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Performance Update “ 10 pounds of stuff in a 5 pound bag”

Performance Update “ 10 pounds of stuff in a 5 pound bag”. Jeff Boote Senior Network Software Engineer Internet2 Martin Swany Assistant Professor University of Delaware. Overview. Performance Measurement Goals and Vision Measurement Tools perfSONAR Transport Middleware. Goals.

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Performance Update “ 10 pounds of stuff in a 5 pound bag”

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  1. Performance Update“10 pounds of stuff in a 5 pound bag” Jeff BooteSenior Network Software Engineer Internet2 Martin Swany Assistant Professor University of Delaware

  2. Overview • Performance Measurement Goals and Vision • Measurement Tools • perfSONAR • Transport Middleware

  3. Goals • Increase network awareness • Set user expectations accurately • Reduce diagnostic costs • Performance problems noticed early • Performance problems addressed efficiently • Network engineers can see & act outside their turf • Transform application design • Incorporate network intuition into application behavior

  4. Vision: Performance Information is … • Available • People can find it (Discovery) • “Community of trust” allows access across administrative domain boundaries • Ubiquitous • Widely deployed (Paths of interest covered) • Reliable (Consistently configured correctly) • Valuable • Actionable (Analysis suggests course of action) • Automatable (Applications act on data)

  5. NDT • 3.4.1 is current version • Latest enhancements were related to administrator ability to analyze data using JAnalyze (Google summer of code project) • Test points available at all Internet2 IP network router locations: • ndt.POP.net.internet2.edu • POP=losa,salt,hous,kans,chic,atla,newy,wash

  6. OWAMP (One way latency data) • 3.0c (RFC 4645 version) available now • Maintenance mode • Diagnostic test points available at all Internet2 IP Network router locations: • owamp.POP.net.internet2.edu • POP = losa,salt,hous,kans,chic,atla,newy,wash

  7. BWCTL (Throughput tests) • 1.2a is current version • 1.3 in testing (new testers: nuttcp, thrulay) • Diagnostic test points available at all Internet2 IP Network router locations: • bwctl.POP.net.internet2.edu • POP = losa,salt,hous,kans,chic,atla,newy,wash

  8. NPToolKit • Recent versions of Measurement tools installed and pre-configured • Knoppix Live-CD bootable system • Current Version: 1.9 • http://e2epi.internet2.edu/network-performance-toolkit.html

  9. What is perfSONAR • A collaboration • Production network operators focused on designing and building tools that they will deploy and use on their networks to provide monitoring and diagnostic capabilites to themselves and their user comunities. • An architecture & a set of protocols • Web Services Architecture • Protocols based on the Open Grid Forum Network Measurement Working Group Schemas • Several interoperable software implementations • Java & Perl • A Deployed Measurement infrastructure

  10. perfSONAR Collaboraters • RNP • ARNES • BELNET • CARNET • CESNET • CYNET • DANTE • DFN • ESnet • FCCN • FERMI • GARR • GEANT • GRNET • HEAnet • Internet2 • ISTF • POZNAN • UNINETT • University of Delaware • Renater • RedIRIS • SLAC • SWITCH • SURFnet And anybody else I missed

  11. perfSONAR Architecture • Interoperable network measurement middleware: • Modular • Web services-based • Decentralized • Locally controlled • Integrates: • Network measurement tools • Network measurement archives • Discovery • Authentication and authorization • Data manipulation • Resource protection • Topology • Based on: • Open Grid Forum Network Measurement Working Group schema.

  12. perfSONAR-PS Motivation • Create separate implementation of perfSONAR standard • Use same protocol/standards • Proof of interoperability (strengthens the standard) • Targeted for NOC deployments • Lightweight • Easy to deploy/manage • (We were unable to convince our primary users to deploy Java services due to the complexity of dependencies)

  13. perfSONAR-PS Beta Release (0.06) (1/21/08) • Focus on development of major perfSONAR components • LS - perfSONAR_PS::Services::LS::LS • SNMP MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::SNMP • Status MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::Status • CircuitStatus MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::CircuitStatus • Topology MA - perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::Topology • PingER (SLAC) * • Not yet released • OWAMP/BWCTL archive (perfSONARBUOY) • Not released via CPAN

