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Developing a new product line is both thrilling and challenging. Almost all firms make the same faults during the process of new product development. Understanding the food product development challenges can aid in prevention of time delays and keep your project on track on time.<br><br>More info: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/blog/new-food-product-development/food-product-development-challenges-and-solutions-in-the-uk/
CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONSFORNEW FOOD PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTINUK AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,FoodResearchLab Group: www.foodresearchlab.com Email:info@foodresearchlab.com
TOPICDISCUSSION Introduction PainPointIdentified Lack of skills and knowledge Productdevelopmentdelays Solutions
INTRODUCTION Theworldwidefoodandbeveragesector areverycompetitive To keep ahead of the competition and fulfil consumers' more demanding and exacting expectations, successful firms must innovate and provide new food products that are appealing,safe, and manufacturedata costthattheconsumerisreadytopay.
Significantexpenditureisrequiredfornewfoodproductdevelopment.Significantexpenditureisrequiredfornewfoodproductdevelopment. IntheUK,today'sfoodprocessingcompaniesfaceanincreasinglychallenging market. Food productdevelopmentrisksandpayoffsarehigherandmoreunclearthaninthepastdueto limited internal resources and finances, a rising need to get quickly to market, brand names whosevalueisbeingstrained,anddemandingpurchasers. 2022isexpectedtobeacomplexoperatingenvironmentforUKfoodproducers,withlabour shortages and difficult price decisions among the challenges that will preoccupy firm leadersformostoftheyear.
Developing a new product line is both thrilling and challenging. Almost all firms makethesamefaults duringtheprocessof newproductdevelopment. Understanding the issues can aid in the prevention during new food product developmentandkeepingyourprojecton trackontime.
PAINPOINTIDENTIFIED Add in a new Covid fear - the Omicron version - and ongoing post-Brexit commercial issues between the mainland UKandNorthernIreland,andit'seasytosee whythere'sageneralsenseofdoom. The food business is subject to turmoil in the economy, labour market, and supply chains bydefinition.
A slew of issues have surfaced in the UK this year, prompting some industry observers to refer to the conditions manufacturers are operatingunderasaperfectstorm. Thisplethoraofissues,ifnotaddressed,willaffectthe manufacturers,especiallyinthenewproductdevelopment, adversely. Let'slookintoeach of theissuesthatsurfacedinthelayers of the UK'sindustry.
LACKOFSKILLSAND KNOWLEDGE With such big sums at risk, it is critical that businesses do all possible to assure success. However, creatinga new food product or reformulating an existing one mightbechallenging. The improper heating technique, difficulty with an ingredient, or microbiological concernscanallhaveaninfluenceonthe safetyandqualityofaproduct.
NPDnecessitatesspecializedknowledgeandskillsinavarietyof areas,including ingredients,safetyassurance,thermalprocess validation,law,andpackaging. Supposeacorporationhastoexpanditsfacilitiesandbuildanewfactorytocreatea new product. In that case, several other elements must be considered, such as the facility's size, sanitary design, functional layout and work processes, and equipment specification. As a result, it's not unexpected that particular food and beverage enterprises have restrictedaccess tothenecessarytechnologicalfacilitiesandconsultingexpertise.
PRODUCTDEVELOPMENT DELAYS Productdevelopmentdelaysmight result in trailing time periods to match trends, resultinginalossduetoadaptability. Despite rising demand to create more new items and the need to speed up product developmentactivities,thereasonsforthese delays are the poor definition of the product, technological uncertainties and Other managerialconcerns.
thatincludemanagementand organizational style, a lack of attention to detail,alack of supportforinnovation,alack of strategic thinking, and insufficient productionfacilities. SOLUTIONS New Product Development issues might be technically demanding. A company, for example,hasachallengewithafermented product - maintaining the desired product viscosityduringstorage.
Thismightberelatedtoavariety of factors,includingthemanagement of the microbiologicalfermentationtogetthedesiredlevelsof acidity,theaddition Theappropriatevolumes oftheappropriatetypesof thickeningagents,and temperaturecontroltoachievethedesiredgelling. Solvingthechallengenecessitatedresearchandunderstandingoftheproduct's microbiology,componentformulationandinteraction,andprocesscontrol. Allinorderto achievetheidealtextureonwhichtheproduct'squalitydepended.
Enlisting the correct skills not only ensures a seamless transition fromconcepttoproductbutmayalsosavemoneybyreducing wasteandenergyuse. This is critical when profit margins are thin, as is the usual for the foodandbeverageindustries. Unexpected difficulties can, of course, emerge in all areas of the foodandbeverageindustry.Identifyingtheissueimmediatelyand efficientlywillsavedowntimeandsavemoney.
CONCLUSION Unexpected difficulties in new product developmentcanoccur,buttosucceed,we havetoforeseethechangesinthemarket. The delay in new product development is still an issue for which clarity of the product and technologicalaccessibilityanduncertainties. The resolution of such issues with no further cost escalation needs proper planning and understandingoftheproductwithskilland knowledgeinthefield.
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