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THE PROGRAM Addresses the social dimension of poverty and is oriented to the improvement of living conditions of persons, families and groups in situations of poverty and extreme poverty, by providing users with the tools which would allow them to manage or adequately confront the risks to which they are particularly vulnerable. The program acknowledges that poverty affects all aspects of persons’ lives and embraces both material and non-material dimensions.
POVERTY • Poverty is not only material deficiency; since it affects diverse dimensions of the human life such as: • EmotionalAspects (depressed state of being, low self-esteem, low frustration tolerance, etc.) • Social interaction (interpersonal conflict, poor community support network) Social Interaction Emotional Aspects Material Conditions
POVERTY Poverty is manifested as the insufficient opportunities which persons have to develop their capacities and hence, their life projects. This perspective of poverty requires of us the need to create interventions that are not merely welfare in nature, but would also stimulate persons in self management and arouse individual and collective initiative for coming out of poverty.
KEY FACTORS FOR PROGRAM INTERVENTION Human Capital Social Capital – social networks Gender Focus
METODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES • Emerging Design • Oriented to social promotion • An intervention that will make sense for the beneficiary.
EMERGING DESIGN The project is a point of departure and must have a design which is flexible, in order to allow for necessary adjustments which emerge from the intervention process in relation to the specific characteristics of the beneficiaries and their environment. • Recognize the diversity of situations in which families and persons in poverty live whether because of personal characteristics or their environment. • The implementers should adapt themselves to the users, no standard prescriptions exist, but custom-made interventions according to the persons, families or communities and their circumstances.
SOCIAL PROMOTION • The main intervention strategy of the program is promotion, and delivery of direct services. • To develop a consciousness among the beneficiaries of the own resources and capacities, to generate trust in themselves, favoring a critical consciousness of the situations that affect them. • Direct benefits are delivered; complemented with actions toward the consolidation of social networks together with social spaces. • Develop an intervention that aims at discouraging individualism.
Target Group Main Risks Areas of intervention Children aged 0-3 years Delayed psychosocial development Infant care and formation Housing improvement Strengthening environments for childhood protection. Children aged 4 to 5 Children aged 6 to 14 Reduced capacity to develop human capital Community Participation Improved school performance Adolescents and youth aged 15 to 18. Reduced capacity to develop human capital Community Participation Improved school performance Families of the Puente Program Inability to satisfy basic needs of members Family dynamics Support to the parental role in childcareImproved school performance Housing improvement
STRUCTURE SELF-MANAGEMENT PROJECT COMPONENT SPECIALIZED SERVICE PROJECT COMPONENT LINE LINE Access to Services Self-management Projects Service Delivery Initiatives Fund Promotion Program
SELF-MANAGEMENT PROJECT COMPONENTS This component seeks to develop and strengthen the capacities of the beneficiaries to identify and resolve specific problems in a collaborative manner, which affect them in the social environment, through active participation in the formulation and execution of their projects.
SPECIALIZED SERVICE PROJECT COMPONENT This component finances projects presented and executed by specialized “intermediary implementers”, through whom the beneficiaries access goods and/or services which allow them to activate protective mechanisms that would contribute to strengthening their skills for the adequate management of the risks that affect them.
General Aspects Type of Executors : Beneficiary Executors (Self-management project component) Intermediary Executors – Specialized service component. Location: Territories selected in planning the investment, in those which, areas of intervention that are related to the social dimension of poverty, have been identified.
IRAL Modality IRAL: Regional Investment for Assignment of Local Resources. This is a mechanism for the assignment of resources oriented towards optimizing the process of decision-making for targeting public investment.
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT/ IRAL THE FOLLOWING STEPS ARE IMPLIED : • NATIONAL-LEVEL FOSIS • Undertake the interregional distribution of resources for investment. • Define the institutional conditions, the criteria and the procedures for selection of communities. REGIONAL-LEVEL FOSIS Develop the ”Regional Targeting of Investment Proposal” and submit it to the State Representative (Governor). This proposal includes: Locality: communities/territories Thematic targeting : (Target Groups- Areas of Intervention / minimum conditions ) • Budget Assigned per territory/community from the Program’s resource.
