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3 Objectives:

3 Objectives:. Diagnostic Stage: Revisit the diagnoses as they pertain to affecting the family unit . 2. Grief Stage: Discuss the stages of grief as they pertain to receiving a diagnosis (i.e. especially ASD/Asperger’s).

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3 Objectives:

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  1. 3 Objectives: Diagnostic Stage: Revisit the diagnoses as they pertain to affecting the family unit 2. Grief Stage: Discuss the stages of grief as they pertain to receiving a diagnosis (i.e. especially ASD/Asperger’s) 3. Overcoming: List strategies to help families navigate through the challenging times

  2. Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD: • Fails to give close attention to details/careless • Difficulty sustaining attention • Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to • Often does not follow through on tasks • Difficulty organizing tasks • Dislikes tasks that involve sustained mental effort • Loses things necessary for a task • Easily distracted • Fidgets/squirms • Often leaves seat when being seated is expected • Runs and climbs excessively • Difficulty playing in leisure activities quietly • Talks excessively • Blurts things out • Difficulty waiting turn • Interrupts or intrudes on others

  3. Diagnostic Criteria for ODD: • Loses temper often • Often argues with adults • Defies or refuses adults’ rules • Deliberately annoys people • Often blames others for their mistakes or misbehavior • Often angry or resentful • Spiteful and vindictive

  4. Diagnostic Criteria for OCD: Obsessions: • Recurrent & persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive and cause marked anxiety or distress • Thoughts/Impulses are not simply excessive worries about real-life problems • Person attempts to ignore or suppress thoughts, impulses etc. • Person recognizes thoughts as obsessional and as a product of his or her own mind Compulsions: • Repetitive behaviors (hand-washing, checking, stacking) or mental acts (praying, repeating silently, counting) that the person feels DRIVEN to perform in response to the obsession • The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreadful event or situations • The obsessions or compulsions caused marked distress and significantly interfere with a person’s routine (or family’s routine)

  5. Diagnostic Criteria Asperger’s • Social awkwardness/few or no friends • Obsessions/focused on one subject • Lack of eye contact/poor eye contact • Sensory issues ( sensitive to noise, touch, sights, or how clothing feels) Can be Sensory Aversive or Sensory Seeking (spinning, swinging, hanging upside down etc.) • Odd speech/extreme logic/ proper speech • Anger/Aggression/Hitting/Anxiety driven outward frustrations • CRAVES routine/anxious about new things or change in routine • Appears lost in own world at times/prefers solitary play • Communication problems/motor skill problems • Stimming behaviors (short for self-stimulation): flapping, rocking, repeating words when anxious

  6. Further Signs of ASD/Autism • May not gain any speech/ may just repeat what he/she heard/ may only have a few words • May not potty train/May use pull-ups for extended time • May reach a plateau in learning • May not develop motor skills especially fine motor skills • Restricted interests • Cannot tolerate change: new people, places, textures, foods, etc • Cannot initiate conversation • Perseverates on things • May also have intellectual challenges

  7. Asperger’s/ASD Usually Comorbidwith: • ADHD • ODD • OCD

  8. Kubler-Ross’ Stages of Grief: It is normal for a couple/parent/family to experience this at the DIAGNOSTIC PHASE Denial & Isolation Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance

  9. OCD: ODD: • 2011 W.H.O. reported OCD is 1 of the top 20 causes of illness related disabilities in adults • Thought to be as common as 1 out of every 100 children/teens • Treatable/High Success Rate with medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy. • In children under 18 years of age: 5-16% • Greater # of cases in boys before the age of puberty • After puberty rates between boys and girls equal • 67% of ODD cases are resolved in 3 years • 30% of cases progress to Conduct Disorder PREVALENCE IN FAMILIES

  10. PREVALENCE CONTINUED: ADHD: • CDC reports 1 out of 10 US kids have ADHD • There is a 22% increase since 2003 • 5.4 million kids have ADHD; this is up by 1 million cases from 5 years ago • Statistics current as of 2011 ASD/Asperger’s: • According to Medscape Medical News Reports, back in 1985 the rate of ASD was 4 out of 10,000 kids • The CDC reported in 1996, the rate jumped 10xs; 1 out of 1,000 kids • 2004: Rate was 1 out of 166 kids • According to a PBS special, Autism Speaks, and several reports: CURRENT RATE 1 out of 110 (AUTISM SPEAKS reports 1 out of 70 boys)

  11. STRATEGIES TO HELP: • Couple must work on the MARITAL BOND • EACH parent must take care of themselves • Communication is VITAL • ASK FOR HELP • Become Child’s Advocate- everywhere (school, church, family)


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