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Learn about Henry Sobel, the embattled president, and the controversial incident involving stolen ties. Follow the story here.
É o nosso presidente !Junto com amigos.Isso mesmo, todos são amigos !
FONTE: http://www.fierj.org.br/mala_direta/2006/20060131/body.htm
Quem falou oposição ? FONTE: http://www.fierj.org.br
FONTE: http://ultimosegundo.ig.com.br/brasil/2007/03/29/henry_sobel_e_preso_por_furtar_gravata_nos_eua_733861.html
http://br.noticias.yahoo.com/s/29032007/25/manchetes-henry-sobel-preso-nos-eua-furto-gravatas.htmlhttp://br.noticias.yahoo.com/s/29032007/25/manchetes-henry-sobel-preso-nos-eua-furto-gravatas.html http://noticias.terra.com.br/brasil/interna/0,,OI1516367-EI5030,00.html http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/cotidiano/ult95u133501.shtml
São Paulo, 29 de março de 2007Henry I. Sobel"Segundo o documento da polícia americana, Sobel foi detido na última sexta-feira (23) após levar gravatas da loja Louis Vuitton local sem pagar. • De acordo com o jornal Palm Beach Daily News, um funcionário da loja chamou a polícia por volta das 12 horas para denunciar o comportamento suspeito de um cliente. Ainda de acordo com o diário, uma câmera do sistema de segurança registrou que o rabino pegou a gravata, escondeu-a e depois saiu de mãos vazias. • Sobel primeiro teria negado ter pego qualquer coisa na Louis Vuitton, depois teria se oferecido para pagar pelas gravatas embora continuasse negando tê-las pego e então teria dado permissão para a polícia buscá-las em seu carro, onde teria sido encontrada uma sacola com quatro gravatas das marcas Louis Vuitton, Giorgio's, Gucci e Giorgio Armani • As gravatas tinham o valor de US$ 680. Segundo o da Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, ele teria sido liberado no sábado (24), após o pagamento da fiança de US$ 3 mil.
SÃO PAULO 30/03/2007– O rabino Henry Sobel foi internado na manhã desta sexta-feira para fazer uma bateria de exames no Hospital Albert Einstein, localizado no Morumbi, na zona sul da capital paulista. Um boletim médico deverá ser divulgado no início desta tarde com as informações sobre o motivo da internação e o estado de saúde do rabino. • Sobel foi detido na última , acusado de ter furtado gravatas de uma loja Louis Vuitton na avenida Rodeo Drive. • Imagens do vídeo de segurança interna da loja mostrariam Sobel pegando a peça, dobrando-a e deixando a loja com ela no bolso, sem passar pelo caixa. Abordado por policiais, foram descobertas com ele outras quatro gravatas de diferentes marcas de grife. Ele ficou detido por cerca de 24 horas e foi liberado após o pagamento de fiança. • Na última quinta-feira, a notícia de sua prisão nos Estados Unidos chegou ao Brasil. Por esse motivo, ainda ontem ele pediu o afastamento do cargo de presidente da Congregação Israelita Paulista (CIP). Isso deve fazer com que ele não receba o papa Bento 16 em encontro de líderes religiosos no Mosteiro de São Bento, em São Paulo, durante a visita do pontífice. • “. Pessoalmente, estou habituado a enfrentar crises e acusações de que posso me defender. Só não posso admitir que tentem desqualificar os valores morais que sempre defendi”, afirmou o rabino em nota oficial. • "Armação" • A notícia da prisão do rabino de 63 anos surpreendeu não só a comunidade judaica, mas também sua esposa, a artista plástica Amanda Sobel. Em entrevista ao jornal “O Estado de S.Paulo”, ela afirmou que sequer sabia do caso. “”, disse Amanda, que nasceu em Nova York e morou em Palm Beach. • "Ele estava de fato lá na Flórida, mas não falou nada comigo sobre prisão ou gravatas. Só pode ser armação. Vamos provar que essa notícia é completamente falsa”, disse ainda a artista plástica. • Novo presidente da CIP • O rabino Michel Schlesinger é apontado como o possível substituto de Sobel. Ele deixou às 22 horas de quinta-feira, 29, a sede da CIP, na região central de São Paulo, sob forte esquema de segurança, acompanhado da presidente, Dora Lúcia Brenner e de outros integrantes da direção
