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Comprehensive Overview of the Human Skull and Facial Bones

Dive into the intricate details of the human skull and facial bones, exploring their structure, functions, and relationships. Learn about the cranial bones, facial bones, eye orbits, and skeletal system divisions.

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Comprehensive Overview of the Human Skull and Facial Bones

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  1. Chapter 8Skeletal System

  2. Introduction • Skeletal tissues form bones—the organs of the skeletal system • The relationship of bones to each other and to other body structures provides a basis for understanding the function of other organ systems • The adult skeleton is composed of 206 separate bones

  3. Divisions of Skeleton (Figure 8-1; Table 8-1) • Axial skeleton—the 80 bones of the head, neck, and torso; composed of 74 bones that form the upright axis of the body and six tiny middle ear bones • Appendicular skeleton—the 126 bones that form the appendages to the axial skeleton; the upper and lower extremities

  4. Axial Skeleton • Skull—made up of 28 bones in two major divisions: cranial bones and facial bones (Figures 8-2 to 8-7; Table 8-3) • Cranial bones • Frontal bone (Figure 8-8, C) • Forms the forehead and anterior part of the top of the cranium • Contains the frontal sinuses • Forms the upper portion of the orbits • Forms the coronal suture with the two parietal bones

  5. Axial Skeleton • Cranial bones (cont.) • Parietal bones (Figure 8-8, A) • Form the bulging top of the cranium • Form several sutures: lambdoidal suture with occipital bone; squamous suture with temporal bone and part of sphenoid; and coronal suture with frontal bone

  6. Axial Skeleton • Cranial bones (cont.) • Temporal bones (Figure 8-8, B) • Form the lower sides of the cranium and part of the cranial floor • Contain the inner and middle ears

  7. Axial Skeleton • Cranial bones (cont.) • Occipital bone (Figure 8-8, D) • Forms the lower, posterior part of the skull • Forms immovable joints with three other cranial bones and a movable joint with the first cervical vertebra

  8. Axial Skeleton • Cranial bones (cont.) • Sphenoid bone (Figure 8-8, E) • A bat-shaped bone located in the central portion of the cranial floor • Anchors the frontal, parietal, occipital, and ethmoid bones and forms part of the lateral wall of the cranium and part of the floor of each orbit (Figure 8-7) • Contains the sphenoid sinuses

  9. Axial Skeleton • Cranial bones (cont.) • Ethmoid bone (Figure 8-8, F) • A complicated, irregular bone that lies anterior to the sphenoid and posterior to the nasal bones • Forms the anterior cranial floor, medial orbit walls, upper parts of the nasal septum, and sidewalls of the nasal cavity • The cribriform plate is located in the ethmoid

  10. Axial Skeleton • Facial bones (Table 8-4) • Maxilla (upper jaw) (Figure 8-8, H) • Two maxillae form the keystone of the face • Maxillae articulate with each other and with nasal, zygomatic, inferior concha, and palatine bones • Forms parts of the orbital floors, roof of the mouth, and floor and sidewalls of the nose • Contains maxillary sinuses

  11. Axial Skeleton • Facial bones (cont.) • Mandible (lower jaw) (Figure 8-8, M) • Largest, strongest bone of the face • Forms the only movable joint of the skull with the temporal bone • Zygomatic bone (Figure 8-8, I) • Shapes the cheek and forms the outer margin of the orbit • Forms the zygomatic arch with the zygomatic process of the temporal bones

  12. Axial Skeleton • Facial bones (cont.) • Nasal bone (Figures 8-8, L, and 8-10) • Both nasal bones form the upper part of the bridge of the nose, whereas cartilage forms the lower part • Articulates with the ethmoid bone, nasal septum, frontal bone, maxillae, and the other nasal bone

  13. Axial Skeleton • Facial bones (cont.) • Lacrimal bone (Figure 8-8, K) • Paper-thin bone that lies just posterior and lateral to each nasal bone • Forms the nasal cavity and medial wall of the orbit • Contains groove for the nasolacrimal (tear) duct • Articulates with the maxilla and the frontal and ethmoid bones

  14. Axial Skeleton • Facial bones (cont.) • Palatine bone (Figure 8-8, J) • Two bones form the posterior part of the hard palate • Vertical portion forms the lateral wall of the posterior part of each nasal cavity • Articulates with the maxillae and the sphenoid bone

