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Most effective postoperative diet to aid recovery

Most effective postoperative diet to aid recovery. Gillian Waddell 19th November 2012. Structure of Presentation. What is needed? Balanced diet Why proteins & what they do. What is needed?. Increased fluid Increased calorie intake. Balanced diet- carbohydrates, fats, dairy & proteins

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Most effective postoperative diet to aid recovery

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Most effective postoperative diet to aid recovery • Gillian Waddell • 19th November 2012

  2. Structure of Presentation • What is needed? • Balanced diet • Why proteins & what they do

  3. What is needed? • Increased fluid • Increased calorie intake. • Balanced diet- carbohydrates, fats, dairy & proteins • Rest!!

  4. The Balanced Diet

  5. Optimum recovery is achieved when the diet is rich in protein & amino acids. • Why?

  6. Proteins • Proteins are responsible for cell construction, growth and repair • Think of anything that grows skin, hair, muscle, fingernails and new blood cells

  7. What makes a Protein? • Proteins are made up of 20 amino acids. • The body can produce 12 of these itself, these are non essential amino acids, the other 8 we get from food these are called essential amino acids.

  8. The essential amino acids • We can't produce these our self • They are found in food • The quantity of each of these varies from person to person & how healthy a person is

  9. Foods Rich in Proteins • Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish and eggs • Pulses, nuts and seeds • Soya products and vegetable protein foods • Eggs contain all 8 essential amino acids

  10. Conclusion • A balanced diet is needed to aid recovery. • Proteins are essential for the body to recover & repair • Amino acids build proteins there are 2 types essential & non essential. • We get these essential acids from food by increasing protein rich foods

  11. Sources • http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/treatments/healthy_living/nutrition/healthy_protein.shtml • https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&noj=1&biw=1024&bih=672&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=balanced+diet+diagram&oq=diet+diagram&gs_l=img.1.2.0j0i5l2j0i5i24.376369.378105.0.381413.|20;d|5gGD01NV-LbPMM: • http://www.peptide2.com/peptide/Wikipedia_Amino_Acid.htm • http://www.livestrong.com/article/474353-surgery-recovery-diet/ • http://www.improving-health-and-energy.com/protein-content-of-foods.html

  12. Questions & Answers

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