REGIONAL GOVERNMENT • The Governor agrees on the Targeting Proposal with FOSIS, and presents it to the Regional Council for validation. • The Regional Government authorizes the Targeting proposal and the allocation of resources to each community. • The Governor notifies the Mayor about the Regional Council’s decision and the allocation of resources to each community. • MUNICIPALIDADES - FOSIS • In each territory, the Municipalities in joint action with FOSIS, formally constitute the “Territorial Work Table”(which can be communal, inter-communal or provincial) made up of representatives of the Municipalities, and other services the table agrees on such as- local communal organizations, public and private organizations, among others. • FOSIS Regional presents the Territorial Intervention Plan to the “Territorial Work Table” for decision. They also agree on intra-communal targeting of FOSIS’s investment, identifying the specific sectors where work will be done for a specific period of intervention.
FOSIS issues the public bidding to provide the services established in each territory’s “Territorial Intervention Plan” Ex ante evaluation of proposals and project profiles presented as part of self-managed projects component. The Municipal Council or the Inter-Communal and/or Provincial Work Table awards the profiles and projects which will be executed. Evaluate and support the execution of the program-related investment
Self-managed projects (housing improvement; community participation, childhood support) $1,500,000 minimum per project- $3,000,000. ( US 2,965 – 5,930) Specialized Services : Access lines and service procurement $380,000 maximum per user (US 750) Self-management initiatives $100,000 maximum per initiative. (US 198) Family Dynamics $ 380,000 as the maximum per family (US 750) Education Dimension $380.000 maximum per family (US 750) RESOURCES
EXECUTION STAGES OF THE PROJECTS Development of the service Insertion and elaboration of specific dynamics. Evaluative analysis of the execution and closing. Definition and design of the work plan
Family relations Objectives: To support the development of a dynamic and stable functioning within the family, reposition paternal roles, internal responsibilities and protection capacity between family members. To rebuild trust among family members and develop adequate conflict management. To facilitate the organization of family resources.
Structure of the service delivered Family strengthening actions Strengthening Social Skills Direct work with the family Group work, meetings, workshops. Family initiative fund
Improved school performance Objectives: That children and youth attend municipal educational institutions, receive quality lessons and develop social skills which allow them to remain, to integrate themselves and to project themselves into superior educational courses. To support the articulation of the social and educational aspects in the school space within the municipal educational structures.
Structure of the service delivered Strengthening the educational context Family Strengthening Individual Support Specialized attention, Reinforcement workshops Strengthen the parental role as far as commitment and support in school performance Workshops and accompaniment by professors. Initiative Fund for scholarly support
Improved Housing • Through the Promotion program, a group of families is organized to develop the following capacities: • Leadership • Teamwork • Effective communication • Conflict resolution and negotiation • Access to and management of networks • Project design • Management and administration of resources • Objective : • To improve living conditions in a collective manner and through self-management. • The families execute their project directly, without the participation of intermediaries.
CHALLENGES (Intervention with families) • To overcome the concentration on one member of the family (the Woman) there is the need to develop intervention strategies which would allow for the participation of the entire family and particularly that of the man. • To overcome in the design of the intervention, the vision of the nuclear family. It has been found that families in the program have more of an extended structure which implies supporting a larger group and taking into account the significant relations of greater complexity of actors. • Given that the families are immersed in collective logic of solidarity and networks which allow them to survive, these networks can be a source of resources which enable the development of the family.
CHALLENGES (Intervention with families) • To understand and work with the family in their social environment. • In the delivery of material resources (Initiatives Fund), we should be careful about promoting consumption and satisfying deficiencies in a manner whereby we do not contribute to the strengthening of family bonds or cooperative relations, but rather the families become dependent and demanding as they have not advanced in overcoming poverty.