetson Counselor Ed on Facebook
ACTIVITY: Sharing Strengths and Fears • New Students: Divide into groups of three. Be strong enough to stand alone, Be yourself enough to stand apart, And be wise enough to stand together when the time comes.
Making Connections • Each student has a 3 minute turn to share. • Listeners: Practice deep listening by: • Serving as a witness, • Listening intently and fully, • Refraining from asking questions.
Sharing Strengths • Share your thoughts about beginning the program: • What are one or two strengths that you believe you bring to your first year group? • How did these strengths develop? “You, my colleagues, will be so happy that I am in this class with you because….”
Sharing Fears • Share your thoughts about beginning the program: • What is your greatest fear about entering the mental health counseling profession? • What contributes to this fear?
Combine with Another Triad(5-6 students) Debrief: What was it like to share your strengths and fears with your colleagues? (talk about the process of sharing)
Homework Assignment #1 • Thoroughly read: • The Department of Counselor Education Student Handbook • Print and Sign the last page by August 31, 2019. • Return to counseloreducation@Stetson.edu