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Organs of Excretory System, Their Structure And Functions Kidneys Two

The Excretory System Presented by: MR Suresh Kumar Lecturer in Physical Education P. G. G. C. G. Sector 11 aning of Excretory System. Organs of Excretory System, Their Structure And Functions Kidneys Two Ureters Two Urinary Bladder One

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Organs of Excretory System, Their Structure And Functions Kidneys Two

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Excretory SystemPresented by: MR Suresh KumarLecturer in Physical EducationP. G. G. C. G. Sector 11aning of Excretory System

  2. Organs of Excretory System, Their Structure And Functions Kidneys Two Ureters Two Urinary Bladder One Urethra One

  3. Structure And Location

  4. Kidneys. • The Kidneys similar to beans in shape, situated in the lower abdoman, just above waist. An average sized kidneys of an admet measures about 11.25cm in length, 5 to 7.5 cm in width and 2.5cm in thickness. Usually the left kidneys is little larger then the right

  5. Ureters • The two ureters are tubes of 10 to 12 inches in length and of less then ½ inch in diameter. They connect the kidneys with back surface of the bladder. • Urinary Bladder: The urinary bladder is collapsible bag located in the pelvic cavity just behind the public bones. It is folded when it is empty and stretched as the bladder fills with urine.

  6. Urethra : • The urethra is the tube through which urine flows out of the body from the bladder. In males the urethra is part of both the urinary system and the reproductive system. Originating at the base of the bladder, it passes through the prostate gland when it joined by reproductive ducts. • Sweat glands: Sweat glands are found in skin all over the body but are most numerous in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and forehead. For example a single square inch of skin on the palms of the hands contains about 3000 swear glands.

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