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You need your book, journal, workbook and pencil. Lesson 12 day 4. Phonics & Spelling. I know I went the wrong way at the stop sign. kn ow wr ong si gn cou gh rou gh kn ight tou gh cou gh lau gh rou gh enou gh
You need your book, journal, workbook and pencil. Lesson 12 day 4
Phonics & Spelling • I know I went the wrong way at the stop sign. • know wrong sign • cough roughknight • tough cough laugh rough enough • Do you have enough water? • “What’s your name?” he asked roughly. • A lion’s skin is very tough. • Gina coughedfive times this morning. • I could hear their laughter all the way down the hall.
Phonics & Spelling • coff cough • gnat nat • nees knees • rist wrist • naw gnaw • kneel neel • known nown • rench wrench
Phonics & Spelling • Homophones: Some of the words sound just like other words. • knew/new • knob/ nob • write/right • rough/ruff • knight/night
Synonyms and Antonyms • The plant will not flourish in the sun. It will probably die. • When I read the first sentence, I am not sure what flourish means. So I read the second sentence for clues. I read that the plant “will probably die.” That makes me think that flourish is the opposite of die. • Remember that a word that means the opposite of another word is called an antonym. • A word that means the same as another word is called a synonym.
Synonyms & Antonyms • The hamlet was on a cliff above the sea. The village was so small, it was not on the map. • Hamlet and village are synonyms . • Tony waited for his friend to respond, but he did not answer. • Anya did not mean to break the vase. She hoped her dad would be able to repair it.
deciphered • If I name an item that might need to be deciphered do thumbs up if not thumbs down. • A menu in French • A stop sign • A neatly typed note • A messy, scribbled note
mistaken • Read these math sentences. If the answer is wrong, say “Mistaken!” If the answer is correct say “Correct!” • 3+4=7 • 2+3=6 • 5+3=9 • 7+7=14
catastrophe/fortunate • Put you hand over your mouth if you think the event I name could be a catastrophe. Clap if the event is fortunate. • A volcano erupts near a town • A boy finds his lost dog • School is closed because of stormy weather
bothersome/repairs/din • Raise your hand if the repair I name would cause a bothersomedin . Keep your hand down if it would not. • Using a jackhammer to dig up a road • Repairing a watch • Repairing a computer • Using a hammer to fix a shelf
Synonyms: What vocabulary word could replace the underlined word? • The hurricane was a real disaster. • catastrophe • The lifting of the earth was the most frightening thing in the earthquake. • heaving • When they were digging the tunnel, the racket of the machinery was dreadful. • din • A mosquito is annoying in the summer. • bothersome
Synonyms: What vocabulary word could replace the underlined word? • We have figured out the coded message. • deciphered • I think you are wrong; I have never been to New York City. • mistaken • I do not read Spanish. Can you decipher this for me? • translate • Thomas will be able to fix your computer. • repair
Grammar: Singular and Plural Pronouns • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. • She jumped into the swimming pool. • she - singular • We went to the museum. • we – plural • Karla ate too much. • She • Silvio talked to Frank and Will. • them
Grammar • A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. • A singular pronoun replaces a singular noun. • A plural pronoun takes the place of a plural noun or a group of nouns. • The players ran up and down the field. • they -plural • Ellie kicked the ball hard. • it - singular • Mara passed the ball to Tomas. • him - singular
Writing: Realistic Story • A realistic story…. • Includes characters and settings that could be real • Includes events that could happen • Tells about a problem and how it is solved • Includes a plot with a beginning, a middle, and an ending • May include dialogue