  14. SNMP Measurement Archive • Provide access to network performance data • Utilization • Errors • Discards • Numerous tools exist to collect passive measurements (via SNMP): • MRTG • Cacti • Cricket • Expose archives from RRD files

  15. SNMP Measurement Archive • Current Deployment: • Internet2 Network • ESnet • Georgia Tech/SOX • Fermilab

  16. Pinger Based MP/MA • Joint effort between Fermi Lab and SLAC • Present views of historic Pinger data • Expose interface to schedule live tests • Built with perfSONAR-PS infrastructure

  17. Link Status Measurement Archive • Provide access to up/down status information about layer2 links • Data stored in a SQL database • Database schema allows for storing time ranges during which a link had a certain status • Minimizes storage costs for rarely changing links • Communication/Configuration via XML • Target audience is network operators and users interested in obtaining the status of the links over which their data flows

  18. Link Status Measurement Archive • Collector • Allows for the periodic collection of the status of one or more links • Can use SNMP, Scripts or simply Constants • Can store results directly into a database or into a remote Measurement Archive

  19. Link Status Measurement Archive • Visualization • A perfSONAR-UI Plugin is available that can display a network and the status of its links • Current Deployment • Internet2 Network • HOPI (in2p3 circuit) • Planned Deployment • SLAC

  20. Circuit Status Measurement Archive • An e2emon-compatible service • Integrates with the Link Status MA to provide the information stored in MAs • Can work with local MAs directly or with remote MAs • Can use the Topology MA to obtain necessary information about nodes • Can use a Lookup Service to lookup the MA containing information on each link • Target audience is administrators who want to publish circuit status information to e2emon clients

  21. Circuit Status Measurement Archive • Visualization • Any tool that is compatible with e2emon will work with this service • Current Deployment • Internet2 Network • HOPI (in2p3 circuit) • Planned Deployment • SLAC

  22. Topology Service • Provides a queryable repository for obtaining topology information about a domain • Can obtain the entire network • Xquery interface allows the construction of complex queries about the network • Topology is specified according to the schema in development in the OGF

  23. Topology Service • Current Deployments • Internet2 • Planned Deployments • Internet2 DCN • SLAC (PingER Topology Information)

  24. perfSONAR Lookup Service • Directory service of perfSONAR deployments • Accept service registrations • Handles queries for service location and capabilities and location of available data • Manage the lifetimes of data and services to keep information up to date • Web Service interface to XML Database • Sleepycat XML Database • Service Info/Data kept in native formats • Draw away the complex query tasks from otherwise 'busy' services

  25. Lookup Service • Also XML based configuration/protocol • Native storage/query mechanisms [Xpath/XQuery] • Message format to exchange the data • Targeted at single domain deployment • Single instance to manage multiple services • Client components and applications use the LS to find services • perfSONAR-UI • perfAdmin

  26. Lookup Service • Current Deployment: • Internet2 (Ann Arbor)‏ • University of Delaware • Planned Deployment: • IU for Internet2 network and regionals • International Partners

  27. Distributed Lookup Service • Federation of individual LS instances into a global system • “Meta”-lookup phase allows a query to find the specific LS that has relevant information • Or perhaps the relevant LSes that have said info • The specific query is sent directly to the LS in question • Recent active design and development

  28. Distributed Lookup Service • Service and measurement metadata is “summarized” for propagation to distant domains • IP addresses in service and measurement metadata are compressed into network/netmask pairs in the same way that routes are advertised (CIDR-style) • These summarized metadata elements are advertised to external “scopes” • A “scope” is a set of LSes that are related by e.g. being in the same administrative domain (although multiple scopes within a single domain are possible)