Ariel Sharon: The Butcher of Beirut • The election of Ariel Sharon was a clear indication that the Israeli people have not grasped that peace cannot be had on the basis of oppression and violence. Sharon is a war criminal, responsible for acts of untold brutality against the Palestinian people. • Having been active in the Zionist military wing of the pre-Israeli state, in 1953 he was given command of Unit 101, whose stated mission was to "retaliate" against Arab attacks on Jewish villages. In fact, the history of terror unleashed by Unit 101 against Palestinian civilians, including the elderly and young children, is well documented. • In August of 1953, Sharon led a raid against the El-Bureig refugee camp, south of Gaza, resulting in the death of 50 refugees. Major-General Vagn Bennike, the UN commander at the time, reported that "bombs were thrown" by Sharon's men "through the windows of huts in which the refugees were sleeping and, as they fled, they were attacked by small arms and automatic weapons". • In October of 1953, Sharon led a the unit in a similar attack, this time on the Jordanian village of Qibya, which was reduced to rubble: 45 houses were blown up, and 69 civilians, two thirds of them women and children, were killed. When the extent of the atrocities were revealed, Sharon said they thought that all the inhabitants had run away and that they had no idea that anyone was hiding inside the houses. • The slaughter in Qibya was described in a letter to the president of the United Nations Security Council dated 16 October 1953 (S/3113) from the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Jordan to the United States. On 14 October 1953 at 9:30 at night, he wrote, Israeli troops launched a battalion-scale attack on the village of Qibya in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (at the time the West Bank was annexed to Jordan). According to the diplomat's account, Israeli forces had entered the village and systematically murdered all occupants of houses, using automatic weapons, grenades and incendiaries. The day after the attack, the bodies of 42 Arabcivilians had been recovered; several more bodies were still under the wreckage. Forty houses, the village school and a reservoir had been destroyed. Quantities of unused explosives, bearing Israeli army markings in Hebrew, had been found in the village. At about 3 a.m., to cover their withdrawal, Israeli support troops had begun shelling the neighbouring villages of Budrus and Shuqba from positions in Israel. • As head of the Southern Command of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) in the early 1970s, Sharon was also in charge of the notorious Gaza "clearances" in which whole villages were "cleared". In August 1971 alone, troops under Sharon's command destroyed some 2,000 homes in the Gaza Strip, uprooting 16,000 people. Hundreds of young Palestinian men were arrested and deported to Jordan and Lebanon. Six hundred relatives of suspected guerrillas were exiled to Sinai. • As defense minister in Menachem Begin's second government, Sharon was the commander who led the 1982 assault on Lebanon, which resulted in the death of some 20,000 Palestinians and Lebanese. Sharon also oversaw the massacres at Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps, which were carried out by the Lebanese Phalangists, closely affiliated with the Israeli military throughout Lebanon's civil war. This earned him the moniker "Butcher of Beirut". The Lebanese government counted 762 bodies recovered and a further 1,200 were buried privately by relatives. The victims included infants, children, women (including pregnant women), and the elderly, some of whom were mutilated or disemboweled before or after they were killed. An official Israeli commission of inquiry - chaired by Yitzhak Kahan, president of Israel's Supreme Court - investigated the massacre, and in February 1983 publicly released its findings (with the exception of one Appendix, which has never been released.) The Kahan Commission concluded that Sharon was one of the Israelis who had responsibility for the massacre. The Commission's report stated: "It is our view that responsibility is to be imputed to the Minister of Defense for having disregarded the danger of acts of vengeance and bloodshed by the Phalangists against the population of the refugee camps, and having failed to take this danger into account when he decided to have the Phalangists enter the camps. In addition, responsibility is to be imputed to the Minister of Defense for not ordering appropriate measures for preventing or reducing the danger of massacre as a condition for the Phalangists' entry into the camps. These blunders constitute the non-fulfillment of a duty with which the Defense Minister was charged". • Despite the conclusions of the Commission, Sharon refused to resign. Finally, on February 14, 1983, he was relieved of his duties as defense minister, though he remained in the cabinet as minister without portfolio. Sharon's "visit" last September, under the protection of hundreds of Israeli troops, to the Islamic holy site of Al-Haram Al-Sharif was the provocation that set off the current intifada. • FONTE: http://www.modern-communism.ca/mc205.htm