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Cerebrum. By Bård H.M. Jakobsen. What is an User administration system (BAS). Student registry. BAS. Persons. Users. Personal registery. LT. FS. BOFH. Ureg2000. LDAP. UA (Adgangskontroll). Notes. Exim/Mailman. NT. LMS (CF). Tivoli. PRISS. NIS (UiO). ARS. NIS (IfI).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cerebrum By Bård H.M. Jakobsen

  2. What is an User administration system (BAS) Student registry BAS Persons Users Personal registery

  3. LT FS BOFH Ureg2000 LDAP UA (Adgangskontroll) Notes Exim/Mailman NT LMS (CF) Tivoli PRISS NIS (UiO) ARS NIS (IfI) AD (W2K) Radius

  4. FEIDE

  5. What is Cerebrum • a OpenSource User administration system • build by modules around a kernel • Written in Python, using Oracle or postgresSQL as backend • Sourcecode on http://sourceforge.net/projects/cerebrum/ • Now in alpha-code, pilots running

  6. User administration system (BAS) • Person • unique ID • Name • Address • Affiliation • User • Username (UID) • Password • Mail address • Home dir • Group • Group ID (GID) • Comment • Members • - users • - other Groups

  7. User administration system (BAS) Person Group Affiliation User OU

  8. Cerebrum v.s our current system • Ureg2000, developed by evolution • hard to emigrate to other institutions (FEIDE) • new needs at our institutions • LMS • Portals • other services • event-driven updates • Integration between systems • UoO to get a new HR • Cerebrum is TDBtCE 

  9. Kernel • Person • ID • internal • External • SSN • From other sources • Name • OU • Name/ID • Structure

  10. Affiliation • Faculty • Staff • Students • member • affiliate • employee • mfl.

  11. Users • ID for identification authentication • Could have ID in different namespace • Data on authentication • Passwd (Crypt, MD5) • Certificate

  12. Source-system • Most of the data in Cerebrum has one or more sources which are authoritative Cerebrum HR SR Other

  13. Modules • Interface to Systems • having authoritative information on entities at the campus • needing • authentication • information

  14. What modules today? • FS • SATS (school system in Norway) • LT (HR at UoO) • SAP (HR) (Summer 2003) • LDAP (eduPerson mm) • NIS (POSIX) • AD • Admin client • LMS (IMS E. 1.01, 2003) • Email • UA (Lenel, Spring 2003)

  15. More? Contact us! • cerebrum-developers@usit.uio.no

  16. Is this a PKI? No! • But it is a requirement for a functional PKI. • We are not a CA (to much work) • But we need certificates for persons, roles, organizations, units and servers. • External CA for persons, servers, internal for all others (maybe). • We need a map from ID in persons certificates to an uniq id at the University, which CA is secondary

  17. Sted • Med sted mener vi organisatorisk sted, vi trenger å kunne modelere oppden organisatoriske strukturen fra Fylkeskomune, via komune og ned tilden enkelte skole (og om det finnes struktur innen en skole så trengervi den også). • Om de har en id-struktur for sted trenger vi denne.

  18. Sted (ii) • Navn på sted/skole/enhet • Fulltnavn • Kortnavn • Akronym • navn på flere språk (Bokmål, nynorsk, Engelsk, Samisk...) • Adresse (Post- og besøks-) • telefonnr, fax

  19. Personer • Dette er personer som på en eller annen måte er knyttet til skolen,dvs. elevene, undervisere, lærerene, de øvrige ansatte, ansatte ved skoleetaten somer relatert til de aktuelle skolene, foreldre/verger. • Fødselsnummer (11-siffer) • Efternavn, familienavn, slekstnavn • Fornavn (alle) • Hjem-adresse • Telefonnr, fax osv • Kjønn • email-adresse

  20. Elever/student • For de som er elever/studenter trenger vi: • Studieprogram, studierett, studieretning • Klasse/kull/trinn • Klassetrinn • Fag, emne, kurs osv • Undervisningsaktiviteter

  21. Lærere/ansatte/Forelesere • For de som underviser trenger vi: • Tittel • Skole • fag, emne, undervisning • klasse • For andre ansatte: • Tittel • Funksjon/rolle • Skole (sted) • For verge/foreldre • Barn

  22. Kasse/fak/emner • Vi trenger oversikt over de undervisningsaktiviteter som finnes.

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