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Sports Medicine Rehabilitation: Restoring Athletes to Peak Performance

This treatment focuses on returning injured athletes to optimal strength, power, endurance, flexibility, and confidence swiftly and safely through physical rehabilitation, therapeutic exercise, modalities, education, and goal setting. It involves assessing joint movement using a goniometer to measure ranges of motion (ROM) like ankle dorsiflexion (20), plantarflexion (50), inversion (40), and eversion (20). Common ROM terminologies include dorsiflexion (toes up), plantar flexion (toes down), inversion (toes in), and eversion (toes out). Key components cover ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, and wrist ROM values for flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, internal rotation, and external rotation.

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Sports Medicine Rehabilitation: Restoring Athletes to Peak Performance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Treatment Rationale: Terminology Sports Medicine I

  2. The Goal Return the injured athlete to pre-injury levels of strength, power, endurance, flexibility, and confidence as quickly and safely as possible Physical Rehabilitation

  3. Therapeutic exercise Therapeutic modalities Athlete education Goal setting Components of Rehabilitation

  4. The normal movement of a joint Critical in evaluating injuries Measured by goniometer Range of Motion

  5. Ankle Dorsiflexion (20) Plantarflexion (50) Inversion (40) Eversion (20) Ankle ROM Terminology

  6. Dorsiflexion (toes up) Plantar flexion (toes down) Inversion (toes in) Eversion (toes out) Ankle ROM

  7. Flexion (140) Extension (0) Knee ROM

  8. Hip ROM Flexion (125) Extension (10) Adduction (40) Abduction (45) Shoulder ROM Flexion (180) Extension (45) Adduction (40) Abduction (180) Internal Rotation (90) External Rotation (90) ROM

  9. Elbow ROM Flexion (140) Extension (0) Pronation (80) Supination (85) Wrist ROM Flexion (80) Extension (70) Adduction (45) Abduction (20) ROM

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