  15. Axial Skeleton • Facial bones (cont.) • Inferior nasal conchae (turbinates) • Form lower edge projecting into the nasal cavity and form the nasal meati • Articulate with ethmoid, lacrimal, maxillary, and palatine bones • Vomer bone (Figure 8-8, G) • Forms posterior portion of the nasal septum • Articulates with the sphenoid, ethmoid, and palatine bones and maxillae

  16. Axial Skeleton • Eye orbits (Figure 8-7) • Right and left eye orbits • Contain eyes, associated eye muscles, lacrimal apparatus, blood vessels, and nerves • Thin and fragile orbital walls separate orbital structures from cranial and nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses • Traumatic injuries may result in “blowout fractures” (Figure 8-7, C) • “Raccoon eyes”—clinical sign of blowout fracture (Figure 8-7, D)

  17. Axial Skeleton • Fetal skull (Figure 8-11) • Characterized by unique anatomic features not seen in adult skull • Fontanels or “soft spots” (4) allow skull to “mold” during birth process and permit rapid growth of brain (Table 8-5)

  18. Axial Skeleton • Fetal skull (cont.) • Permits differential growth or appearance of skull components over time • Face—smaller proportion of total cranium at birth (1/8) than in adult (1/2) • Head at birth is ¼ total body height; at maturity is about 1/8 body height • Sutures appear with skeletal maturity (Table 8-5) • Paranasal sinuses—change in size and placement with skeletal maturity (Figure 8-9) • Appearance of deciduous and, later, permanent teeth

  19. Axial Skeleton • Hyoid bone (Figure 8-12) • U-shaped bone located just above the larynx and below the mandible • Suspended from the styloid processes of the temporal bone • Only bone in the body that articulates with no other bones

  20. Axial Skeleton • Vertebral column (Figure 8-13) • Forms the flexible longitudinal axis of the skeleton • Consists of 24 vertebrae plus the sacrum and coccyx • Segments of the vertebral column: • Cervical vertebrae, 7 • Thoracic vertebrae, 12 • Lumbar vertebrae, 5 • Sacrum—in adult, results from fusion of five separate vertebrae • Coccyx—in adult, results from fusion of four or five separate vertebrae

  21. Axial Skeleton • Vertebral column (cont.) • Characteristics of the vertebrae (Figure 8-14; Table 8-6) • All vertebrae, except the first, have a flat, rounded body anteriorly and centrally, a spinous process posteriorly, and two transverse processes laterally • All but the sacrum and coccyx have vertebral foramen • Second cervical vertebra has upward projection, the dens, to allow rotation of the head • Seventh cervical vertebra has long, blunt spinous process • Each thoracic vertebra has articular facets for the ribs

  22. Axial Skeleton • Vertebral column (cont.) • Vertebral column as a whole articulates with the head, ribs, and iliac bones • Individual vertebrae articulate with each other in joints between their bodies and between their articular processes

  23. Axial Skeleton • Sternum (Figure 8-15) • Dagger-shaped bone in the middle of the anterior chest wall made up of three parts: • Manubrium—the upper, handle part • Body—the middle, blade part • Xiphoid process—the blunt cartilaginous lower tip, which ossifies during adult life

  24. Axial Skeleton • Sternum (cont.) • Manubrium articulates with the clavicle and first rib • Next nine ribs join the body of the sternum, either directly or indirectly, by means of the costal cartilage

  25. Axial Skeleton • Ribs (Figures 8-15 and 8-16) • Twelve pairs of ribs, with the vertebral column and sternum, form the thorax • Each rib articulates with the body and transverse process of its corresponding thoracic vertebra • Ribs 2 through 9 articulate with the body of the vertebra above

  26. Axial Skeleton • Ribs (cont.) • From its vertebral attachment, each rib curves outward, then forward and downward • Rib attachment to the sternum: • Ribs 1 through 8 join a costal cartilage that attaches it to the sternum • Costal cartilage of ribs 8 through 10 joins the cartilage of the rib above to be indirectly attached to the sternum • Ribs 11 and 12 are floating ribs, because they do not attach even indirectly to the sternum

  27. Appendicular Skeleton • Upper extremity (Table 8-7) • Consists of the bones of the shoulder girdle, upper arm, lower arm, wrist, and hand • Shoulder girdle (Figure 8-17) • Made up of scapula and clavicle • Clavicle forms only bony joint with trunk, the sternoclavicular joint • At its distal end, clavicle articulates with the acromion process of the scapula

  28. Appendicular Skeleton • Upper extremity (cont.) • Humerus (Figures 8-18 and 8-19) • The long bone of the upper arm • Articulates proximally with the glenoid fossa of the scapula and distally with the radius and ulna

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