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CHMI 4237 E Special topics in Biochemistry. Stress signaling. Eric R. Gauthier, Ph.D . Dept . Chemistry - Biochemistry Laurentian University. Hypoxia. Mechanical. Oxidative. Viruses. Chemicals. Nutrient. Radiation. Osmotic pressure. Cell stresses. Heat. ?. Cell cycle arrest.
CHMI 4237 ESpecialtopics in Biochemistry Stress signaling Eric R. Gauthier, Ph.D. Dept. Chemistry-Biochemistry LaurentianUniversity CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Hypoxia Mechanical Oxidative Viruses Chemicals Nutrient Radiation Osmotic pressure Cell stresses Heat CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
? Cell cycle arrest Adaptation Death Cellular responses to stress CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
? - Metabolic rewiring - Differentiation Cell cycle arrest Adaptation - Plasticity - Motility Death - Defense Cellular responses to stress - Aging CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Cellular responses to stress CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Food shortage Cell cycle Protein synthesis Alternative food source OR Commit suicide 1. Response to nutrientstarvation CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
http://8e.devbio.com/image.php?id=187 1. Response to nutrientstarvation Blocking ATP-vorousprocesses CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
http://8e.devbio.com/image.php?id=188 CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
http://8e.devbio.com/image.php?id=188 CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
eIF2 phosphorylation leads to translation arrest http://deverlab.nichd.nih.gov/graphics/fig3a.gif CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
GCN2 – linkingaminoacidavailabilitywith translation http://deverlab.nichd.nih.gov/sub_rec.htm CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010 The EMBO Journal Vol. 20 No. 6 pp. 1425-1438, 2001
Trends in Endocrinology & MetabolismVolume 20, Issue 9, November 2009, Pages 436-443 uORF = - upstream open reading frame (i.e. upstream of the ATF4 ORF) - uORF1 encodes for a 3-amino acid protein - uORF2 overlaps with the ATF4 ORF but is out of frame. ATF4 translation is INCREASED when eIF2 isphosphorylated… CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
ATF4 translation islimitedwhenaminoacids are plentyful Trends in Endocrinology & MetabolismVolume 20, Issue 9, November 2009, Pages 436-443 CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
ATF4 translation islimitedwhenaminoacids are plentyful Trends in Endocrinology & MetabolismVolume 20, Issue 9, November 2009, Pages 436-443 CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Trends in Endocrinology & MetabolismVolume 20, Issue 9, November 2009, Pages 436-443 Transcription Initiation machinery ATF4 genetargets CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Trends in Endocrinology & MetabolismVolume 20, Issue 9, November 2009, Pages 436-443 ATF4 genetargets CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Molecular Cell, Vol. 18, 141–148, April 15, 2005 GCN2/eIF2 and feedingbehavior CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
mTOR: • Protein serine kinase • Same family as ATM • Inhibited by Rapamycin • Rapamycin: secreted by Streptomyces hygroscopicus • From Rapa Nui (aka Easter Island) • Senses: • Glucose • Amino acids • Energy levels • Triggers: • AKT activation • Translation • Proliferation NATURE REvIEWS | Molecular cell Biology vOlUME 10 | MAy 2009 | 307 mTOR: the art of sensingnutrients • HEAT repeats: protein interaction domain • FAT domain: domain structure shared by FRAP, ATM and TRRAP CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
mTORC1: targeting translation CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010 Oncogene (2006) 25, 6416–6422
mTORC1 p70 S6K S6 ribosomal protein eIF4B mTORC1: targeting translation ↑ eIF4A helicase activity NATURE REvIEWS | Molecular cell Biology vOlUME 10 | MAy 2009 | 307 ↑ translation efficiency CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