  29. Weather Maps - Internet2

  30. Gmaps from SLAC

  31. CNM from DFN

  32. CNM from DFN

  33. perfSONARUI from acad.bg

  34. PerfsonarUI 1

  35. PerfsonarUI 2

  36. PerfsonarUI 3

  37. Oscars Circuit plugin - Internet2

  38. Oscars circuit plugin

  39. E2Emon - Monitoring Circuits

  40. E2Emon: Status of E2E link CERN-LHCOPN-FNAL-001 E2Emon generated view of the data for one OPN link [E2EMON]

  41. Traceroute Visualizer • Forward direction bandwidth utilization on application path from LBNL to INFN-Frascati (Italy) • traffic shown as bars on those network device interfaces that have an associated MP services (the first 4 graphs are normalized to 2000 Mb/s, the last to 500 Mb/s) 1 ir1000gw ( 2 er1kgw 3 lbl2-ge-lbnl.es.net 4 slacmr1-sdn-lblmr1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 5 snv2mr1-slacmr1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 6 snv2sdn1-snv2mr1.es.net 7 chislsdn1-oc192-snv2sdn1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 8 chiccr1-chislsdn1.es.net 9 aofacr1-chicsdn1.es.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 10 esnet.rt1.nyc.us.geant2.net (NO DATA) 11 so-7-0-0.rt1.ams.nl.geant2.net (NO DATA) 12 so-6-2-0.rt1.fra.de.geant2.net (NO DATA) 13 so-6-2-0.rt1.gen.ch.geant2.net (NO DATA) 14 so-2-0-0.rt1.mil.it.geant2.net (NO DATA) 15 garr-gw.rt1.mil.it.geant2.net (NO DATA) 16 rt1-mi1-rt-mi2.mi2.garr.net 17 rt-mi2-rt-rm2.rm2.garr.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 18 rt-rm2-rc-fra.fra.garr.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 19 rc-fra-ru-lnf.fra.garr.net (GRAPH OMITTED) 20 21 www6.lnf.infn.it ( 189.908 ms 189.596 ms 189.684 ms link capacity is also provided

  42. Phoebus Motivation We’re addressing performance problems and easing adoption of DC network circuits by deploying intelligent network services like Phoebus in order to actively enable users to better leverage their network connectivity (and network investment) by consistently achieving maximum performance The Phoebus service seeks to bridge the E2E Performance Gap by providing end-users a seamless way to access new types of high performance networks like the Dynamic Circuit (DC) Network to maximize their application performance.

  43. High Latency due to distance High Loss due to shared infrastructure The State of the Net

  44. Phoebus in Action Phoebus is based on the concept of creating a unique data-moving “session” for each application Each time an application is run, specific adaptation points in the backbone – known as Phoebus Gateways - are utilized to determine the best , highest performance path For example, a file transfer application may traditionally use the IP network. Once the application is set in motion, Phoebus determines the best network path from end to end for this specific application which could include a combination of IP, DC or other future service. Since the intelligence is in the core of the network, Phoebus enables all types of applications to leverage improved network performance with little to no modification by the end-user The Phoebus model is applicable to future applications as well and may prove to be a factor in the evolution of data transport technology

  45. The Phoebus Model Phoebus is a framework and protocol for high-performance networks Phoebus works to transparently split the end-to-end network path into distinct segments Adaptation points are typically chosen at the ingress and egress points of the backbone This minimizes the negative effects of high latency and packet loss on data transfer By localizing their effects By allocating dedicated resources to mitigate the issues

  46. The Phoebus Model - Con’t Transparent adaptation for existing applications Perform well to nearest Phoebus Gateway and allow the system to do the rest No modification necessary for most applications The Phoebus system has the ability to optimize the performance with a variety of techniques and insights into the state of the network

  47. Phoebus-Enabled DC Network End-to-End Session DC Network

  48. Session Layer Protocol The Phoebus Session Protocol (PSP) can be used to manage a multi-layer connection PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP TCP TCP Layer 2 (e.g. DCN)

  49. Enabling Applications Phoebus can be enabled on Linux systems with software Applications don’t need to be recompiled Windows support under investigation Alternatively, we can intercept certain traffic with a special host acting as a router No modifications to the users’ workstations

  50. Phoebus - Future • Deployment in nine router POPs over the next few months • Simple file transfer tool • Transparently use Phoebus/Dynamic Circuits • Utilize Measurement Infrastructure • Help find best routes, provide information about paths and achievable bandwidth • Extension of Path Finding / Routing • Authentication and Authorization

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