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Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia. Dr. Alexandra Cristea a.i.cristea@warwick.ac.uk http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/. Bid for Topics for Coursework 2. Topics should be selected by Friday 18 th , 12:00am Send one email per group to acristea@dcs.warwick.ac.uk
Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia Dr. Alexandra Cristea a.i.cristea@warwick.ac.uk http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/
Bid for Topics for Coursework 2 • Topics should be selected by Friday 18th, 12:00am • Send one email per group to acristea@dcs.warwick.ac.uk • Subject: CS411 coursework 2 topic selection <group name> • Body: CS411 coursework 2 topic selection <group name> topics in order of preference (minimum 3, max 5) • FIFO processing – so hurry; • Choices are on the next page • You will use the same topic selection for Coursework 3,4 • You can only use the same topic selection for the group presentation if it was not already part of the given lectures (so beware of this in your choice!) Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Topics for choice • The Adaptive Web, Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization, Series: Lecture notes in Computer Science, Vol 4321, Sublibrary: Infomation Systems and Applications incl. Internet/Web, and HCi, Brusilovsky, Peter; Kobsa, Alfred; Nejdl, Wolfgang (Eds), 2007, XII, 763p., Softcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-72078-2, Online version available. A local copy is here. • Web Dynamics, Adapting to Change in Content, Size, Topology and Use , Levene, Mark;Poulovassilis, Alexandra (Eds) 2004, XIII, 466p., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-540-40676-1 • Advances in Web-based Education: Personalized Learning Environments; George D. Magoulas and Sherry Y. Chen (Eds.), InfoSci Publishing, 2006, Softcover, ISBN: 1-59140-691-9; Hardcover, ISBN: 1-59140-690-0; e-book, ISBN: 1-59140-692-7 • Web-based Intelligent E-learning Systems: Technologies and Applications , Zongmin Ma (Ed.), 2006, Idea Group Inc., ISBN 1-59140-729-X (hardcover); ISBN 1-59140-730-3 (soft cover); ISBN 1-59140-731-1 (ebook) • Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Springer, conference series. • User Modeling, Springer, conference series. • Recommended Articles • more articles • Note: (1 chapter=1 topic); w. articles, 2-more articles = 1 topic (depending on article length and breadth). Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Authoring Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Regular learning material • Linear • One story line • Granularity doesn’t matter • Reuse is no issue (normally) • Book-like structure Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Intelligent learning material • Non-Linear • Several story lines • Granularity does matter • Reuse is an issue • Hypermedia-like structure • so … Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Authoring ILS, AHS • content alternatives, : domain model • adaptation techniques & : adaptation model • whole user-description design : user model • complicated heavy task => authors require help, guidelines & automation facilities. • for AHS to spread widely => facilitate author work (Open Learning Repositories) Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Authoring & standardization • Formalization attempts: • standardisingthe whole procedure • Research on a systematic base • clear explicit models for adaptive authoring Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Authoring perspectives • Conceptual view: defining concepts, interrelationships and resources. • Navigational (goal) view: defining pages content and navigation behavior. • Presentation view: defining presentation aspect like frame, frameset, and window. Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Content alternatives (attributes) ex. Title: Adaptive Hypermedia Introduction: Adaptive Hypermedia deals with personalization and adaptation in hypertext and hypermedia. Concept Keywords: adaptive; hypermedia; hypertext; personalization Conclusion: Adaptive Hypermedia deals with personalization and adaptation in hypertext and hypermedia. Text: Adaptive Hypermedia is a special type of hypermedia that customizes the information that each user receives. Based on an interpretation of the user’s current needs, interests, goals, knowledge, etc., adaptive hypermedia systems provide the users with information ... Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
User model population (initialization) ex. overlay free Concept1 Knowledge: 0 Learning style: unknown Interest: 50 Age group: 10 years Concept2 Knowledge: 10 Concept3 Knowledge: 20 Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Presentation model population (initialization) ex. overlay free Concept1 Color char: Red Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels Page no.: 3 Min char size: 10 points Concept2 Color char: Blue Connection: 56kbps modem Concept3 Color char: Black Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptation techniques ex. Concept1 prerequisite Concept3 Concept2 prerequisite Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Adaptive navigation & presentation Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Authoring Roles – regular LM • Author performs all (or at least most of) the tasks required in creation of the learning material Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Authoring Roles – intelligent LM • Author could perform all (or at least most of) the tasks required in creation of the learning material • Ideally, authoring roles would be applicable, depending on the specialization of the author • Domain • Adaptation mechanism • Meta-data • etc. Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008
Conclusion authoring • The tasks are divided • The domain is restructured and divided • A lot of new components emerge • So we need a framework to describe this new structure Invited Tutorial, Madrid, Spain April 2008