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Meat products or processed meat are generally considered unhealthy due to the main source of sodium exceeding 30 % of the total daily intake in most diets.<br>Food Research Lab can help you solve these problems related to the formulation of low fat and low salt meat products. FRL is for food and nutraceutical manufacturers as well as those companies involved in NPD and developing spec without manufacturing.
IncorporatingSeaweeds asaHealthyAlternative toFormulateLow-Salt MeatProducts AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,FoodResearchLab Group:www.foodresearchlab.com Email:info@foodresearchlab.com
TODAY'SDISCUSSION Introduction Application of seaweeds in meat products Summary
INTRODUCTION Meatproducts or processed meat are generally considered unhealthy due to the main source of sodium exceeding 30 % of the total daily intake in most diets. Saltisincorporated asamulti-functional ingredient, suchaspreventingspoilage, conferring flavourandobtainingdesired texture. Moreover, they are used excessively due to their lowcost. Contd...
Foradults,therecommendedintakelimitofsaltislessthan5gperdaywasgivenby theWorld Health Organization (WHO). Therefore,formulatinganewlowsaltmeatproductwithstablephysio-chemical, microbialand sensory properties are ideal. Variousstrategieshavebeenusedinthepast,forsubstitutionofsodiumchloridewith calcium, potassium and magnesiumsalts and evenamix of these. However,duetotheirmetallicbitteraftertasteandnegativeimpactsonthenutrition profilethey are not accepted by consumers. Contd...
Edible seaweedsoffernovelopportunitiestodevelop healthier foodsto formulate low saltmeat products. As explained in our previous blog seaweeds are rich source bio-nutrientslikepolysaccharides,PUFA,proteins,and vitaminsand minerals. Thehigh mineralcontentinthe seaweedsoffersthe opportunity as a functional replacer, due to their low Na/K ratio, in processed meat with low salt and energy values and withreducedrisk of health conditions. Contd...
New productdevelopmentisessentialforbusiness successand growth. Ourideasarecontrastedwithnon‐foodspecifictheorists,theseincludethose interested in themanagement of new products and thoseinvolved in marketing.
APPLICATIONOFSEAWEEDSIN MEATPRODUCTS Different ingredients have been tested to be used as a salt substitute,suchasAlgySalt,PureSeaindifferent processedmeats. These ingredients provide organoleptic and technological characteristics for the final product formulation with little or nosaltcontent. Anexperiment conductedcomparingthe saltsfrom different sources, such as NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and AlgySaltin fresh and cookedsausages. Contd...
Finalcharacteristicssuchasmicrobialstability,sensoryandtechnologicalcharacteristics werestudied. Itwasfoundthatseaweed,AlgySaltshowcased,goodbindingproperties,greater hardness with little cooking losses compared to the other salts tested. Intermsof microbial stability, seaweedhas similar microbial resistance withchemical salts. UnprocessedmeatproductsformulatedwithAlgySaltshowcasedsignificantbettercolour, texture,and had a juicier texture. Ontheotherhand,cookedmeatproductswithsalthadabettersensorycustomer acceptance. Contd...
In a similar experiment, where the frankfurter sausages were evaluated, the addition of seaweedaidedin reducing the cooking loss, colour, textureprofileandsensory profiles wereimproved. When compared with seaweed varieties, sea tangle and sea mustard presented the best results intermsofemulsion stability,cooking lossand retention ofsensoryproperties. Contd...
The textural properties such as cohesiveness, springiness and exterior hardness were found to be unchanged when sea mustard was used in theemulsion-based meat products. It was also recorded that the reformulated meat emulsion had higher viscosity with improvedelasticity. Thisis considered a valuablequalityindicatorforemulsionmeatproducts. WatersolubleextractfromPalmariapalmatewasfoundtobeaneffectivesaltreplacer tobe used in cooked ham. Contd...
This application did not affect the final yield, colour, texture of the finalproduct. This application yielded almost 6 months of refrigerated storage period. Similarly,incorporationofWakameinblackpuddingsresultedin an unaltered change in colour and appearance and lower cooking losswas observed. Black pudding with 0.6% NaCl and seaweed application yielded higherspicinessand saltinessscores compared tothe control. Contd...
Edible algae such as Porphyra umbilicalis, P. palmate, Himanthalia elongata and Undaria pinnatifida, when used in the preparation of sausages improved the customer acceptance by 50%. The resultsrevealedthatthesealgaeloweredthelightness (L*),redness(a*)and yellowness (b*) values in comparison to the control sample. Due to the presence of the polysaccharides from the seaweeds, dark compounds are formed in pork meat during the Maillardstage of the cooking process.
ContractFoodResearchLabofferarangeofservicestofoodproducers,but chiefamongthemaremicrobiologytestingtodetectfoodpathogens.
SUMMARY Seaweedshavebeenhistorically consumedinAsiafor nutritionand therapeutic purposes. In recent times, western countries are adapting to it for the purposesof recoveryofhydrocolloids; suchasalginate, agar and carrageenan in thefood industry. The inclusion of seaweeds as a functional replacer in meat based products was found to be a promising and healthier alternativewhen compared to saltedmeats. Contd...
In terms of business, the demand for seaweeds is growing exponentially for food and pharmaceuticalsectors which are expected to reach USD 22 billion by2024. GlobalR&D consulting&outsourcing servicesinfood researchcanenableenterprisestosavecostsonfacilities or equipment used forfood researchprojects. Afew challengeswereidentifiedin selectingthe correct varietyof seaweedsandtheirappropriate methodof incorporation. Contd...
Continuoustrial anderrorexperimentswere conducted toidentifytheappropriate dosagewith improved customer acceptance. Itwasalso clearlyevaluatedthattheimpactofincluding seaweedsonnutritional, physio-chemical, microbial properties of the reformulated meat product had improved substantially.
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