mTORC1: widerangingeffects http://www.cellsignal.com/reference/pathway/mTor.html CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
TSC 1/2: • GTPase activating enzyme targets Rheb • Mutated in patients with Tuberous Sclerosis • Rheb: • small G protein • In GTP-bound form: activates mTOR • PRAS40 • Binds mTORC and inhibits it; • Dissociates form mTORC upon phosphorylation by AKT AKT PRAS40 mTOR GbL Raptor PO4 mTORC1 regulation PRAS40 mTOR CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010 GbL Raptor NATURE REVIEWS | DRUG DISCOVERY VOLUME 4 | DECEMBER 2005 | 989
NATURE REvIEWS | Molecular cell Biology vOlUME 10 | MAy 2009 | 307 mTORC1 regulation CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010 http://www.lsi.umich.edu/files/ken_research_fig1.jpg
NATURE REvIEWS | Molecular cell Biology vOlUME 10 | MAy 2009 | 307 Glucose and mTORC1 CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010 http://www.lsi.umich.edu/files/ken_research_fig1.jpg
GLUCOSE Cellular processes Glycogen Glycolysis ATP ADP ATP Energy reserves Acetyl-CoA Fatty acids ETC Citrate NADH TCA ETC When glucose in plenty… CO2 ATP ATP CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
GLUCOSE Glycogen Glycolysis ATP Energy reserves Acetyl-CoA Fatty acids Citrate NADH TCA Glutamine ETC When glucose in scarce… CO2 ATP ATP CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
ADP Kinase AMP ADP ADP ATP But, how are glucose levelssensed? CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
ADP Kinase AMP ADP ADP ATP AMPK Adaptation But, how are glucose levelssensed? CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
AMPK and mTORC1 http://www.cellbiol.net/ste/alpobesity4.php CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
http://www.cellsignal.com/reference/pathway/AMPK.html Othertargets of AMPK CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Othertargets of AMPK- carbohydratemetabolism CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Othertargets of AMPK- lipidmetabolism CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Othertargets of AMPK- cell cycle CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Other triggers of AMPK CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Adrenalin Other triggers of AMPK- adrenalin http://www.cellbiol.net/ste/alpobesity4.php CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Other triggers of AMPK- adrenalin http://www.cellbiol.net/ste/alpobesity4.php CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Other triggers of AMPK- adrenalin http://www.cellbiol.net/ste/alpobesity4.php CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
http://stke.sciencemag.org/content/sigtrans/vol2006/issue346/images/large/3462006re7F1.jpeghttp://stke.sciencemag.org/content/sigtrans/vol2006/issue346/images/large/3462006re7F1.jpeg Other triggers of AMPK- Insulin CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Aminoacids and mTOR CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010 http://www.efdeportes.com/efd131/leucine-stimulates-mtor-01.jpg
Aminoacids and mTOR http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2677387/pdf/nihms103321.pdf CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Autophagy – cellcannibalism 5 NOVEMBER 2004 VOL 306 SCIENCE nature cell biology volume 9 | number 10 | O CTOBER 2007 CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Autophagy – cellcannibalism CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010 Biochem. J. (2005) 391, 191–202
Phagophore Nucleation Phagophore Elongation Autophagosome 9 PI3P Atg23/27 Vps34 2 Membrane transport? Atg2/18 Vps34 1 13 18 Atg9 LC3-II mTOR Atg3 Atg16 PtdE 1 Atg10 Atg7 LC3-II Gly Starvation Atg1/ ULK1 13 Atg4 Atg13 LC3-I Atg5 Atg12 Autophagy: autophagosome formation
http://www.cellsignal.com/products/4108.html LC3 – a marker of autophagy CHMI 4237 E - Winter 2010
Autophagosome Amino acids Atg22 Cathepsins Autophagy: fusion with lysosome H+ ATP Autolysosome H+ ADP + Pi Lysosome
Increasing autophagy Chloroquine Vps34 PI3P Beclin UVRAC 9 p150 p150 H+ Lipid transport? ATP H+ 1 13 ADP + Pi Lysosome Atg9 Vps34 mTOR 3-MA 1 13 Rapamycin Beclin Bcl2 UVRAC Bcl2 Bafilomycin A Inhibiting autophagy Autophagy - modulation