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Enhancing Distance Education through Technology and Interaction

Explore key issues in distance education, focusing on the educational relationship and interaction in virtual learning environments. Discover the roles of teachers and tutors in facilitating learning, selecting technology, and assessing students. Learn about different types of interaction, including student-instructor, student-student, and learner-content. Understand the importance of encouraging interaction in distance education to enhance learning outcomes.

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Enhancing Distance Education through Technology and Interaction

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  1. Distance Education and the Internet TECH4101 Dr. Alaa Sadik Instructional & Learning Technologies Department www.alaasadik.net alaasadik@squ.edu.om

  2. Distance Education and the Internet TECH4101 Lecture Two (Week 3) Key Issues in Distance Education The educational relationship in DE- Interaction at a distance

  3. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In face-to-face education: The teacher can play an essential role in facilitating learning and supporting students. How? • prepare lessons, • discuss students, • manage the class, • select the needed technology, • suggest activities, • assess students and provide reinforcement.

  4. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In distance education: Although DE is recognised by the separation between the tutor and learners,an important role can be played by distance tutors. How?

  5. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In distance education: Although DE is recognised by the separation between the tutor and learners,an important role can be played by distance tutors. How? • deliver instructional materials, • suggest learning resources, • use appropriate interaction technology, • respond to students’ questions. • select the appropriate form of assessment.

  6. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In distance education: Therefore, a DE environment has two main components: • The content • The dialogue

  7. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In distance education: Therefore, a DE environment has two main components: • The content (course instructor and designer) • The dialogue(instructor’s and facilitator’s roles)

  8. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In distance education: Components of DE environments: • The dialogue(tutor’s role) Important for activating the use of new knowledge and facilitating assessment of students’ progress.

  9. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In distance education: Components of DE environments: • The dialogue(tutor’s role) How can be achieved?

  10. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education In distance education: Components of DE environments: • The dialogue(tutor’s role) • The tutor may visit the distant site, or students may take a trip to a central site. • The tutor may use technology to interact and support students.

  11. Interact Develop Deliver The Educational Relationship in Distance Education The dialogue (tutor’s role) The dialogue in the absence of two-way communication technology (e.g., printed materials, TV and phone calls). Model 1

  12. The Educational Relationship in Distance Education The dialogue (tutor’s role) The dialogue using two-way communication technology (e.g., the Internet) Model 2 The same medium can be used to distribute the content and facilitate interaction

  13. Interaction at a Distance Interaction • A process of communication that happens between the learner and the learning environment in which the learner takes a more positive role. • Interactivity has been described as a key to success in traditional classroom to enhance learning and motivate learners.

  14. Interaction at a Distance Types of Interaction • Social interaction 1. Student-instructor interaction 2. Student-student interaction • Individual interaction 3. Student-content interaction

  15. Interaction at a Distance Social Interaction 1. Student-instructor interaction Occurs between the learner and the instructor. Why? To motivate and support the learner and allows for clarification of any misunderstanding.

  16. Interaction at a Distance Social Interaction 2. Student-Student interaction Occurs between one learner and another learner, with or without the presence of an instructor. Used to negotiate information and share learning experience.

  17. Interaction at a Distance Individual Interaction 3. Learner-content interaction Occurs between the learner and the learning content to bring about changes in the learner’s understanding.

  18. Interaction at a Distance Types of Social Interaction • Time-dependent (synchronous) • Time-independent (asynchronous)

  19. Interaction at a Distance Types of Social Interaction • Time-dependent (synchronous) Using real-time communication technology (e.g., telephone, video conferencing, chatting…)

  20. Interaction at a Distance Types of Social Interaction • Time-independent (asynchronous) Using communication tools (e.g., fax, e-mail, discussion boards…).

  21. Interaction at a Distance Encouraging interaction at a distance. 1. Student-instructor interaction. Student-instructor interaction can be constructed and fostered in DE. How? Using various strategies • communication tools, • social networks, • questions and quizzes.

  22. Interaction at a Distance Encouraging interaction at a distance. 2. Student-student interaction Student-student interaction can be constructed and fostered in DE. How? Using various strategies • … • … • …

  23. Interaction at a Distance Encouraging interaction at a distance: How? 3. Student-content interaction Student-content interaction can be constructed and fostered in DE. How? Using various strategies • … • … • …

  24. The End Questions, Discussions & Activities

  25. Activity Finding examples of different types of interaction in distance education • Search for one of the universities/institutes that provide distance education courses/programs, and find information about the course/program (from the university/institute web site), including: regulations, policy, support, subject matter, materials, interaction, costs, etc. • Find more info about types and importance of interaction supported in this course/program. • Find the technology used by the university/institute and students (e.g., printed materials, email, audio/video conferencing…) that support types of interaction mentioned in Lecture 2. • Post up-to 500 words of your findings to your blog (at blogger.com).

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