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EdNet is Funded by the United States Agency for International Development.
EdNet is Funded by theUnited States Agency for International Development
First we were known as:Central Asia Region Business & Economic Education Project (CARBEEP)thenCentral Asia Region Business Education (CARBizEd)thenResource Center for Business and Economics Education (RCBEE)thenResource Center for Economics and Business Education (RCEBE)thenResource Network for Economics and Business Education (RNEBE)and now….Education Network (EdNet)
EdNet Members 112 in Kazakstan 46 in Kyrgyzstan 21 in Tajikistan 26 in Turkmenistan 55 in Uzbekistan 260 TOTAL as of 8/31/02
Who They Are: Who They Are:
EdNet Objective: USAID To Improve Higher Education in Business and Economics in Central Asia
EdNet Vision: A Creative Learning and Understanding Environment forCentral Asia and…….
EdNet Mission: Connect students, professors, and administrators for local, regional, and global learning and understanding by providing the infrastructure and related programs to deliver the resources, knowledge and outlets for the C.L.U.E.
Regional Challenges • Lack of Regional Connections & Cooperation • Lack of Information Sharing • Inadequate Technology & Internet Access • Lack of Experience and Exposure to Best Practices, Materials and Resources • Corruption in Education and the Economy • Ethnic and Political Conflicts • Gender Bias
Strategies for Success: • Think of ourselves as a Start-Up Business – Take Action for Sustainability. • Deliver Services Needed by Professors, Administrators and Students. • Get High-Involvement from our Members through High-Impact programs.
Objectives: • Create a system of education and training for professors that will improve their skills and knowledge for effective teaching. • Create a system of consulting and training for administrators that will improve their capacity to implement best practices in management.
EdNet Academies EdNet project is now analogous to a School of Business & Economics • Academic Programs – Similar to a Degree program • Continuing Education – Professional Development • Seminars, Workshops, Training • Scholarly Works • Case Writing, Economics and Business Research • Scholarly Activities • Conferences, Study Tours, Residencies • Administrative Support • Business, Operations, Logistics, Development, ICT, Communications, Admissions, Alumni and Career Centers
EdNet Academy • Two Programs of Graduate-level Training: • Economics • Business Administration • 500 Professors to Start Training by 2003
EdNet Academy • VIP program • Seminars for professors, administrators & students • Courses for students • Create online versions of Academy courses & training • Research & Case Writing • Economics Research Competitions • Case Writing Competitions
Objectives: • Create a complex of events that bring students, professors, administrators and community together to foster and support the CLUE. 4. Encourage students, professors, administrators and the community to reassert academic integrity and quality of education.
Events: • Seminars, training programs and workshops for Professors, Administrators and Students. • Conferences and follow-on curriculum development activities: • Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption – March 2002 • Economic Impacts of Gender Bias – November 2002 • Economics of Conflict – May 2003 • Student Paper and Research Competitions
Involvement: • EdNet Board of Directors – One student and one professor or administrator from each country to begin to run the program. • EdNet Boards of Advisors in each country: involving students, professors, administrators and community groups.
Objectives: • Create a viable learning network using the “best available” technology and methods and, where these are lacking - find resources to create them.
EdNet Internet Infrastructure Efforts: • NATO-funded Research and Education Network Associations • KazRENA created by EdNet for Kazakstan • Work with all NRENs in CAR, Caucasus, and ?? • Ferghana Valley Initiative – KG, TJ and UZ – 8 cities • Use Soros, IREX and ACCELS Internet Access Centers • 4. IREX Mutual Mirroring • 5. Links to library, NGO and Primary/Secondary Schools
The DLN will become a sustainable network of distance learning providers and consumers throughout Central Asia. The DLN will be a consortium of EdNet member institutions who: - Share Resources - Produce High-Quality e-Learning Courses - Develop an e-Learning Market in the Region - Participate in the Global e-Learning Marketplace.
The DLN will: • Set the Standards for Distance Learning in CAR (SCORM) • Create a Sustainable Learning Management System of HW/SW • Train its Member’s Staff in Course Creation & Administration • Work with its members to create courses in ANY subject • Create up to 22 Online Courses by the EdNet VIPs • Create 10+ training classes in skills & behaviors by EdNet staff
The DLN Members will: • Sign a Commitment to Support the DLN financially • Participate Actively in the Governance of the DLN • Develop and Contribute Courses that meet Standards • Agree to Accept & Apply Credits earned by DL means
The DLN Members: • Were Determined by a Rigorous Assessment. • - 66 Universities in 22 Cities in 5 Countries – 9 Selected • Will meet on November 19th - 21st in Almaty to: • Complete the Governance Plan • Complete a Business Plan • Complete an Action Plan to Guide Post-Conference Actions • Sign their commitment to the DLN organization
Objectives: 6. Create an information sharing utility to serve the regional and international market.
EdNet Internet Education Services: • WWW.CAREER.KZ, .KG, .UZ, .TJ, and .TM Websites • Courses and Seminars to Train Professors in the Use of Internet and Other Computer-based Learning Methods.
Objectives: 7. Do all of this while creating the means to support the total program.