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Explore the concept, strategy, and implementation of marketing tourism in Latvia. Learn about the European Destinations of Excellence project and the Latvian tourism marketing strategy for 2010-2015. Discover key trends, values, and objectives in Latvia's tourism industry, including sustainability, quality, and individualization. Understand the essential values of Latvian tourism products and the Latvian Tourism Brand Platform. Dive into the target audience, focusing on individuals seeking to unwind and enjoy leisure experiences. Embrace slow tourism trends and the European Destinations of Excellence initiative for sustainable tourism development in Latvia.
Marketing of tourism in Latvia - the concept, strategy, implementation. Project "European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN)". Armands Slokenbergs Director, Latvian Tourism Development Agency
Contents: The Latvian tourism marketing strategy The new Latvian tourism brand EDEN project
Trends: Globalization Demografic changes Availability of information “Experience economy” age Individualizadion and customization Sustainability Helth and healthy lifestyle
Vision Latvia – recognized in its target markets as an attractive tourism destination for individual tourists, it provides true, sincerehospitality and high quality, innovative, authentic and sustainable tourism products with high added value in the relevant target segments created by people with knowledge and professionalism.
Marketing objectives The brand Co-operation Quality of services Seasonality Product development Economic objectives A prolonged stay by foreign tourists to more than 3 nights Tourism service exports increase of 5 – 10% against the previous year Local tourism increase against the total(%) against total tourism service export Tourism related income to 5% of GDP
Tourism products (resources): Culture varaity Nature Products with high added value (medical, health, MICE, sport etc)
The essential values of Latvian tourism products: Quality Sustainability High added value Individualization Involvement and experience
Our promise to a visitor to Latvia is: That Latvia is a place, where having arrived, you have the opportunity to change the tempo of your life, to enjoy leisure experiences, thereby tasting new experiences, allowing you to aspire to harmony and reveal your true inner values.
Unhurried leisure in Latvia: • Is an invitation to stay longer and return • Is a diverse use of your time that encourages you to stay • Is a way of experiencing the best things in Latvia • Is a product created by Latvian tourism
The tourism brand is compatible with current worldwide tourism trends
The growing trends in worldwide tourism are - Green Tourism, Nature Tourism,Eco Tourism, Knowledge Tourism, Experience Tourism, Culture Tourism, Culinary Tourism, Slow Tourism un Latvia is part of this trend.
“I don't like to do much on my holidays, and the idea of slowing down and taking the time to enjoy the scenery instead of rushing from one thing to another works for me.” (Jill, Great Britain)
With the new tourism brand we will address: People who quickly catch on and try out new trends – a growing niche segment with potential The biggest and most important tourism segment in Europe, the population over 55
„Best enjoyed slowly” allows various tourism products to find their target group: Tourists who enjoy wild nature, the sea and coast Active leisure, observing sustainability principles Tourists who demand high quality entertainment and culture experiences Clean and well kept rather than untouched nature It is critical to achieve harmonic transition form today’s product portfolio to future one
Mērķis: • Veicināt ilgtspējīgu tūrisma attīstību • Uzdevumi: • Pievērst uzmanību potenciāliem Eiropas tūristu galamērķiem (vērtībām, daudzveidībai) • Mazināt sezonalitātes negatīvo ietekmi • Veicināt kontrolētu tūristu plūsmu • Radīt platformu veiksmīgai pieredzes apmaiņai starp ES valstīm • Veicināt ilgtspējīgu tūrisma attīstību un izpratni par to
Praktiski: • Iespēja tūristu galamērķiem pārbaudīt kā notiek attīstība • Kļūt atpazīstamākiem Latvijā, bet īpaši Eiropā un kā atpazīstamības zīmi lietot EDEN logo • Iesaistīties EDEN profesionālās informācijas apritē ar vairāk nekā 50 citiem EDEN tūrisma galamērķiem Eiropā • Brošūras, kartiņas, video klips • Instruments uzņēmējiem uzrunāt savas pašvaldības un iedrošināt, argumentēt tūrisma attīstības nepieciešamību
Kritēriji: • Tūristu galamērķi tiek pārbaudīti izmantojot ilgtspējīgas attīstības kritērijus un indikatorus: • - ekonomiskos • - ekoloģiskos • - sociālos